Monday 29 March 2010

315. In Portugal charge is imposed on the poor to health care first priority to the rich

Discrimination in access to private finance
through the National Health Service (SNS in Portuguese)
* * *
The Inspector General Activities of Health is investigating several complaints from clients who took longer to get a medical examination in private services when they go through the National Health Service, as reported DECO. Source of the office of Health Minister in a statement to Lusa, said that inspections were admitted "some few" complaints from users to report instances of discrimination, but he did not say how many. "Few, but not know how many, and are being investigated. We hope the findings," said one source.
Also, the Regulatory Authority for Health Lusa said today he had received few complaints from clients who say medical tests in private are marked quickly forget where they offer the credential of the family doctor and pay all of your pocket. This discrimination is prohibited by law, was today the subject of another complaint the association of consumer DECO, stating that in 11 percent of private establishments was found that was reduced waiting time when they gave up the credentials of medical family.
The employees held DECO 180 markings for colonoscopy (an examination of the gut), and transrectal ultrasound obstetric and 15 of the sites could bring forward the date marking of the examination when offered to forget the credential of the medical and support costs.
* * *
The title matches exactly with the text. We all pay taxes to the long training of doctors and health technicians, at the time of care, who have greater economic possessions is serviced first.
I propose that the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Health, the Ombudsman himself, Mr Attorney General's Office and all Members of Parliament today put an end to this situation. Portugal can not continue to have health policies that violate human rights.

314. program of oral health throughout the life cycle

Oral Health Program throughout the life cycle

In pregnancy
  • A pregnant, taking care of your oral health is to promote the health of your child.
  • A planned pregnancy should address the dental care of the mother
Up to 3 years
  • Oral hygiene begins with the eruption of first tooth
  • Oral hygiene is performed with a gauze, finger stall or soft brush
  • Parents should use a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste in 1000-1500ppm
From 3 to 6 years
  • The child must do the brushing of teeth, under supervision, at least twice a day one of which must before bedtime
  • The brush should be soft and have a size suitable for the child's mouth
  • The fluoridated toothpaste should be between 1000-1500 ppm, and the amount is identical to the size of the nail of the 5th finger (little finger) of the child
More than 6 years
  • Brushing the teeth should be done at least twice a day, one of which must before bedtime
  • The brush should be soft or medium-sized appropriate to the child's mouth
  • The fluoridated toothpaste should be between 1000-1500 ppm, and the amount is about one centimeter
In adolescence
  • Oral hygiene is part of the construction and strengthening positive self-image. The expectations of young people about the lips, mouth and teeth, from an aesthetic and relational, are of value
Oral Health Promotion in the school environment
In the garden-care
  • Integrating health education and oral hygiene in the Educational Project of the educational
  • Make a brushing of teeth in the Garden-schools
In schools the first, second and third cycle
  • To match the messages of health promotion practices of school
  • Carry out a fortnightly rinsing with a solution of sodium fluoride 0.2%
  • Make brushing teeth at school and monitor its implementation and effectiveness
Prevention of Oral Diseases
In children and young people at high risk of caries
  • Fissure sealants
  • Supplement of sodium fluoride (after 3 years of age)
  • Fluoride varnish or chlorhexidine
  • The individual risk assessment must be made by a dental hygienist, dentist, doctor or dentist
Early diagnosis and dental treatment
For children and youth in program
  • The Health Center
  • In dental services Hospitals
  • Private clinics, through contractual
Source: SPP - Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria

