Saturday 31 December 2011

487. It is true that smoking causes tooth loss?

Yes, smoking can lead to tooth loss. Research worldwide has shown that smoking is directly related to most diseases of the mouth, including the squamous cell carcinoma, which is the main type of oral cancer.

Studies show that smokers are four times more chances of getting periodontitis, a disease that causes destruction of the bone supporting the teeth. This is because smoking increases the peeling of the oral mucosa, gums and causes heating of tissue inflammation, with consequent destruction of bone tissue, which may result in total loss of the tooth.

Depending on the severity of the event (time of smoke, volume and lack of care for oral hygiene) the destruction of bone tissue can reach the point of preventing the placement of the implant. If the smoking persists and the person does not take the necessary precautions to keep your mouth healthy, you can even lose the implant ever.

Tooth loss is a slow process before it becomes evident the smoker suffer other dental problems. A study by Elizabeth Krall Kaye, epidemiologist and professor of health policy and research services in health at Boston University's School of Dental Medicine, found that people who smoke cigarettes have a probability up to 70% more likely to need to do root canal treatment (endodontic ) compared to nonsmokers.

Ideal for good oral health and whole body is to stop smoking. Better still is not starting. But for those who can not quit, the best option is to prevent making frequent and routine visits to the dentist for cleaning and possible interventions to prevent the aggravation of installation and potential problems.

Danielli Spina, specialist in aesthetic dentistry and prosthetics

486. Brushing your teeth reduces risk of cardiovascular disease

Brushing your teeth regularly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a study in Scotland. Researchers ensure that people who rarely or never brushed their teeth, had a 70% higher relative risk of suffering a myocardial infarction or other cardiovascular complication, even after adjusting for other cardiovascular risk factors. Even individuals who brushed their teeth only once a day instead of twice or more, presenting a 30% lower relative risk of these events cadiovasculares fatal or not.

Periodontal inflammation, which is gingivitis, promotes the development of atherosclerosis, the formation of fatty plaques in artery walls of the heart. About 40% of the population has some degree of periodontal disease, a chronic inflammatory disease complex, largely caused by poor oral hygiene.

Experts say that promote oral health can be an effective measure in preventing cardiovascular disease.

Friday 9 December 2011

484. Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future

Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future

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The Alliance for a future free of dental caries is formed by a worldwide group of experts who have joined to promote an integrated clinical and public health in order to prevent and eliminate caries, advancing to a future free of dental caries in all the age groups.

Overall, the group believes that an overall collaboration is needed to challenge world leaders and other regional and local actors to the need to warn the importance of dental caries as a factor inducing the disease and to participate in activities that promote the prevention of caries, allowing an overall management that can positively influence the ongoing problem of caries.

Given the purpose of conducting an action for global collaboration, the Alliance aims to partner global, regional or local level, involving political and community leaders, health professionals and oral health education and the general public.



Thursday 1 December 2011

483. Azorean schools healthier

The Regional Directorate of Health today launched, in Ponta Delgada, the first of three training courses in the area of ​​health in schools, in partnership with the Regional Directorate of Education. According to the Regional Director of Health, Sofia Duarte, this training aims to provide technical health teams with the skills needed to identify potential challenges in middle school.

This program, which aims to promote health and healthy lifestyles, covering such areas as nutrition, oral health, exercise, prevention of the consumption of licit and illicit substances, as well as stress management for young people in a school. Sofia Duarte ensured that the project is of extreme importance, since it will perform a physical examination required of all students between five and six years and from 11 to 13 years. The medical school intends to make an assessment of capacity and physical development of children and youth, in terms of vision, hearing, oral health, posture and language, in which the results will be recorded on the Child and Youth Health, which includes a platform to record all student data.

In this context, where it detects a situation of negligence or need for special monitoring, the school health team will integrate the student or referral to the relevant departments.

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This example should be applied throughout the country. There is political courage and take me to want to do better by children and young people, they are the future generation of this country.

For when a bulletin Oral Health for all children and young people in Portugal?

It's important to say that few, if any, are currently missing the extermination policies of essential public services carried out by the last governments and have contributed to the remarkable increase in access of most of the population to primary health care, including oral health.

482. Dentists and world leaders in public health have signed commitment to fight tooth decay in the world

Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease on the planet, affecting an estimated five billion people, equivalent to 80% of the world. To address this issue, experts from around the world are to mobilize, through a Global Alliance For A Future Free of decay, to define strategies, goals and implement programs to help combat tooth decay in the world.

An important step in that direction was given during the FDI World Dental Congress 2010, held this month in the city of Salvador (Brazil). During the event, world leaders in oral health have signed an agreement for the implementation of comprehensive prevention and management of caries in the world. Among the participants were representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization, the International Dental Federation (FDI), International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and the Brazilian Dental Association (ABO) as well as leading experts in health dental and public authorities in Brazil and elsewhere.

The Global Alliance is formed by a worldwide group of experts in dentistry and public health advocate the importance of decay be understood as an ongoing illness that requires comprehensive prevention and control its progression is interrupted in the world and can be walked in the direction of future without a cavity.

According to Roberto Vianna associate professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and president of the IDF, tooth decay is a global problem that causes harmful effects to health, society and economy. Despite the progress made ​​in prevention and treatment, caries is still a neglected epidemic in many countries, says the expert.

Following the trend of changes in dietary patterns in the world, some countries struggle to prevent the growth and prevalence of caries in the population. These changes result in a decrease of habits of oral health care, and impact on other health issues, reduce the quality of life, self-esteem, employability and social mobility.

From the economic point of view, in recent years, the incidence of caries has increased significantly, linked social inequalities, affecting the productivity of people and impacting the growth of countries, notes the expert.

As a first step, the Global Alliance plans to increase awareness about the problem of caries, including on their economic and social impact, through the launch of a public health campaign. This campaign should intensify international commitment by signing a formal declaration of public health and reveal online tools that enable a new approach to the problem.

Caries is an infectious disease that can result in the destruction and tooth loss if not treated. It is caused by the proliferation of bacteria and other determinants, such as food waste remaining in the mouth. One of the most effective ways to prevent tooth decay is prevention.

New feature on the Internet for Professionals and Communities - The first initiative undertaken by the Global Alliance For A Free Future Caries is a free online resource that provides professionals and communities, evidence-based tools and support materials (eg case studies, analysis systematic) for local action. The goal of the website is to offer subsidies for communities, groups and individuals committed to fighting tooth decay, and is a platform to mobilize resources, share best practices and contact with other stakeholders.

Although there are many tools and sources of information to guide the development of interventions against caries; we approved the evidence-based analysis, because it will help us have success through the use of tools and technologies that improve the prevention and management decay Pucca Gilberto says, National Coordinator of Oral Health of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. We hope to take these resources in Brazil as we work with the Ministry of Health, the dental community, and other leaders to ensure that people of all economic levels are benefited.

Continued Public Health Action - As a next action, the Global Alliance wants to continue to stimulate a dialogue with world health organizations, as well as running campaigns at local level. The main future steps include:

§ By 2015, 90% of dental schools and dental associations will have adopted and promoted a new approach to caries as a continuous problem in order to improve the prevention and management;

§ By 2020, regional members of the Global Alliance For A Future Free of decay should be integrated in a locally appropriate systems of prevention and management of caries, closely monitored;

§ All children born since the year 2026 should have no decay throughout his life.

