Saturday 28 January 2012

492. Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba studying genes involved in malformations of the teeth

Teeth are not born, and dental enamel staining with irregular features are some problems that can occur during tooth formation. Study them so wide was the objective of the Thematic Project Defects in the formation of the tooth, which was supported by FAPESP and was coordinated by Sérgio Roberto Peres Line, Department of Morphology, Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba, State University of Campinas (FOP-UNICAMP) in Piracicaba (SP), Brazil.
One of the objects of study was the effect of fluoride on the occurrence of spots on tooth enamel. Considered a mild malformation, this problem occurs during the formation of organic matrix and calcification of the tooth and primarily affects your enamel. Although it is basically composed of minerals, the enamel begins to form from a protein matrix, and at this stage the tooth is already suffering the action of fluoride.
We developed a method that uses polarized light microscopy and allows to study the state of aggregation of the proteins of tooth enamel, said the Line Agency FAPESP. It was known that fluoride affects tooth enamel, but the FOP team has shown how this occurs. We show that fluoride disrupts the protein matrix of enamel during its formation, he said. This part of the doctoral research composed of Alexandre Ribeiro do Espírito Santo, who studied the effects of genetic alterations on the organic matrix of tooth enamel and had fellowship from FAPESP.
Another change found in dental enamel analyzed in the project was amelogenesis imperfecta, a problem caused by mutations in different genes related to the formation of this part of the tooth. This anomaly may manifest itself in different ways, for example, an enamel hard, thin and full of irregularities.
In the most common form of the disease, the enamel comes with a soft consistency, and to be worn by chewing, and eventually disappears exposing the dentin, the inside of the tooth. Thus, the disease has also functional and aesthetic consequences because after wear can be left only a small piece of the tooth, said Line.
This part of the survey was conducted in conjunction with Pragna Patel, Institute for Genetic Medicine at the University of Southern California (USC), the United States. The teams Brazilian and North American region mapped a gene related to amelogenesis imperfecta. The genetic survey also attended the National Institutes of Health (NIH, its acronym in English). At this stage, we studied families who had people with the disease to identify genes related to its occurrence.
None of the cases tested correlated with amelogenesis imperfecta. Even so, the results are important because we analyzed all genes related to enamel formation and we now know that they alone are not responsible for the disease, indicating that other genes are involved, said Line. The analysis of genes involved in amelogenesis imperfecta was the theme of the doctoral thesis of Maria Cristina Leme Godoy dos Santos, who developed his work with Grant from FAPESP.
The team also investigated the absence of the formation process of the tooth called the dental agenesis, which is more frequent among the upper lateral incisors and third molars known as wisdom teeth. In more severe cases, a few teeth are formed, causing serious problems chewing and speaking, and those related to aesthetics.
To study this disease, the FOP team analyzed the polymorphisms of PAX9 gene called and got some of them relate to agenesis of molar teeth, especially wisdom teeth. The PAX9 has been the focus of researches of Carolina Vieira de Almeida, Cristiano Pereira Borges Saito and Liza Ramenzoni Lima, with grants from FAPESP. The work required the collection of DNA from patients attending the clinic suffering from FOP agenesis. With this, the researchers were able to compare regions of DNA with that of healthy people and, therefore, possible to identify parts involved with the disease.
Started in 2005, the work was finished in May 2010, having produced important papers like the New locus for autosomal dominant amelogeneis imperfecta on chromosome 8q24.3, published in the journal Human Genetics in 2006 and identifies the chromosome 8 as a new locus of amelogenesis imperfect.
Another work produced in the same project was accepted recently by the journal Cell Biochemistry and Function, and will be published later this year, according to Line. The FOP group intends to further studies in the regions of the PAX9 identified that were more likely to be related to dental problems. This is the focus of the study of Mariana Martins Ribeiro and Luciana Souto Mofatto - the first is Technical Training Scholarship from FAPESP and, second, Postdoctoral.
The training of human resources was a key outcome of the project, according to Line. Students who worked on this theme are now teachers at the Federal University of Parana, Federal University of Bahia and Amazonas State University, said. Line also consider upgrading the research infrastructure an important consequence of the theme. The purchase of a freezer that reaches - 70 °C and a luminometer [for measurement of luminescence] and the assembly of a cell culture room, which will be used by other areas of Unicamp, are important contributions that allowed the support of FAPESP feasible, he said.