Friday 26 March 2010

313. oral health in schools

The oral diseases are, by their high prevalence, one of the main health problems of children and youth. However, caries and periodontal diseases, if properly prevented and treated early, are of a high vulnerability, with reduced costs and health gains relevant.
In Portugal, the number of decayed, missing and filled teeth per child (DMFT) to 12 years of age is 2.95, and the percentage of children free of dental caries in 6 years is 33%. The World Health Organization indicates that by 2020 at least 80% of children under 6 years are free of caries, and 12 years, the DMFT does not exceed the value of 1.5. Achieving these goals is only possible by strengthening the promotion of health and prevention of oral diseases, which require greater involvement of health professionals and education.
Thus, oral hygiene must be addressed in connection with the acquisition of personal hygiene behavior and learning the knowledge must relate to the experiences within and outside of school.
The curriculum guidelines for pre-school advocate an educational intervention in the health education and hygiene are part of everyday life from preschool. Similarly, during compulsory education, references to the discovery of the body, health, education, food, hygiene and overall oral hygiene are integrated into the curriculum and the school curriculum from first to ninth grade education.
In this context it is recommended that all children attending the kindergartens and schools in the first cycle of basic education to make brushing teeth in the school, thus leading to the gradual empowerment of the child for self-care oral hygiene.
The implementation of brushing should be guided by teachers, who must be trained for this activity, and regularly, at least once every three months, supervised by the school health team.
This preventive measure should the first cycle of basic education, be complemented by fortnightly rinsing with a solution of sodium fluoride 0.2%. This activity when done in a continuous and fortnightly helps reduce tooth decay by about 26%.
Nutrition education is also a central thrust of a program to promote oral health, it is necessary to raise awareness of aspects of school life that affect the oral health of children, the quality of school meals and food available at the bar or vending machines, most of them high in sugar and therefore strongly cariogenic.
The adoption by educational institutions, brushing the teeth of the students at least once a day as a central factor for a program to promote oral health, you will probably find some resistance from the kindergarten teachers and teachers who should go for solving gradually and in accordance with the real difficulties encountered, which would normally hold at the lower house and the difficulty in monitoring all students brushing.
So it is important that the activities of health promotion are integradasno school's educational project, promoted by teachers, but since that includes the planning phase, other key partners to solve and obstacles to the sustainability of the project, including the Municipality whose action is role in solving problems related to the structure of the school building. Similarly, parents should be active partners in the planning of activities to participate in solving problems and are essential for there to be at home to strengthen the practice of brushing. Experience tells us that projects that were initiated without the involvement of the community, often fail to sustainability and continuity, with the passage of time. However, in projects where community participation is strong, the likelihood of these projects fall is less and efficiency is increased as they continued the activities, supporting the behavioral change and increased maintenance.
Ângela Meneses Alves

Tuesday 23 March 2010

312. Finally?

It seems that finally someone is seriously concerned with the typical third world country and we still have around here, talk about oral health and how it has been systematically neglected by all the ministers who have gone through the health portfolio from 25 April 1974 by the former Health Minister Correia de Campos.
Now comes the good news by the current Minister of Health Ana Jorge, who finally has the wisdom and humility to face the problem and tackle it once, now proposing an investment of more than 25 million in checks - dentists, to be distributed to children aged four, five, seven, ten and thirteen years in 2009.
Unlike Correia de Campos (who advised parents to teach their children to brush their teeth every day), Ana Jorge knows that dental caries is an infectious disease - contagious and needs of medical procedure to be treated accordingly. We therefore hope that the Ministry of Health finally create all conditions to reverse the bleak left by his predecessors and to create conditions to make oral health a right for all citizens of this country, not just for a bourgeoisie wealthy with access to everything and anything, the result of social inequalities created and sustained by all governments in the last thirty years.
I recommend that the Minister Ana Jorge revitalize a new posture in front of his Ministry and who knows confront lobbyists installed, did not bow to interest groups more or less opportunistic and only have eyes for their own navels, that all to do that after 34 years after the April 25, 1974, finally all children and young Portuguese have the same access to treatment by oral health in our country, whether children of the working class or the bourgeoisie installed and live at the expense of power.
Further, it is expected that these 25 million euros annually channeled to oral health and youth are effectively fully expended only and only in medical procedures, which does not allow the Minister, a single deviation from this fund for other purposes, whatever they are, or to sustain employment of incompetent parasites installed in offices of secretaries of state or regional health authorities that over the past thirty years, little or nothing done for the sake of oral health and to reach a left neglect points of almost no return, without care less about that.
It's a good bet is just to continue the working group that conducted the National Study of Prevalence of Oral Diseases 2008; it is profitable synergies and focus on creating real oral health programs, completely beyond the reach of those who were the great responsible for more disarray for oral health in Portugal in which we live up to our days.
For me, unfortunately, these programs are thirty years too late and they can not remedy the neglect and close all doors that hit to get treatment in time, after being savagely treated by looking at the service of a particular Regional Health Administration, I definitely ruined my life forever, but that's another story that will be treated in another and was very short.
But I'll be around and I will continue to follow, day by day, how it develops a policy of oral health in Portugal.