Global Alliance For A Future Free of Caries - The Global Alliance For A Free Future Caries was created in collaboration with a panel of world experts in dentistry and public health. It is sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive, which supports the improvement of oral health through partnerships with dental professionals, governments and public health agencies, and project management Smiles Bright Futures, an initiative of oral health education for children in around the world. Because the goal of stimulating collaborative global action, the Alliance also seeks partnerships with global leaders and other stakeholders at regional and local - including leaders of countries and communities, health professionals and dentistry, community and public policy education and population.

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The results emerged from the meeting of the IDF must be reflected in the guidelines and policy options for public health of various governments. It is imperative that the Portuguese health authorities (Ministry of Health, Directorate - General Health, Ministry of Education) clearly take tooth decay as the main infectious disease affecting the Portuguese population and to establish an immediate goals for their effective control and eradication.

Portugal can not continue to be a poor relation in the third - world in Europe, with regard to oral health care provided by the National Health Service is unacceptable that, compared to Portugal, there is currently poor and underdeveloped countries of the Third - World to do more and better oral health for their populations.

It is clearly time to take that Portugal has all the facilities and human and financial resources that enable the control and eradication of dental caries, missing only the political will to take the right step in that direction.

Thursday 24 November 2011

481. Father of the National Health Service asks another oral medicine for Portugal

The socialist and founder of the National Health Service (SNS) Antonio Arnaut would like the share of the State Budget for 2011 to increase and focus on health care facilities and in oral medicine. A month and a half for the Government to present the Budget for 2011, Antonio Arnaut aspire to Lusa news agency says that the budget for health (about 1 / 6 of the state budget, not reaching nine billion euros) is increased, but not only to improve the NHS.

He has to be improved, but can be improved regardless of the money because there are services that can spend less and work better advocates. For the social background, the increase should focus on enhancing the network of continuing care and palliative care, which is now spread across the country, and the creation of another oral medicine, which is virtually nonexistent.

There are already checks dentists for pregnant women, children and elderly, but it should be moving towards the creation of a valence of oral health, which is very important, not just to have beautiful teeth and functional, but to prevent other diseases, he says.

On the other hand, observes the former Minister of Social Affairs, at the time of crisis we live, the social sector must be strengthened to compensate for the inequalities that now aggravated by unemployment and other precarious situations.

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These wise words illustrate the current bleak picture of oral health in Portugal, the responsibility of governments past and with the full connivance of the Directorate - General for Health and, in parallel, installed in groups with interests in the sector.

The drastic difference in which we live today in access to dentistry between the wealthy bourgeoisie and the illustrious rulers of the state apparatus of the regime, against overwhelming majority of the population voted to contempt and without rights, reminds us that Portugal is closer to of poor and underdeveloped countries than their European Union partners in terms of oral health.

Thursday 17 November 2011

480. Portugal is at least newer than in most OECD

Report puts Portugal among the least developed countries to invest in children under five years. And generally, those under 18 have a quality of life below the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) average, due to factors such as poverty and low levels of education.

Portugal is one of the OECD countries that less public investment channel for children up to five years. The data contained in a report - Childhood Decides - released by this organization, which concludes that, in general, the quality of life of children in our country is far below the average for the developed world.

With regard to indicators of public investment for each person under 18 years, Portugal is a group of countries that invest between 60 and 70 thousand euros per year. Values ​​that are the lowest, will not be particularly negative in view of the per capita income.

Problems arise when analyzing the proportion of this investment that is channeled to the fringe of zero to five years. Precisely that age when, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, may be the most decisive investment for the future of these children. Especially when concerning poverty.

In this chapter - in which no country has a performance that is acceptable to the OECD - Portugal is among the least invest: of public funds for the children, just over 20% lower reaches six years.

The data, assumed as the OECD, are based at the crossroads of a wide range of indicators, not all recent. Measurements of the current government - reinforcements as the School Social and pledge for new gardens-care - are not yet reflected in accounting. But also aspects such as the values ​​of family allowances and tax incentives to families in which the portuguese advances have been timid in comparison.

Moreover, when the Portuguese under 18 are seen in the light of a broader framework - which the OECD defines as well-being or quality of life for children - the conclusions are still worrying.

A total of six items compared, relating to three major areas - Living Standards, Education and Protection - the situation of Portuguese children is only clearly positive at the level of risk behaviors. Low rates of alcohol and tobacco among children contribute to a sixth place among 30 countries.

But in all other categories, Portugal is below half of the table. In the material well-being is twenty-fifth, at the level of wellness education, twenty sixth, and in terms of quality of life in school appears in twenty first.

The performances are proof of these low rates as 16.6% of children living in poor households. A value that, even taking into account the estimated average income of each country, only allows to overcome Spain to Portugal, the United States, Poland, Mexico and Turkey. The chronically poor performance of Portuguese students in international comparisons are another negative contribution.

Different indicators give an account yet full of anachronisms Portugal, where 85% of children grow up with both parents but a third live in housing below the desired level, where there is little deaths at birth but many - particularly boys - in adolescence.

479. New treatment promises to eliminate decay without the use of drills

A new procedure called Kariesinfiltration, the DMG company, promises to treat tooth decay without the use of drills. But it can only be used in some cases, explains the director of DMG, Susanne Stegen. The procedure is effective in fighting tooth decay at an early stage, one that is in the tooth enamel and moved no later than the first third of dentin. All that is requires deeper, unfortunately, the drill.
Usually the dentist has two treatment options: the first one he makes use of fluoride in the tooth in question and calls the patient to have a better oral hygiene. Then you wait to see if the glitch does not become a real hole.

Or he just uses the drill to remove decay at their early stages. In this case, however, healthy parts of the tooth are removed, the dentist explains Ulrich Schiffner, University Clinic of Eppendorf. In this case the problem is that, in holes that affect only the tooth enamel or a little more, you must first remove one part of the tooth in order to get to where the cavity.

Now, the new method offers the ability to fill a small hole without resorting to the drill and prevent the spread of decay to the deeper regions of the tooth. First the mineral layer on the defective area is eliminated with the use of a gel, then the new plastic material, called Icon, is still applied in liquid form. This plastic substance penetrates the enamel matrix, due to capillarity, and it is then, like any other plastic filler, hardened with light.

The procedure is designed especially for cavities located in the region between the teeth, but also for minor defects in smooth surface, such as in patients using the device.

Throughout Germany there are approximately six thousand professionals already applying the method Kariesinfiltration. The treatment lasts approximately 20 minutes and costs between 80 and 100 euros. The value is not covered by insurance in the country.

Early clinical trials with the Icon are not conclusive and are based, according to Schiffner, a period of 18 months. These studies show that approximately 75% of the treated tooth surface, cavities were eliminated.
DW-WORLD.DE, Deutsche Welle

Thursday 3 November 2011

477. Young autistic been waiting over a year for a surgery (I)

Duarte appeared to be a normal boy, but at 2 years old was diagnosed with autism. The boy is now 13 years and is more than one waiting to be operated at the Hospital of Ponta Delgada. However, the clinical picture of Duarte gets worse every day.

The teenager can no longer chew food by having almost all decayed teeth and can not go to a conventional dentist. The hospital claims that the couple is on a waiting list, but the desperation of the family begins to increase. The patient's mother states that already have to grind all the food you eat the young, and has no family doctor, a factor that has delayed the process further.

