Because the oral health must be made soon since the first months of life, here are some more examples that can be adapted and applied here also in Portugal.
There is not enough dentists, we must focus on prevention and allow all portuguese instant access to oral health care, without any social or geographical discrimination.
Thus, the adaptation of some of these campaigns to reality portuguese (including among the most needy population) and the creation of the possibility of immediate access to treatment that is needed is necessary and urgent measures to be applied in our country, in order to combat the serious problems of oral health that still affect a large percentage of population.
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UBS develops preventive actions (28-10-2006)
Children draw what they learned with activities
Marília, Sao Paulo (Brazil) - The UBS Plateau, south side, promoted activities related to municipal campaign Smiley Marília, oral health, throughout the week. Theater, music and recreational activities involving children in districts affected by the unit. The team who also guided the mothers on the need and ways to higienizar the mouth of babies.
The population affected by the UBS (Basic Health Unit) Plateau is about eight thousand inhabitants, of which at least two are children. "Apart from Plateau, the program covers about 20 more districts," the nurse informed care of the post, Alessandra Pereira.
The dentist's unit, in addition to other professionals of the team guided the children on the importance to maintain oral hygiene to health and taught how to brush their teeth and tongue and in which situations it should be done. To arrest the attention, resources such as music, toys, stories and theater were used.
In addition to the pediatric patients, other children of the community participated throughout the week. Luan Vinícius Rodriguez, 12 years, was yesterday in the space reserved for the unit's activities. Surrounded by many drawings on the walls, bladders and the sound of music on the brushing of teeth, he designed a poster in which learned. "The people are distracted and learn. The oral health has to be good, if not the teeth fall and must use dentures, "he said.
Anunciato Gabriel de Miranda, 11 years, is the son of one of the agents of unity and community helped to make the disclosure. "I called all my friends. What I found most interesting is how that is a sure way to brush their teeth, "he said.
In the area of phonoaudiology, it was explained to the children as babies, bottles and nozzles affect the dental arch, deform the mouth and interfere in the talks.
BABY - A team of UBS also guided the mothers who went through the unit throughout the week. The babies must have a clean mouth since birth. Just umedecer a gauze or a piece of cloth diaper, with filtered water or boiled and the finger roll through the child's mouth, including gums and tongue.
The hygiene should be done after all breastfeeding and mostly at night, before the baby to sleep. The measure prevents the bacteria that cause inflammation in the gums and ensure the birth of healthy teeth. In addition, the team warning about the mistake of putting sugar in the milk of the child, which is unnecessary and harmful.
SCHOOLS - A team of UBS Plateau also led the guidelines and plays in municipal schools Nivando Mariano de Souza and Samba Read-read. The competition of posters still awarded the winners with kits for brushing. A lecture was also held at the State School Walfredo Rothermund. All activities were developed at the initiative of the team, which also used their own resources.
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Recreational activities involving children
Marília, Sao Paulo (Brazil) - Children's education in the municipal network spent the afternoon yesterday in the Municipal Theatre. The first day of the event "Smiley Marília" with the participation of municipal authorities, which together with students, attended the presentations of music and theater on oral health.
The "Smiley Marília" is held annually by the Oral Health Program of the Municipal Bureau of Health in partnership with other dental offices in class, as the APCD (Paulista Association of Dental Surgeons).
Prevention is the key word, hence the focus of action on children. "The idea is to incorporate in people from childhood awareness of the quality of life, which includes oral health," stressed the dentist Marco Girotto, coordinator of the event. The mayor emphasized that Mario Bulgareli in health, prevention is the best alternative. The municipal secretary of Health, Julio Cezar Zorzetto, was also present.
Children's municipal network attended a presentation of students in Apae (Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional) who danced and represented the sound of a parody in tribute to the dentists. Following, community health agents and dentists of the Family Health Program (PSF) made plays interactive.
"More than 70 professionals are involved in this work themselves and develop the parts that show," Girotto informed. According to him, so playful children absorb knowledge, which increases the chances of them having a routine of proper oral hygiene.
Today and tomorrow, other students in the municipal network attend the presentations in the theatre. The units of the health council are also planning activities throughout the week, also with the target audience of children.
The correct cleaning the mouth not only prevent cavities. Apart from the mouth bacteria multiply if the food remains and remove calcium from the teeth, making them more vulnerable to them, the intake of these bacteria can bring consequences for the body. The bodies tend to be more damaged heart, liver and kidneys.
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