Thursday 18 March 2010

311. Checks - dentists reach children and young

The check-dentist is going to be distributed to children aged four, five, seven, ten and thirteen years in 2009 an investment of more than 25 million of euros, announced today the Minister of Health. Currently, checks are distributed pregnant women followed in the health centers and the elderly who receive the Solidarity Supplement.
Speaking at the Parliamentary Committee on Budget and Finance, Ana Jorge pointed out that the number of dental caries has "declined significantly" because of the work has been done on prevention. "Now, let's bet also in the treatment of cavities. All children who attend public schools have access to oral health care and, when necessary, the dentist checks", he announced.
According to the accounts of the governor, will cover 190 thousand of children from ages seven, ten and thirteen years, adding yet another 20 thousand dental checks for children aged four and five years.

310. Analysis of the National Study of Prevalence of Oral Diseases in 2008 (Part 5)

Social and demographic characterization of the studied
* * *
The National Study of Prevalence of Oral Diseases 2008 was made during the academic year 2005/06 and covered a sample of 2612 children and young people in public, divided into three age groups: 890 children under 6 years of age, 837 children under 12 years old and 885 young people under 15 years old, broken down by sex and by the different health regions of the country, including the autonomous regions of Azores and Madeira.
Given the level of parental education of children and young people between 12 and 15 years old, it was found that the majority had compulsory education, parents with secondary education and higher education accounted for up to 28% of the total number of parents.
The results presented by the study indicates that parents of children under 12 years of age tend to have higher levels of education compared to parents of their 15 years of age, this trend is most noticeable in the mother than the father.
One detail to note is that this finding was not further later in the analysis of final results obtained, since it could allow a relationship between oral health of children and young people and their level of education of parents, this would make possible develop oral health programs specific to certain levels of schooling of its population.
The same can be said about the profession of parents, the report only highlights the fact that most parents perform work at intermediate level, noting that a quarter of mothers of children and young people between 12 and 15 years old be home.
It is clear that the implementation of any program of oral health must take into account the type for which it is intended, the universe of the population of intermediate levels of schooling and / or job insecurity requires a separate action, in terms of programs oral health of the population with high levels of education and / or professionally stable.

Monday 15 March 2010

309. program "Clean Teeth, Beautiful Teeth"