In desperation, the mother delivered a letter from a pediatrician to request the operation. She has written, including a letter to the director of the clinic to explain the whole situation. Jump to a private out of the question because Fernanda Tomé can not sustain the costs. For one, the expected date of operation is the last week of September.

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The Minister of Health, Mr Director - General for Health and Dental Association: see here the effects of the ridiculous policy of oral health who play for our country. This is an example of flagrant violation of human rights in Portugal when a child needs medical attention.

A case that deserves to be condemned internationally.

Monday 24 October 2011

476. Four years of ORAL HEALTH

It is now four full years to publish the Oral Health. Over these four years here have been treated the most widely varying issues related to oral health in Portugal, unfortunately, there is still a lot of work on, because the balance of four years on oral health in Portugal brought little positive to society, and much less for the poor and excluded.

The Oral Health has tried to be always updated, informing its readers about the latest news relating to oral health in our country. Keeping an independent editorial line, the Oral Health has tried to be always on the defense of civil society, never aligning interests by co-operative, did not hand the disastrous policies pursued by various governments and the Directorate - General of Health in this area, and there was a protagonist of big business with large vested interests in the sector.

The Oral Health was guided by the right to indignation and straightforwardness, I was always concerned the rights of citizens enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic.

The constant trampling of the rights enshrined in the Constitution, access to health care, favored policies of the Ministry of Health outputs, sometimes aligned interests within the cooperative sector, coupled with the ineffectiveness of amorphous powers of Parliament and President, allow the systematic violation of demagogic and fundamental human rights, including the Charter of rights of the Child, denying them one of the most basic human rights: access to health care.

In a country where the training of dentists is at the expense of all the Portuguese who work and pay taxes, continue to use schemes that prohibit access to dental care to the majority of the population. The oral health care are now almost exclusively the right of the political positions of the central government and the bourgeoisie, the working class will still have much to fight to get equal rights in this society atrocious output from April 25, 1974.

Shame demagogic exercised by those who want the system remains as it is going to have the company for Oral Health for many more years.

475. Pingo Doce helps treat oral health of residents

The project "the VRSA Smiling" was released by the city of Vila Real de Santo António (VRSA) at the end of last year and to date has funded dental care to 85 people.

From the moment that authority announced a protocol with six clinics in the county and the financing of oral health care to the most needy that the number of subscribers continues to grow. Currently there are about 1500 people waiting to be called.

Not all individuals listed meet the criteria required by the municipality, which were established in the economic conditions of each household. In this sense, the City continues to make the respective social analysis to determine which people are able to integrate the program, says the Mayor of VRSA.

After the protocol signed with the county's six dentists, last week the project received a new lease of life support through the Pingo Doce, which collaborated with EUR 150 000 under social patronage. It is clearly a very important financial boost and a gesture of welcome. We have a budget of 300,000 euros for this year and only with this contribution can fund the project by 50 percent, said Luis Gomes.

However, the mayor acknowledged that the budget needed to finally resolve the problems of oral health of residents has no limits and you can not define, because there are people to sign up continuously.

Helder Jacinto, Pingo Doce, recalled that this is the first supermarket chain that support for the field of dentistry and oral health. Regarding the Chamber of Vila Real de Santo António, one official stated that it is an example to be followed by other municipalities.

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Here is an example of what should be good practice in relation to sponsorship of initiatives to promote oral health of populations.

Projects in which the promoters of patronage are the same as managing resources and "contract" to show dentists work have no place in the actual promotion of population health, often aimed at schemes of tax evasion and embezzlement.

It is necessary and critical to separate the promoters of the patronage of the entities that manage the resources available; turn to dentists only they are responsible for the implementation of clinical interventions, being duly compensated for their work.

The City Council of Vila Real de Santo António, Pingo Doce and the dentists who participated in this project are to be congratulated, so there are other municipalities in the country to copy this example.

Friday 14 October 2011

474. The degradation of harmful working conditions of dentists in Portugal

Dentists for Leiria

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This offer is no longer active

The Sucesso24horas, company Human Resource Management specializes in providing services in health, present throughout the national territory and islands, makes recruitment and selection of health professionals to Prison, on scales of Hospital Emergency Services, Centers Health and other agencies, to address existing needs.

We are currently recruiting for Prison Dentists in Leiria area, to replace Holiday with the following profile: Degree in Dentistry (valid practicing certificate), availability to work various schedules (part-time) and availability to perform duties through green receipts.

We offer: remuneration compatible with the functions and ensuring project until December 2010, with possibility of renewal. If you have the required profile, please send your CV to:

* * *

What is the reaction of the Order of Dentists of this subordination of the working conditions imposed by the state, violating the rights enshrined in the Portuguese Constitution?

Wednesday 5 October 2011

473. Diário Digital / Lusa interview President of the Order of Dentists (Part 2: Analysis of interview)

The Dental Association considers excessive vacancies available in higher education courses for dentistry in Portugal, justifying the fact that the activity is exercised almost exclusively by the private sector, the ratio of professionals in Portugal is above the European average and age on the current young dentists.

Indeed, two major barriers to the business of dentistry in Portugal is that it is concentrated in the private sector, imposing exorbitant prices for any treatment and making their access restricted to a small percentage of the population with economic wealth, the most of the Portuguese simply unable to have continued access to dentistry. Perhaps it was here that the Order of Dentists should act, agreeing to respect for the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic and requiring the integration of oral medicine at the National Health Service SNS in portuguese), in perfect competition with the private sector. Everyone would benefit:

-better career choice for young dentists;

-increased competition between the public and the private sector, lowering considerably the current prices charged by expensive clinics and offices and greatly improving the quality of services provided;

-easier access to oral health care, translated by a significant improvement in oral health of its population.

The fact that the ratio of professionals in Portugal is above the European average is an asset that has not been translated in terms of gains for the population, since studies show a significant lag indicators of oral health relative to other european countries. Thus, there is still a large gap in oral health care to provide the Portuguese population that can easily absorb all the existing professional.

The existence of dentists still relatively young age is beneficial for the country, young people are always more willing to do more and better oral health for the population of our country. It is up to them to open up new prospects for the provision of oral health care to the population, overcoming obstacles and inertia of those already installed in the area for a long time and that reluctance has adaptations, breaking vested interests in the sector and placing the dental the service of those who most need to be effectively met. Have the Order of Dentists capacity to invest in these young doctors and dentists seeking to boost the oral health sector in the country, betting on innovative initiatives that enhance young doctors and dentists that are beneficial to the population - and the cooperative unions, for example, may be alternative ways to defend the interests of young dentists against the abused and exploited by big business of health and the Ministry of Health.

If there are several hundreds of dentists Portuguese emigrants, then it is because you will be offered dignified conditions of work that makes up for his trip abroad, the Dental Association and other organizations related to oral health should strive to practice and also demand these same conditions in Portugal.

The Order of Dentists should provide, first, access to all Portuguese to oral health care on equal terms in both the public and the private sector, limiting the places for dentistry should never be a priority while own Dental Association recognize that a large majority of the Portuguese population remains unable to have access to oral health care. Current pained in terms of career opportunities in our country lie in the lack of regulation and the almost complete lack of active monitoring of activity of dentistry in our country, by allowing multinational corporations, big business groups and insurers do every kind of exploitation of labor, work, or any health guarantee for customers.

