Monday 18 December 2017

693. Oral health care will be extended to all users of the National Health Service (SNS)

Less than a year later, the Government will expand the pilot experience of having dentists in primary care. A rule published Wednesday by the Directorate-General for Health said that oral health care will no longer be guaranteed only to the most vulnerable and to include all users of the units that are part of the experimental group.
In the 13 health centers of Alentejo (Montemor-o-Novo and Portel) and the Region of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo (Monte da Caparica, Moita, Fatima, Salvaterra de Magos, Cartaxo, Rio Maior, Azambuja, Alenquer, Arruda dos Vinhos , Lourinhã and Mafra-Ericeira), all registered users can now access the dentist. The consultation is requested by the family doctor.
Last year, when the pilot project began, oral health care was limited to the most vulnerable users. In case, with diabetes, cancer, heart or respiratory disease, kidney failure or transplanted. In all, 3396 patients were referred to the dentist and 5316 oral health consultations were performed.
The provision of dental care in health centers, which excludes all aesthetic interventions, will continue to be evaluated for possible extension to all primary care units of the National Health Service (SNS) and thus to the entire population. The absence of dentists in the state health services has always been referred to as one of the weaknesses of the SNS.

692. Private entities: 80% charge for fictitious oral medicine services

At 58, prosecutor Leonor Furtado is proud of a career dedicated to fighting corruption. He passed through Timor-Leste, the Ministry of Environment, the Court of Auditors, the Council of Europe and the Central Department of Investigation and Criminal Action. Since 2015, she has been working to find out how many ways the State can be deceived at the expense of diseases: it is an inspector general of health activities, an area where fraud is worth millions.Jornal PÚBLICO - What health frauds that hit you the most?Attorney Leonor Furtado - So much fraud is a citizen who acquires sunglasses for the whole family to apply for ADSE as the case of the doctor who prescribed so many antibiotics to the elderly father that he or she had already killed him or else that was not true. Last year we intervened in oral health and the dental check. I was shocked to find places where the instruments were not disinfected. It was an action that targeted the five largest private entities in the Lisbon region. Even more shocking - and that is where the fraud is - is that in four of them, services never rendered to the State had been invoiced.