It is now a year, the municipality Mangualdense initiated the program "Clean Teeth, Beautiful Teeth" which was aiming at total eradication of this county "ppalling conditions of dental caries in the twenty-first century is still in significant numbers in the mouths the Portuguese".
According to the Portuguese Association of Oral Health (APSO), quoted by the Journal of Viseu, this program could complete control of the Oral Health of children in the first cycle of basic education in 4 years with an annual per capita cost less than the cost average fee for a consultation in a private practice of dentistry Mangualde. They were involved in this project, as well as APSO and Mayor of Viseu, the Department of Preventive Dentistry, Course of Dentistry of the Catholic University and all dentists in private practice in the district of Viseu.
In fact, this project has never got it. The children of the first cycle of basic education of Mangualde never had any treatment. "Just saw my son once and it was at school" reported one parent to the yard. Faced with this situation, we were informed that the project was never implemented.
No student, even those who were first screened by the students of Medicine and Dentistry of Viseu, never received any treatment in private practice in Viseu. Manuel Antonio, the father of a child who attends the first year of primary education at one school a group of teaching Mangualde asked to inform the procedures to be carried out under the project "tooth clean, beautiful teeth" to take their students to a dentist of that program of oral health.
"I had the honor, as the letter referred to, to be informed that it was recast. The project was begun in the past year, in March 2005 and lasted four years, last twelve months, is correct and no resolution in sight", he said.
March 31, 2006
* * *
Received the Terreiro this clarification by the President of the Portuguese Association of Oral Health, Dr. Antonio Larcher, Dentist. Great honor for us and the attitude demonstrated by the high APSO. It is pleasing to record the appreciation made by this Association to Terreiro.
We are thankful for that explanation, we would have been equally true of the entities responsible for such clarifications and humbly recognize that sometimes the appointments can not be met by a variety of reasons. Mangualde and our children only win with these attitudes.
"Dear Terreiro As you know, I am President of APSO. Before commenting on the statements writing and reach the honor of the Association which I chair, I thank you as a citizen attention and demanding the fulfillment of the promises of political forces. If the Portuguese had similar behavior, we would certainly be better served.
Clarification on the program "Clean Teeth, Tooth Beautiful" In 2004/2005, as APSO informed the parents of pupils in primary schools of Viseu, would only be withdrawing the state of oral health of children (determination of DMF) to actual knowledge of the real needs and costs of implementing the next phase of the program. This was achieved through collaboration with the Department of Community Oral Health of the Catholic University.
The collaboration of the Municipality of Mangualde this stage was just logistics, ensuring transportation of the students at the Catholic University to the various schools of the Municipality and taking the kids to the County University Hospital of the Catholic University in the promotion of Oral Health which took place in the plant . It was not possible until now, by funding difficulties, which exceeded the APSO to commence consultations under the Program. I keep hoping later this school year can start them.
The kind of project of the D.G.S. (Directorate General of Health) that both praises, I must clarify the following. First, the project is not new; in Mangualde been in operation for more than five years. It is not as comprehensive as it claims! In Mangualde be seen about 120 children from 4 to 16 years. Only in the first cycle schools are enrolled about 900 students. And it has proven not to work!
After all these years PSOCA (Program Oral Health of Children and Adolescents) of D.G.S., Mangualde DMFT has a total of 3.86, reaching a value of 4.35 to 10 years. DMFT is the number of permanent teeth affected by decay in the mouth. The value you give is the average of the mouths of doom.
At 10, there are only 12 permanent teeth and are on average more than 4 with caries. These children have all benefited from the program that has so many compliments on your part. I do not know who is the Terreiro, but I think I know the Terreiro. So know that I am politically nonpartisan enough to take my status as "non-voters."
This final clarification is not therefore any attempt to excuse or blame any political or mayor. In 2002 this program was proposed to Dr. Fernando Ruas (Viseu - PSD) following the International Congress of Oral Health held in that city. As I personally know Dr. José Correia, at the time the Mayor of Nelas (PS), presented him the program, hoping that this would start up in my land of origin. The answer was the same and so I think it is supra partisan attitudes: The Municipal Councils already have a lot to do and responsibility is the health of the state!
Mangualde always went further and showed interest as soon as you arrange money, we work. As you will agree the biggest obstacle to progress is always a change in attitudes. I think the opening taken in our municipality shows that at least this difficulty will be overcome."
April 2, 2006
* * *
Still like to know at least one young man who participated in this project! They say it's unique project in the national scene ... but should be, at the national level there are people who have imagination so fertile, so I think it is unique.
We will continue the program of widespread oral health for all students of the first cycle, through the "Clean Teeth - Tooth Beautiful", in partnership with the Portuguese Association of Oral Health and the Catholic University of Portugal (the one on the national scene).
2005 local elections the PSD Program
Because I have a daughter in the first cycle of basic education, one day ask me about this project, I had the honor, as published reports of the letter, to be informed that it was being reworked. The project was initiated in March 2005 and lasting for 4 years, 12 months ago, was hit and no resolution in sight to this day because nothing happened ... that is, nothing ever happened.
Politics ... seriously? Or political play?
January 3, 2008

Thursday 11 March 2010

308. Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Porto

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The School of Dental Medicine, University of Porto is a public school education university that promotes science, research and service to the community in the field of dentistry and enjoys scientific, pedagogic, administrative and financial, assumes the responsibilities of management and internal organization and promotes the creation and development of protocols with public and private national and foreign.
It had its beginnings as a School of Dental Medicine, established by Decree-Law No. 368 of August 15, 1976 and came into operation in November of that year and formed, in Portugal, the first institution of higher medical and dental university level.
The School of Dental Medicine worked in temporary offices since 1976, a prefabricated annex to the Hospital of S. João, to the construction of a building which is located at Rua Dr. Manuel Pereira da Silva - Paranhos.
Incorporated at the University of Oporto on January 6, 1989, through Law No. 10 of 6 January 1989, establishing the School of Dental Medicine, University of Porto. Changing facilities for the current building took place on 15 July 1997. The Faculty of Dentistry, University of Porto is now an institution of prestige nationally and internationally.
The Faculty currently includes 37 PhDs, and 8 Professors, 10 Associate Professor, 6 Associate Professors, 10 Associate Professors, 2 Assistant Professor, 2 Associate Professors Invited to 40%, 5 assistants, 2 Teaching Assistants, Teaching Assistants 7 60%, 6 Teaching Assistants 40%, 2 Teaching Assistants to 30%, 4 Teaching Assistants 20%, 6 Monitor and 3 teachers hired.
School of Dental Medicine, University of Porto continues among other things, the following:
a) give the course and give a degree in Dentistry, as well as other that by law may be granted;
b) organizing and Masters courses, postgraduate, specialization and updating its fields of expertise, and promote academic training leading to the granting of the doctoral degree;
c) Organize and deliver training courses on continuing education in various areas of the disciplines of dentistry and allied subjects and also organize free courses long, recycling, and other deepening it deems necessary or useful;
d) To maintain, promote and develop scientific research;
e) Collaborate with other departments, institutions or entities that require their technical, scientific and educational collaboration or receive them, according to protocol established;
f) to assume leadership and technical-scientific-medical courses for technicians and oral hygienists, dental assistants, dental technicians and dental technicians;
g) To organize and keep an outpatient dental, subject to scientific and educational interests of the Faculty;
h) Establish forms of exchange, cultural, scientific, technical, educational, collaborative activities of common interest with public or private, domestic and foreign;
i) within the scope of activity for international cooperation, particularly with regard to Portuguese-speaking countries and European countries.