Sunday 25 September 2011

472. The most prevalent disease in the Portuguese society is tooth decay

Carlos Pereira, 46 years old with a doctorate from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, dentist, professor at the School of Health of Viseu (ESSV) coordinated a study on the oral health of young people in the Centre Region. Natural Sátão, began her career in nursing, but the passion for oral health was stronger, becoming the first doctorate in ESSV. Viseu chose to live, but opted for the hometown to open an office. I knew that the mouths of most of the Portuguese is a serious problem, but the results of the study coordinated still managed to surprise: it is amazing that 20 percent of teens have no idea of what the dental floss.

-How does the opportunity to conduct this study with young people between 12 and 18 in the Center?

-The idea of ​​developing this study arose from the lack of evidence, evidence, hard data on this phenomenon we have studied. We had no data on population and in the case of adolescents on how they performed their oral hygiene, the number of times they visited the dentist, and because we do not, this was the most important motivation.

-The lack of hard data was a barrier?

-It is impossible to plan care, a care plan is based not know the most basic data of this phenomenon, about which we can intervene.

-Party with the idea that the situation was not good and you need to achieve on the ground?

-We had the notion that the scenery was not encouraging. That is to say that the scene did not surprise us. Who makes clinical faced every day with this issue of oral hygiene performed in a less correct. Hence we planned to study and realize it was a step.

-The study covered the six districts of Centro (Aveiro, Viseu, Guarda, Castelo Branco, Coimbra and Leiria)?

-We have an approach-mostly in the district of Viseu and after studies in other districts.

-Do not be abusive to say it is a study of the Center?

-No. All districts in the Central region were visited. If you ask me: It was done fairly? Not true, the region where more focused was the district of Viseu, where we include all public schools in the second and third cycles and secondary schools, except the first cycle and the pre-school.

-The study was done in partnership with the Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Porto. Why this partnership?

-I did my graduate training, including master's and doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine of Porto. Then they were friends, were contacts of research, my taste for investigation came during my time in Porto. Another aspect is that one of the topics presented [the study], the issue of oral health behaviors among adolescents in the central region, was studied by the doctor Nelio Veiga, my graduate student and did his Masters in Public Health at the School of Medicine Port. This kind of two in a university also makes the legitimate co-author of the study.

-This privileged link opens the way for other studies in the School of Health of Viseu?

-This is not the first study done in partnership with the Faculty of Medicine of Porto. We worked on the prevalence of obesity in the district of Viseu, in partnership with the College. Also a few years ago, and I remind myself to work with greater visibility, we conducted another study on sexual behavior in adolescents.

-There are others in development?

-There are others in the pipeline. One with the School of Health at the University of Aveiro we're doing, but it is still early to lift the veil.

-This type of work is a constant in the School of Health of Viseu?

-Yes. In the investigation that our teachers have to perform under its post-graduate training, there has been caution on the part of their advisors, that such research may be different from what is done with the purpose of defending a thesis.

-Different in what way?

-Research-only makes sense if it turns into knowledge, and knowledge is the service of citizens, of all who need to consult scientific research, consult the evidence to care. I think that was part of our care to do research that can answer specific questions of specific populations.

-What are the general results of the study that brought us to this conversation?

-In conclusion we can say that one in five teens do not brush your teeth. We are talking about 20 percent.

-This is bad or very bad?

-It is bad enough. The ideal was that from an early age instilled in children is oral hygiene habits, passing by brushing your teeth, brush your tongue, brush your gums, deep down, take a careful hygiene in the mouth and teeth. Then say that only one of four teens (25 percent) brush their teeth twice or more per day, assuming that brushing twice a day is the minimum. Another note that is important to remember that if they brush their teeth twice or more per day, use of dental floss at least once a day and regular visits to the dentist twice a year, we found that less than two percent of our teenagers have oral health habits correct. Another note, to say it is amazing that 20 percent of teens have no idea of what the dental floss.

-What else surprised?

-This question-flossing.

-Have you found reasons for this?

-Probably never heard of, and admit that not happen in all this teaching consultations. Often, there are basic issues, emerging more and more disturbing. If the person goes to the doctor because it hurts the tooth, it should be talking about flossing?

-The results were worse than expected?

-I think so. We are talking about young people between 12 and 18 years and hoped they were more informed. I still lack a fifth note [of the findings of the study] to say that young people from less educated social classes - determined based on the school that the father or mother had - were those who had worse oral hygiene, visiting less dentist, was where the highest prevalence of adolescents who did not know the end tooth.

-We also have to add here a financial issue of their parents?

-This is another question. These health issues add, that is, it is not known, it is poor, do not go to health care, there is no information about where to turn, etc., etc.. All this is kind of a snowball when it comes to education.

-Oral health is also a social problem?

-If you ask what is the most common disease in the Portuguese society, certainly I will say it is the myocardial infarction, cancer or stroke. But if we see the numbers as cold as they should be seen, the most prevalent disease in the Portuguese society is tooth decay. We forget that dental caries is an infectious disease with a major component. And if you do the question: Who ever had tooth decay? Probably 99.9 percent either have or have ever had.

-How do you make a good brushing of the mouth?

-In one of my tickets for youth hostels, one day I shared a room with a Norwegian and hygiene morning when I went to the showers came across that the individual was dealing with oral hygiene. I came, I did my oral hygiene, shaving unpacked, showered, and when I returned to the base, he continued with his oral hygiene. This reflects the importance that we give to the questions of others and give oral hygiene. After meals, it is always convenient to oral hygiene, morning and evening is the minimum requirement. Using a suitable brush should be replaced every three months.

-What is a suitable brush?

-Must be a soft brush, is a principle.

-The market has good brushes?

-Yes, yes. When asked whether they should use electric or manual toothbrush, the answer I give is: use as well. The physician should indicate the proper brush in each case.

-And the toothpaste?

-Tags [market], are marked with the amount of fluoride recommended by the World Health Organization.

-The study shows that boys are more lax than girls. Is there any explanation for this?

-I have no explanation.

-This should be the target of an individual study?

-When doing research, in whatever area is always in the same study looked at men and women, a good research practice demands that we separate men and women to one side to another, without any prejudice or interpretations. Being a man is to be different for women and has an explanation of the problems with sex.

-When do young people go to the dentist?

-Those who belong to more privileged economic classes seek the dentist on a regular basis and a more routine.

-And soon?

-Yes. Check The Dentist opened some doors. We have children with four / five years or even earlier. The first visit should be as soon as possible for the child to play with the dentist and realized that this ghost has a tendency to disappear.

-The program Dental Check is working? There are already some criticism.

-I believe that is not working by feature and I've said that does not reach all children, but the little we do good is always welcome. The message goes on.

-What more can be done through the mouth of the young?

-I think it's so bad that the little we can do is welcome. I'm sure a toothbrush and toothpaste cost a tenth part of what is necessary to spend time to make an oral rehabilitation.

-You are talking about the failure of prevention?

-Of course. In the overwhelming majority of cases, if the patient reaches this state is because primary prevention has failed.

-The problem is not just the young, the elderly is a difficult age. Do you agree?

-There is a slice of our elderly oral health call [what they do] is an attack. That health will be someone who has pain that feels psychologically and socially affected? This is more important than we think.

-Treat your teeth in Portugal is very expensive. This is also a barrier to the oral health of the Portuguese?

-We must be realistic, there are many people who can not afford a consultation.

