Sunday 4 June 2017

680. ESPOSENDE: Partnership guarantees oral health care for children and young people in need of the municipality

The Local Social Action Council (CLAS) of Esposende has established a partnership with the Clínica Senhora da Saúde, Esposende, in order to guarantee oral health support for children and young people from poor families in the municipality.
The protocol for the operationalization of the + Oral Health project was formalized last 12, by the President of CLAS and Mayor of Esposende, Benjamim Pereira, and Technical Director of the Clinic, Thierry Zão da Silva.
This project is part of the intervention of the Esposende Social Shop and aims to respond to the fragile economic situation of some families, especially in access to oral health services, such as screenings and medical-dental treatments.Clínica Senhora da Saúde undertakes to receive and attend monthly, free of charge, up to three children or young people under the age of 18, referenced and sent through the Social Store and who are in a situation of proven socioeconomic deficiency.This partnership reflects, on the one hand, the unique dynamics of the Social Store in the search for and diversification of responses to the most vulnerable population of the county and, on the other hand, reflects the social responsibility of Clínica Senhora da Saúde and its concern to ensure health services To children and young people whose households do not have the financial capacity to provide care. An example that may be followed by other entities / companies that want to join the Social Store in improving the living conditions of the population.
Correio do Minho