307. Ninth edition of Oral Health Month

As part of the ninth month of the Colgate Oral Health and the Portuguese Society of Stomatology and Dental Medicine (SPEMD), which runs until late October, the city of Coimbra has free dental screenings. Thus, by the end of the month, the district of Coimbra has 60 offices to perform the screenings free of charge, without X-rays or treatment.
At the same time, across the country are over 1 700 health professionals Oral to participate voluntarily in the campaign, which aims to raise awareness of good oral hygiene habits. The campaign also seeks to have the entire population for the actions to correct oral health in order to prevent any dental disease.
The campaign months of Colgate Oral Health and SPEMD, launched in 2000, has done around 85 thousand free dental screenings, as well as corrected some habits that are affecting the dental health of its population. The population that is interested in participating in the campaign only needs to obtain information from members of the offices nearest the place of residence, or through the Blue Line (808 205 206), available from 9:00 to 23:00 every day.

Friday 5 March 2010

305. Minister refuses national network of dental care

Health Minister rejected the possibility of creating a national network of dental care, which would represent "very high costs of financing and maintenance," and defended the advantages of "dental checks, which will benefit thousands of pregnant women and elderly. At a press conference after the first debate of the State Budget for 2008 in the National Assembly, the Minister announced the creation of "dental checks" in the oral health program for pregnant women and elderly, but did not reveal their value by not being also negotiated with the Dental Association (OMD) and possibly with the Order of Physicians, in the activity of doctors dentists.
In an interview with TSF radio, the minister explained that the Dental Association (OMD) will not recommend the establishment of a national network, and start a new process, it is intended that this is the red tape as possible. "These measures are financially supported and controllable", he argued.
In the case of pregnant women, the family doctor of the health center to identify pregnancy issues through a computer, check for the woman to make a dental screening and two for any treatment throughout pregnancy. The estimates of the Ministry of Health is that this program covers 65 thousand pregnant each year that are followed in the health centers and are believed to be the most disadvantaged in social terms "and which are oriented priorities." In the private sector should be followed to 35 thousand pregnant women, who have no access to dental checks.
The elderly who receive the Solidarity Supplement, who already have a share of 75% renewable every three years in the purchase of prostheses, will now receive two vouchers dentist. In total, according to calculations by the Minister Correia de Campos for next year, the Executive plans to increase the funding of the program of oral health of six million to 21 million euros, but the "check-dentist" to be used in clinical private.
The Ministry also provides a bet on the enlargement of the oral health program for children between six and twelve years from the current 66 thousand to 80 thousand covered. "It is very important to reduce tooth decay that affects 50% of children, which is still one too many, but have had only nine percent of children without caries," he recalled.
* * *
To know the truth and do not be fooled, it's good to remember the words of former Minister of Health. No courage to assume that the current government is only available for offers chocolates made in attacking the problem of oral health that grace the country.
To what extent are non-aligned or private interests in the area with this atrocious and demagogic policy of denial of basic human rights by the people, practiced by the government of the Socialist Party?

Tuesday 2 March 2010

304. City of Santa Maria da Feira: School Health Program

The school health program, through the promotion of oral health and vision screening is crucial to preventing serious diseases, including children at risk. Partnerships launched with public health are examples nationally.
The Oral Health Program is organized by the Health Center in Santa Maria da Feira and traces of the Ophthalmic Hospital of St. Sebastian, both counting with the support of City Hall.
In the year 2008 is expected to establish a partnership with the University Fernando Pessoa in promoting oral health for all day-care children and schools of the first round can be addressed with this project.
* * *
Hereby claim access to the referral, this blog ( ) of the state in this oral health program organized by the Health Center in Santa Maria da Feira, what was the target audience, what kind of intervention was done and what the results already obtained.

303. degree in oral hygiene (ISAVE)