-There should enter the National Health Service.

-Do not believe in austerity plans that might happen, but easier access to those lower classes who can not afford. I must admit I find that people who have difficulty paying the simple consultation of 40 euros or 50 euros.

-There are more dentists in Portugal?

-I usually tell my students that this world today, as I see it, must be understood in the logic of the global village that everyone is talking about. We have to run. People must be willing to leave, to make the leap. Since there, there are opportunities for success in various parts of Europe and the world. If they start to be too many for us? Maybe so, but there are other areas where it starts to be more supply and less demand.

-What is the relationship between health of the mouth with our health?

-We talked of obesity, malnutrition ... the teeth are not just for chewing, are used for various things, even to smile. Those who have no teeth with which one can make effective chewing, of course this will be reflected in terms of digestion, the nutrients are not absorbed as efficiently and downward anything can happen: gastrointestinal problems, digestive disorders, the malabsorption of food, malnutrition. Then, if we consider that a poorly maintained mouth is a mouth where there are many different species of microorganisms, these microorganisms themselves may be related to a set of diseases, the level of the heart, kidneys, acute articular rheumatism, sinusitis and all other diseases that today are known to have a direct relationship. It happens quite often appear in patients with horrible pain clinics in the face, head, ear pain, ringing, etc.. And often appear after being found in ENT, to be seen by a neurologist, a psychiatrist and by colleagues in other specialties. It is impossible to be healthy, well-being seen as physical, mental and social, if there is a proper oral health.

471. Diário Digital / Lusa interview Chairman of the Dentists (Part 1: Interview)

Dental Association

says there are vacancies in excess

* * *

The Dental Association today said the excessive vacancies in higher education, because of the labor market is almost exclusively private in Portugal, where the ratio is above the European professionals. We currently have a ratio of one dentist to 1,339 people, about 7,200 dentists with an average age of 34/35 years. It is a very young class, where you will feel renewed too late and have an annual growth rate of 8.2 percent, the Lusa news agency said President Orlando Monteiro da Silva.

For the specialist, there are already schools of dentistry in excess (seven), almost the same number of medical schools, where there are several specialties. So you see the hype, the doctor said, adding that are currently registered in more than 500 foreign dentists to practice in the United Kingdom, Sweden, France and other European countries, most young people without the possibility of placement in the labor market in Portugal.

Moreover, unlike other countries, these professionals carry on business almost exclusively in private, then warns that the true ratio should be divided by two, since more than half the population has no access to dental care. Unless the mechanism of dental check, even with a small size, in Portugal there is no dentists in public, as elsewhere, he said.

Thus, Orlando Monteiro da Silva, represent that Portugal has an excess of doctors and dentists about the same number of colleges in England and other countries with a higher dimension. We were very disappointed to see that the places for dentistry to maintain or increase slightly, in an area that needed more doctors are not criticized.

In total, seven colleges offer 557 seats: 60 in the Faculty of Dental Medicine of Lisbon, 80 in the Faculty of Dental Medicine of Porto, Coimbra 42, 100 at the Higher Institute of Health Sciences North, 65 in the Higher Institute of Sciences Egas Moniz, Portuguese Catholic University on 75 and 95 in Fernando Pessoa.

The vacancies have not risen much, about 4 / 5 percent, but it was what one would expect a decrease, if not done because we still have people on unemployment or underemployment, he said. Moreover, last year there have already been licensed to leave early from college, with the reduction of the course from six to five years, according to the Bologna Process.

We will continue to have many people in training is the most expensive in Portugal to leave the country to practice, taking advantage of other countries that the investment is made in the training of highly qualified technicians, said.

More graduates yes, but there must be planning to not have problems in the future, maintained, referring to the declarations of the Minister of Higher Education, Mariano Gago, under which Portugal has half of the graduates should have, compared to other developed countries.

Thursday 15 September 2011

470. Dentists refuse customers who use checks of the state

The delay in the payment of checks dental clinics in the Northern region who joined the program oral health has led some to refuse patients. Are in debt of 2 380 000 euros, some for several months. The official promise is to resolve the situation even in July.

Marisa Pinto clearly assumes that, while not receiving the four thousand euros that has to do - even in respect of July party last year - by the treatments to the elderly, pregnant women and children, Cliforno not accept new patients. We treat our patients who are, not to lose them, but refuse new patients.

The dentist checks were created under the National Oral Health Program and are intended to provide dental care to pregnant women followed up in health centers, elderly beneficiaries of the solidarity supplement and children. The Ministry of Health pays 40 euros per visit to joining the private plan.

The Cliforno is just one of many credit clinics with the Regional Health Administration of the North (ARSN). The manager ensures that the debt is affecting the activity. Five thousand euros in receipts sent, only received one thousand. But he believes that part of the problem is due to the fact that only sending receipts to the conference at the end of treatment (each child has three checks, such as pregnant women, while the elderly receive two).

Another dentist (who requested anonymity) comes to six thousand euros in arrears. Not received since January. No patients refused - even ... - and warns that one can lose in quality of care.

On the side of the Order of Dentists (OMD), the Secretary-General Paulo Melo risk the amount owed: four million, only in the North. It is the only region that has not solved the problems with the argument of the link between the computer systems that make the conference of checks and process the payment after the receipt issued.

Now they say they pay a significant amount in July. But it had said it would be in June and before that, had promised in May. Paulo Melo ensures that the accumulation of debt has put into question some offices, especially at a time of crisis. And the situation threatens to worsen by the end of August, once the checks are valid for children up to 31 days of next month and now there should be a race to the clinic.

The OMD have pressed the Ministry in order to resolve the issue, which has generated criticism from dentists. Go to press for months and nothing. Just do it, questions heard by a professional JN.

Confronted with the question, the Assistant Secretary of State and Health recognizes that the situation is not fully resolved, but is improving. The ARS of the Centre also struggled, but he addressed them. But it's different accounts of the OMD to the North, are in debt of 2 380 000 euros, of which 1 200 000 will be paid until the end of the month. The rest is being processed.

But they are only accounts that involve checks already billed and do not encompass all the treatments. Manuel Pizarro admits difficulties and delays in the administration conference checks, but also ensures that many offices were late in sending bills.

Sunday 11 September 2011

469. Newspaper interview i Orlando Monteiro da Silva (Part 2: Analysis of the interview /conclusion)

We all know that the formation of every dentist is a charge of tens of thousands of euros, supported by our taxes. It is extremely disheartening to see the doctors emigrate trained in Portugal, it's limited resources we have in a small number compared to the real needs of the country.

Can the Order of Dentists to do something to reverse this situation by increasing the supply of dentistry for the general population, reducing the costs of such consultations and treatments to cover a larger population of people with lower incomes? The decline in the price of a consultation and dental treatment may correspond to a dramatic increase of population to dental consultations, which will have a positive effect on the exponential increase in total revenues for clinics and dental offices, which would be extremely advantageous in times of crisis like we are experiencing today, providing more jobs and fixing of dentists in our country.

If emigration is not a solution, perhaps the very height Dental Association encourage young dentists to work in Portugal, instead of being lured by jobs abroad.

Alerted to the fact that there is much illegal practice of dentistry in Portugal, with clandestine networks of recruitment, we hope that the Order of Dentists to make urgent termination of each of these situations with the relevant authorities and put an immediate end to that situation.