Sunday 22 January 2012

491. Interview with President of the Order of Dentists

490. 10 tips for choosing your dentist

1-On the first visit to the dentist, look closely from the reception room to the inner office. Be attentive to issues related to cleaning the environment, the sterilization of the material, and the use of caps, gloves, mask and disposable needles. Many diseases can be transmitted in the office.
2-Passing through the first query, do not be shy and ask all the explanations about the treatment that will be held in his mouth. This is where you will feel if the professional is competent or not. If you do not feel safe, find another dentist.
3-Ensure that, during treatment, teaches professionals how to take care of the teeth to prevent future problems. This quality shows that he cares about the oral health of their patients and not only interested in making money.
4-Note the way the dentist treats his patients, employees, and also in the attention that needs to your questions. If he treats everyone with kindness, is a sign that will do the same with you.
5-The time formed the professional is not vital, but also counts. After all, a perfect result of treatment is what really matters.
6-Do not look for a dentist prioritizing only the financial side. When the price is too high, ask for discounts, and if too low, be suspicious.
7-For your choice is permanent and safe, you should consult different professionals in order to obtain different budgets, which may be charged or not.
8-Be careful not to get carried away by misleading advertisements. After all, advertising does not mean competence. What should be taken into consideration is the professional curriculum and the results of their work. A good dentist should be well updated and attend conferences to specialize more and more.
9-Note the amount of time that the professional reserve for each patient, and if the consultation is made between a correct cleaning of the office.
10-Take a spin at the first appointment if there was the concern of the professional as to your problem, or simply, if the professional is restricted to the budget.

Thursday 12 January 2012

489. International Dental Congress of the Centenary of APCD
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From January 29 to February 10, the International Dental Congress will mark the centenary of APCD 100 years with many new features, will be promoted at the Expo Center Norte, with free membership to all surgeons and dentists voluminous scientific grid with new activities and more international conferences.
To open the celebrations of 100 years of its activities, the APCD - São Paulo Association of Dentists will, from January 29 to February 10, the International Dental Congress of the Centenary, which will bring together 70,000 professionals from Brazil and abroad . Under the unifying theme to grow, the anniversary edition will be held at Expo Center Norte, without charging the membership fee of dentists and a voluminous scientific grid with three new activities - sequential course for clinical use, clinical solutions and national course for academics - as well as more international conferences. Registration is now open and can be made ​​through the website or by phone 0800 12 85 55.
It is a historic and unique because Congress will be held in a very special date, the event celebrates the president, Jorge Silvio Cecchetto. He points out that the move to the Expo Center Norte will bring comfort to the participants. It is a modern and well located, equipped with air conditioning and classrooms reversible, which may be enlarged or reduced according to the number of people, he says.
A marathon courses, workshops, hands-on panels, boards make up the scientific and clinical programming of the Centennial Congress. In parallel, there is the realization of Fiosp - International Dentistry of São Paulo and Community Dentistry, APCD project's social, theater presentations and educational activities for children and seniors.

Thursday 5 January 2012

488. Learn about foods that help to protect teeth

Brushing and flossing teeth every day is the best way to ward off dental disease. But a diet rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, D and calcium can help to make teeth whiter and gums healthy. The American dentist Anthony M. Lacopino, University of Manitoba, says the first step to having a pretty mouth is to reduce snacking between meals, so that the teeth are not so exposed to substances that erode the enamel.
To reduce the chances of tooth decay, prefer to eat three meals a day, says Lacopino. Also beware that some foods can chip or even break teeth. Chewing ice is prohibited, as well as olive stones, fruit or popcorn.
Foods to avoid
Chocolates and sweets: In addition to increasing the amount of bacteria in the mouth, teeth and adhere to difficult cleaning;
Simple carbohydrates: potatoes, pasta, bread and white rice also increase the acidity of the mouth and create an optimal environment for bacteria. Best exchange for full or brush your teeth soon after;
Coffee, tea and red wine: All these drinks contain pigments that stain teeth. Tea and coffee, if they are sweetened with sugar, also stimulate the proliferation of bacteria.
Beneficial foods
Water: Drinking helps reduce the acidity of the mouth and decreases the amount of bacteria in the mouth;
Sugarless gum: The gum increase the amount of saliva in the mouth, which neutralizes acid and protects tooth enamel. After meals, it is a good choice if you do not like brushing your teeth;
Citrus fruits: Despite being acidic, it helps increase saliva and end up cleaning the teeth. Bet on orange, cherry, lemon and kiwi;
Cheese and milk: The protein in dairy products, calcium and phosphorus decrease the acidity of the mouth and also protect the enamel erosion. In addition, the minerals help strengthen the surface layer of the teeth;
Fish and flaxseed: They help keep the risk of gum disease and reduce oral inflammation. The omega-3, found in both foods, also makes the body more resistant to inflammation and infection;
Chocolate: Substances found in cocoa decrease inflammation and help protect the teeth from erosion. Chocolate, although rich in sugar, is a better option for your teeth than cookies, cake and even raisins, Lacopino says.
O Globo Saúde