A good solution to end the controversy definitively illegal practice of dentistry in Portugal, namely with recruitments made ​​in Brazil, would be working together among the professional classes of the two countries for some reason the professional pride of many dental surgeons in Brazil, working in Portugal, are praised by the Portuguese dental colleges.

468. PORTUGAL: Only 1 in 50 young people make proper oral hygiene

One in five teens do not brush your teeth every day, and the boys the most careless, according to a study at the Faculty of Medicine of Porto University and the School of Health of Viseu. The same study indicates that only one quarter of young people brush their teeth twice or more daily and that the habit is related to the educational level of parents.

Just over one percent met all the requirements for an adequate oral health - brushing twice or more per day, use of dental floss and visit the dentist two or more times per year. The sample investigated was seven thousand young people aged between 12 and 18 years of public schools in the district of Viseu, who were asked about oral hygiene habits and socioeconomic conditions. The survey found that girls more often brush teeth, use dental floss more often and go more for dental consultations.

Nélio Veiga, author of the paper admitted that the frequency of cleaning teeth is related to the educational level of parents. The more educated parents are, the greater the likelihood of young brush their teeth twice or more a day, following clinical recommendations, he noted. The area of residence also influences, as teenagers in urban areas showed a higher prevalence of brushing compared to those living in rural areas.

About flossing, only 4.4 percent said they use it, while more than half of the sample guaranteed to have a dentist in the previous year. But 13 percent of youth reported ever having been to a query. Of those who were consulted by a specialist in dentistry, half went to a dentist for routine visits, 28 percent due to pain and 22 percent because of other problems.

The researcher expressed concern that a high proportion of teenagers go to the doctor only when they have toothaches. In Portugal, registered inequalities in access to oral health care of populations are evident, resulting from the fact that, mostly, be exercised in the private sector, conditioning the access of the disadvantaged by lack of financial resources, the investigator also noted.

* * *

This is the reality of the oral health of children and young people in Portugal. If someone says there is still excess of dentists in our country, this chronicle indicates that the hundreds of thousands of children and youth continue to be marginalized in access to oral health care.

After all, what good oral health departments in the Directorate - General for Health, what is school health, finally, what are the professional associations related to oral health? What is the purpose that the Ministry of Health and Education intend to address this situation?

A genuine shame by those who should at least comply with and enforce the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

467. Newspaper interview i Orlando Monteiro da Silva (Part 2: Analysis of the interview /3)

The President of the Medical Dental alert to the possible profound mistake of falling into temptation to hypermarkets dental treatments, from their own dental faculties. So in that sense, it is necessary and very urgent regulatory partnerships between the public and private sectors, to allow increased access of the population in general oral health care and eliminate the differences in prices between the queries provided in schools dental offices and outside the dental faculties. The day to go to a dental consultation is equal in terms of cost to customers, among the different offerings of specialty, the quality will determine where people wish to be consulted.

The main problem of oral medicine in Portugal in the medium term, still resides in the practice of completely exorbitant prices in the provision of oral health care and the day in which prices adjust to the reality of the economic wealth of the population, there will be no supply dentists in sufficient numbers to meet demand. No one understands the concern of limiting the number of dentists to form by the faculties of dentistry, where efforts should be geared to increase the supply of oral health care, improving the quality of services rendered and dramatically lower the current price levels in offices, currently, most of the portuguese population is still without any possibility of access to oral health care throughout his life.

The focus on the revitalization of the specialty in Health Centres, in conjunction with the development of cooperative sector unionism in the field of dentistry, allied to an increasingly greater degree of cooperation between dentists and all other technical specialists in oral health are strong options that can force private interests and multinationals in the sector to lower the price of the hand - of - work and matter - material.

It is completely absurd and false to the country that make you want already exists an excess number of dentists in Portugal. The future is an opportunity that must be grasped with both hands.

Thursday 1 September 2011

466. Infant Oral Health in Portugal: Situation completely chaotic and in need of urgent intervention

On last June 30, 2010, were presented at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Porto (FMDUP), the results of the Projecto ParanhoSorridente. The project began in October 2008, left a protocol between the authorities of the village of Paranhos and the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Porto (FMDUP) to improve the oral health of children and adolescents who attend kindergartens for kindergartens and schools of Paranhos.

The project was sponsored by Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD). Since the early work by the month of April 2010, the community oral health program "ParanhoSorridente" has reviewed more than 3000 of the mouths of children pre-school and primary school basic Paranhos.

The session opened with a brief speech of presentation by the Chairman of the Board of FMDUP, Afonso Pinhão Ferreira, newly elected Director of the Institution for the 2010-2014 quadrennium. On behalf of the authorities of Paranhos, Alberto Machado, Fátima Lopes, responsible for Education. And on behalf of the Order of Dentists, Ricardo Almeida Faria.

Then ParanhoSorridente responsible for the project, Isabel Roçadas Pires, presented the results obtained. In short, it was concluded that almost 70% of children Paranhos, Porto, have cavities in permanent teeth, and 39.6% need urgent treatment.

In the last two years, surveys were conducted 1 160 children aged 3 to 13 years in Clinical FMDUP, and have been held almost two dozen measures to promote oral health in the nine schools included in the project. In addition, it was concluded that in terms of the total measured, 69.1% of children have cavities in permanent teeth, revealing that nearly 50% still show signs of gingival inflammation.

Finally, the ParanhoSorridente responsible for the project, Isabel Roçadas Pires, cautioned that the partnership with the authorities of Paranhos should be an example to follow and be subject to participation by political and educational institutions.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

465. Newspaper interview i Orlando Monteiro da Silva (Part 2: Analysis of the interview /2)

For the president of the Dental Association, the State has to provide health care but ensure they are provided, regulated and funded. From this perspective, it seems that the OMD argues that health care should be provided for contracting of services by third parties and financially supported by our taxes, it is an option, as many others. Course will have both positive and negative aspects. However, we must remember that in thirty years, the state built a vast and comprehensive network of public health services, both in quantity and in quality, so it would be more logical to promote a competition full of care between health offer the public sector and private sector provision, leaving the option to patients / clients, but this is what would be the best logic: we would all gain and the existing equipment would be properly monetized. We can not stop now profitable public investment made ​​by the state over the past thirty years and delivers it to companies or groups that target the private economic profit at the expense of exploitation of patients / customers.

For the dentist-check program, it is a desperate makeup mounted by the Ministry of Health in order to partially fill one of the biggest weaknesses created by the wrong policies followed in the area of ​​oral health by various governments over the past thirty years, using the check-dentist to retain patients / clients at the expense of misery and poverty of those who have to resort to their use seems at least a ridiculous statement. Loyalty should be directed, rather, the quality of services provided.

It is a question: how was it possible to accept the OMD program when asked 80 euros for each dental check and its value was set at 40 euros? After all, did the treatments performed by each dentist-check would be identical if the cost was twice the current? Are pressing issues that the interview does not give insightful response.

Pernicious remains the relationship between a large proportion of dentists and insurance companies, without the OMD requires an ethical order to safeguard the oral health of patients / clients; pure aberration, as might be expected, the reimbursement of ADSE in treatment costs of oral health.


464. BRAZIL: Dentists are so against fluoride in water

The Brazilian Dental Association (ABO) protest against the draft law 297/2005, authored by Senator António Carlos Valadares (PSDB-SE), which limits the use of fluoride in preventing tooth decay for topical application and prohibits the addition of substance in water, food and beverages.

The proposal repeals Law No. 6050 of May 24, 1974, which provides for the fluoridation of water supply systems when there is treatment plant, and is being reported in the Social Affairs Committee (CAS) by Senator Flávio Arns (PT -PR).

The organization rejects the justifications presented by the parliament. Valadares points to the existence of data that contradict the thesis that the systemic intake of fluoride is effective in the prophylaxis of dental caries and that numerous other studies also show the huge occurrence of dental fluorosis.

The congressman also said that there is consensus among experts that the prophylactic action of fluoride is due especially to its topical application and that it makes sense, therefore, require an entire population to ingest a toxic element in public water supplies or food and beverages in which it has been routinely added.

Method and cost effective - According to the ABO system fluoridation public water supply can reduce up to 60% the incidence of cavities. Official statistics confirm the validity of the measure. The Ministry of Health says that between 1986 and 1996, fell by 53% in caries prevalence in children 12 years of age caused by the policy of fluoridation.

Fluoride is indicated by more than 150 science and health organizations, including the International Dental Federation (FDI), the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), the World Health Organization (WHO) and Pan American health Organization, and since that is offered to the public in appropriate dosages and concentrations, poses no risk to people, says the president of ABO.

WHO and IDF advocate fluoride - According to the World Health Report 2003 WHO Oral, dental caries remains a major health problem in most industrialized countries, affecting 60-90% of schoolchildren and the vast majority of adults. Also according to the document, the addition of fluoride to the water, where technically feasible and culturally acceptable, has substantial advantages in public health.

In November 2000, in Paris (2000), the FDI approved the Report on Fluoride and Tooth. The paper concludes, based on extensive scientific evidence that the substance is used properly and with appropriate concentrations to prevent tooth decay, fluoride is safe and effective.

The report indicates that dental fluorosis can be caused by excessive ingestion of fluoride during the pre-eruptive development of teeth, but that levels of fluoride used to prevent tooth decay, the opacity or fluorosis only occurs in a relatively small proportion of the population.

According to the report, these symptoms are very mild in general and especially of aesthetic interest. According to the IDF, since the intake levels are carefully monitored, fluoride is considered a measure of public health more important for maintaining oral health.

Friday 12 August 2011

463. Newspaper interview i Orlando Monteiro da Silva (Part 2: Analysis of the interview /1)

The interview given by the president of OMD (Dental Association) Jornal i assume peculiar importance, representing a value - added valuable and urgent need for urgent that the country is experiencing in relation to discuss the sustainability of the SNS (National Health Service ) and, framing it, the way forward regarding the oral health in our country. In this context, the interview concerning various issues that currently influence oral health in Portugal and shows various scenarios for the future, on the other hand, raises questions that deserve urgent resolution by the political power.

Understand that reflection is the interview as a further contribution necessary to broaden the discussion, to seek consensus and ensure for the future, access to oral health care to all Portuguese. The contribution is minimal, other contributions to the discussion will always be - welcome.

The president of OMD says that the Constitution should not allude to a national health service tend to be free, by calling attention to the need for a certain degree of economic participation in the use of health services, it is an urgent need to go much further this issue - the parties represented in parliament and government have the absolute moral duty to implement measures to create mandatory insurance, in health, for citizens and assuring them of an addition to the expenses that eventually every citizen will have throughout his life.

Fiscal policy can and should be used to encourage savings; happens that the current government, by limiting tax benefits in relation to spending on health is directly contributing to the Portuguese divest part of the savings in promoting their own health and, indirectly , is another major factor in the sustainability of the drastic reduction in national health service.

It is then with user fees that will get funding that are lost due to wrong policy to fiscal policy, user fees represented one of the gravest violations of discrimination between people in access to medical care, because nobody chooses to be sick.

The president of OMD is absolutely right when he says that the national health service is centralized and decisions are taken by a small group of people, this is truly a remarkable defect of health policies in Portugal - half a dozen people stuffed in cabinets and often away from the difficulties of everyday life that we are professionals of national health services face in the field, are able to take, sometimes absurd options and sink the country's coffers without providing any accounts there or be held accountable.

For example, in the area of oral health and in previous post, where they are shown to stop millions of euros of oral health programs that should have been spent on medical care.

It is urgent to implement accountability to all appointments to intermediate and higher national health service, lack of positive praise and promotion, lack of accountability negative results and subsequent demotion or removal from office.

Says the president of OMD is need to reorient the national health service to prevent, in fact, perhaps tens of billions of euros could be saved annually by implementing a national health service more preventive. Also the application of a real public policy for prevention of oral health may contribute to the reduction in the medium and long term, the weight of household budgets spent on dental treatment. There is courage and assume that this is possible, not piece accountability to citizens when there is no education for this purpose.

After all, the Government and the national health service responsibility for the health of the general population, it is for them to help people make better decisions for your health.


Wednesday 27 July 2011

462. A clinic that deals with family smiles for over 30 years

Smile because it shows emotion is always a sentence in the waiting room of the Laboratory of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Jesus Luis Neves has been operating for over thirty years on the street Gualdim Pais No. 9, 2. º left, in Tomar (near the Municipal Library).

Accumulating experience and know Luis Neves and his wife Hortense, dental technicians, this was among the first to open five offices in the city of Tomar, maintaining a customer base that spans generations already. A company of family who now see this is reinforced since the couple's youngest daughter, Diana Neves, with 25 years of age, eventually graduating in dentistry.

My parents opened the business as a dental laboratory but patients have evolved and it was decided 15 years ago, to expand the clinical portion of dental medicine, explained to O MIRANTE, Diana Neves who has worked for about a year and a half in the clinic, where many patients to know as a child. A dentist was, after all, a dream of Diana Neves, who specialized in Implantology and Aesthetic Dentistry. The most rewarding is to see people smile at the end of treatment and see their self-esteem boost, consider the young doctor.

Currently working at the Laboratory of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Jesus Luis Neves three dentists, who offer all treatments in the field of dentistry, and two dental technicians. There are no protocols with institutions but the clinic joined the dentist-check, made available by the Health Ministry to pregnant women followed in the National Health Service (S.N.S. in portuguese), S.N.S. users who benefit from the Solidarity Supplement for the elderly and children or young people under 16 years.

We are always looking for new techniques, we rely on innovative materials and equipment and training, participating in national and international workshops, said Diana Neves also stresses the very close relationship and even friendship established with patients. In future, the clinic will move to a facility that are at present being built from scratch in the Estrada da Serra, which could increase the number of specialties offered.

The Laboratory of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Jesus Luis Neves is open Monday through Friday, from 09h00 to 13h00 and from 14h30 to 19h00. Although this time, there is an emergency service 24 hours while the phone the clinic, with the number 249 321 110, directed to meet any emergency situation, regardless of the time that happens.
O Mirante

Thursday 21 July 2011

461. Newspaper interview i Orlando Monteiro da Silva (Part 1: Interview)

Today with 47 years of age, Orlando Monteiro da Silva was the youngest president ever in the country. Since 2001 is ahead of the Order of Dentists, an area that came later on the train in health, but - says - in an intelligent way. Will propose a meeting of the Orders of health on Wednesday in Lisbon to amend the Constitution: the National Health Service can not tend to be free, as it is written, and self-responsibility of patients is essential. Reduce the numerus clausus School of Dental Medicine is another objective. But there are also safe and conventions such as ADSE to strangle the class.I Journal - You see measures to reduce the expense of the National Health Service (SNS in portuguese language)?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - I called the SNS sort of a train, where the dentist did not come until very recently, approaching a cliff if nothing is done, particularly in terms of funding. They are symbolic measures, in a political context in which there is great pressure for doing something, but will not change anything substantial.

I Journal - Do you have any proposal?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - is necessary to revise the Constitution in relation to the SNS. Article 64, which talks about it, should be as brief as possible, without reference to an SNS tends to be free. It is essential that there is a degree of economic participation in the use of health services.

I Journal - But this participation exists ...

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - existed. Were given mixed signals in a way to electioneering. We symbolic user fees were increased and were later abolished. Should be taken into account that about 50% of users were already exempt. The Constitution must have a general principle of the SNS, but its modus operandi can not be restricted. Say for example that the SNS has decentralized and participatory management, when is anything but that. It is centralized and decisions are taken by a small group of people.

I Journal - see other gaps?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - The health sector can not exist in isolation. We need a better link to refocus the SNS for prevention. Another disagreeable notion, probably, is the self-responsibility.

I Journal - unsympathetic why?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - is a concept foreign to most people. The first and last is responsible for their own health. It is the principal and the principal person responsible.

I Journal - This has not happened?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - No. Every day we see a projection for health services in the resolution of problems caused by actions or lack thereof, by decisions that were taken throughout life. We must help people make better decisions for your health.

I Journal - once said that the Ministry was the Portuguese as if they had mouths. Keep this opinion?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - positive steps have been taken. We do not take the train from the NHS, but our way was to get smarter and less taxing society. With the program's dental check some basic services were contracted for some population groups, which is a very logic of outsourcing in the NHS then English. The State has to provide health care but ensure they are provided, regulated and funded.

I Journal - The treatments are the same for those who arrive with the check-dentist?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - This is our ethics. Investment in treating a child is a good opportunity to retain patients / customers.

I Journal - But there are complaints that this difference exists with health insurance ...

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - The Order is forbidden to have tables of values ​​in terms of minimum or maximum fees. The intervention in the dentist-check was different because it is a social program that requires the involvement of social care. I remember the conversation with the former Health Minister Correia de Campos on the amount of checks: 80 euros suggested it, 35 euros and the final value was 40 euros. With regard to insurance, contracts / agreements are an individual decision, every doctor or not to accept work under the conditions placed.

I Journal - There was some awareness?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - I did. There's only one thing that sensitizes insurers - money - which is nonetheless legitimate. This follows a logic of the market: insurance companies take advantage of the number of physicians-dentists to unilaterally impose the tariffs. Give yourself the luxury to download the tables of the values ​​they propose. No more treatments or interventions to be offered at no cost. Here we have an allegation of dumping about a year and we are waiting. But these are situations in the private realm, between the dentist and the convention or the insurer. ADSE situation is quite different, which does not update the values ​​in your tables for 19 years.

I Journal - are very low?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - the value of a tooth extraction is around 10 euros, which does not even pay the materials involved. It is completely unacceptable and unfair competition. But there's more: an insurer is entitled to make contracts, while the ADSE should work with the contest. A dentist who wants to contract with ADSE can not, because there are more than ten years that the Convention is closed. But if a large economic group appears soon open a clinic with all these conventions. There is no effective regulation in Portugal.

I Journal - What do you think the race of the clinical faculty?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - The function of schools is not to compete with the healthcare market, but it is important that these services exist for training of students.

I Journal - But there are also medical colleges to give advice.

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - only if embedded in post - graduate.

I Journal - This is what happens in practice? Only in Lisbon and Oporto, the colleges provide more than 70 000 visits per year.

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - I have no data on the subject, but I think there is a growing temptation to do so, through the bottleneck of funding. Want to make faculty hypermarkets dental treatment is a profound mistake. But my main challenge for colleges is being a factory of dentists.

I Journal - Go to intervene?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - We have a petition approved and in June we will start collecting signatures to bring it to discussion in committee and plenary early next year. The aim is to change some aspects of the law to match the entries in the colleges to the needs of the country. We have about 500 graduates a year, a figure that has increased with the Bologna process. Dentists have an average age of 37 years and we know that there will be people retiring over the next 4 / 5 years. I estimate that this number has gradually decreased to be 10% / year, to reach the half.

I Journal - will propose the termination of a course?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - No, although seven colleges excessive. The United Kingdom, with more than 50 million people have nine faculties.

I Journal - What are the prospects of these young dentists?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - Much is forced to leave the country. Portuguese society does not need more dentists, and we are seeing a brain drain after an expensive education. Many of them never come back and this is a huge disservice if we think that this training was around a few years ago, the 100 thousand euros.

I Journal - The number of doctors leaving the country is increasing?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - In the United Kingdom are close to 440. For other European countries do not have numbers.

I Journal - Thinking in the United Kingdom, which is that they have here and what will get there?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - Here have an uncertain future, a considerable difficulty in entering the market, a network of more than 5000 clinics and open another one in which it is virtually a suicide. Especially the number of patients who attend is very low. There are our colleagues who are in the office all day waiting for a patient, which may appear or not. The difference is that they come to England to win seven or eight thousand pounds per month.

I Journal - Graduates?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - Yes And this in Portugal or a senior. But no solution to propose to young people who leave the country.

I Journal - But how do you compete with a salary of 8000 pounds?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - Leaving the country is a right, but there is something to say about the politics of human resources training. If there is an increased access of the population to dentist if there is a country's economic growth, if there are products / quality assurance, most of these people will not have a future in dentistry.I Journal - There's clandestine exercise?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - long illegal practice in Portugal, with smuggling of recruitment. With Brazil is very common. There are other colleagues who know, come here three / four months to make some queries, then go back there.
I Journal - How are revenues?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - In the name of the legal colleagues hid. Hence the importance of the new licensing law: until next year all offices will have to ask permission. There will be periodic inspections.
I Journal - How big is the problem?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - We thought the complaints, but no idea what it is only with effective supervision is that it would be possible.

I Journal - Portuguese is the first elected president in the International Dental Federation. Sit to represent Portugal?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - I feel it's good for the country. My voice is more magnified in the Order by virtue of being elected president of the IDF, but my duties in the day to day but try to focus on the Portuguese case, this is not what is expected. I was not elected to be Portuguese, not for being president.
I Journal - But this is a good example of Portuguese, what would it be?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - The quality of dentists, private practice and dental check program. The experience of the dentist-check, though limited, has been followed with great interest in international terms. Do not think only in Portugal is that oral health is neglected. At this point it would be very disadvantageous if one wanted to end the program.
I Journal - Have you heard that?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - I have heard that the cut could include SNS dental check.
I Journal - Who?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - Above all commentators, outsiders. First, because you spend with the program - 30 million - against the benefit that gives thousands of people is irrelevant. Then because there is nothing, and there is much to cut. The biggest problem with the dentist-check is the expectation that you are creating in the population not covered. This is what I imagine can become difficult to manage ...
I Journal - There's envy in other medical specialties?

Orlando Monteiro da Silva - I am convinced that this program will be extended to other areas. Ophthalmology, ... It is important to see that this program is born by the political will but also aware that eventually an area is valued. More than half the population has no teeth in the mouth. I remember a few years you are missing two teeth to a miss of Portugal, which is unthinkable.