Monday 30 June 2008

91) Theater of puppets addresses oral hygiene in daycare Sister Martistela

Tangará da Serra - Through the theatre of puppets, students of nursery school Sister Maristela learned from the staff of Municipal Health Council the importance of oral hygiene. The team holds CMS, weekly, shares in the nursery, which also encourage students to clean their teeth.
"It is important, since early, incorporate this habit of taking care of teeth," says the director of the daycare center, Rosineire da Silva. It argues that values the prevention work, not by the actions or curative treatment. "The puppet theatre in a nice way to the public and targeted children, the professionals take the children involved, important messages of prevention to problems in oral health," says Rosineire.
She explains that throughout the year were carried out activities of guidelines on the proper way to brush their teeth, dental floss pass, and the care that children should have both in school and at home to prevent cavities. "In addition to making the fear that the child has the dentist, this project improves prevention of the condition of oral health and reduces the incidence of caries."

90) Heal the bad breath

Because of problems with bad breath, many people leave to marry, attend social gatherings and even to seek employment, according Vinicius Pedrazzi, a professor at the Faculty of Dentistry of USP (University of São Paulo) from Ribeirao Preto. By definition, the bad breath, or halitose, is an unpleasant odor from the mouth, lungs and nostrils.
The stink is caused by bacteria, which break down food and dead cells of the mouth. When the saliva, which is rich in oxygen, is very dry, those bacteria that live in a free oxygen, proliferate and promoting fermentation. Here comes the bad breath.
According Pedrazzi, only a proper hygiene of the mouth can fight bad breath on most occasions. "Clear your teeth at least four times a day, using dental floss at least before sleeping (and always before brushing) and do the cleaning of the language, a habit that brazilians have not assimilaram, is the minimum that a person must do to speak without fear, linking up with security and interacting socially with others, "he says. According to the professor of USP, only 1% of cases of bad breath, or halitose, are due to problems in the digestive system.
Three percent of cases are caused by inflammation and accumulation of food in the tonsils, as of 5% to 10% occur by nasal problems. There are, according Pedrazzi, a wide margin of 90% of causes of bad breath related to problems in the oral cavity. The vast majority of them for lack of proper hygiene in the teeth and tongue. Who has never felt constrained by being caught, or because he felt could be noticed, with a bad smell characteristic in the mouth?
But talk about bad breath is still a taboo among people, although this evil is more common than you think. A survey conducted in the U.S. in 2002 and published in the journal "The Science of Bad Breath" showed that 35% of North Americans suffer from chronic bad breath (for life), while 50% of that suffering badly from time to time. That is, about 90% of the population have, or have had bad breath at some point in life. In Brazil, there are no precise data on the subject, but experts believe that the rates are very similar to those of North Americans. "People should accept this problem better. Often it intensifies because the other people who are not communicate with bad breath," says the dentist Joseane Maria Dias Bosco.

Thursday 26 June 2008

89) Congress of the order of dentists: good news for the oral health

The chairman of Dentists welcomed the success of the 15 th edition of the Order of the congress, which ended yesterday at the Fair. Orlando Monteiro da Silva highlighted the commitment of the guardianship, but warned that "lack democratize access to oral health." The 5,500 doctors dentists who currently work in Portugal are, according to the head, "more than sufficient" to ensure the quality of the service: "It's one doctor for every two thousand Portuguese," stressed Orlando Monteiro da Silva in PRIMEIRO DE JANEIRO.
In a review of the congress that in the last three days led to the Europarque over 2300 professionals and students, the president has said it is pleased with the visit of the Minister of Health and with the announcement of an increase of 20 percent in the appropriation to the national budget for the oral health, the support of the umbrella campaign to promote oral hygiene among children and the possibility of the valence of dentistry be brought into units of family health. However, stressed that "not enough" and that "lack dental practitioners in hospitals" and speed up the implementation of family health units (USF), for "democratizing access the host in urgent situations," because "for a long time Portugal to take to make the tail of Europe "and dentists can" help ".
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Again we are waiting to see, is extremely unpleasant in the European Union and we know the glaring inequalities of the population access to treatments of oral health in our country, right from childhood.

Wednesday 25 June 2008

88) SCHOOL: College of Ruílhe inaugurates Own Health School

Educating for Health, contributing to the promotion of healthy behaviour on the part of the school community is the main objective of this office coordinated by nurse Ricardo Ferreira. A few days of its opening, the office is already developing a project entitled "Win Health ', in the theme integrating the activities of the school:' School for Life." According Ricardo Ferreira, the first draft of the cabinet aims to making the school community, including students, teachers and officials' pro-active in its pursuit of optimal health status, the adoption of healthy behaviour. "
The activities of the Office of School Health will be diverse and include reviews of health aiming at assessing the physical growth and development, psychomotor and psychosocial; stimulate the choice of healthy behaviour level, for example, nutrition, prevention of consumption and harmful adoption of security measures regulating the practice of physical exercise. In this context, the first work in the office will be the assessment of the approximately 300 students who practise sport at school, followed by pupils of the fifth year.
It is also in examinations of health, promote the prevention of accidents and poisoning and the risks of sun exposure; prevent, identify, learn how to deal with common diseases in various ages; flag and provide continued support to children with chronic illness; identify, support and guide children and families victims of violence or neglect. In these consultations will also be evaluated various parameters such as weight, height, body mass index, blood pressure, dental, vision, posture, overall development, vaccination, among others.
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It is here the request to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health to take these issues into the public schools, by people properly trained and can guide the students to the appropriate specialties that children and young people they need. The Ministry of Education has to assume that the success of students is directly proportional to their well being.

Monday 23 June 2008

87) XV Congress of the Order of Dentists

The XV Congress of the Order of Dentists met in Europarque of Santa Maria da Feira, between 9 and November 11, more than two thousand national and international specialists with the dual aim of promoting continuous training of members of the class and promote an exchange with society to educate for oral health.
The meeting of speciality happens in a country that occupies the last of the European Union in terms of oral health and where half the population is only in consultation dentist limit in case of emergency.
"In addition to the continuous enhancement of professional class we must work to find ways to allow more people access to the dentist," said the PRIMEIRO DE JANEIRO president of the Order of Dentists. Orlando Monteiro da Silva noted, also, that "50 percent portuguese is excluded in dentistry by economic difficulties and for not being sufficiently clarified to the importance of oral health." In this regard, Portugal is the level of countries such as Romania or Bulgaria in terms of oral health, and the younger grades are the most worrisome. Despite a 5500 doctors trained dentists.
To reverse this "worrying situation", the bastonário the Order of Dentists suggests the contribution by the Ministry of Health of consultations on the network of private clinics in the country "We must study ways to make the population has access to dental comparticipada through the hiring of specialists, refund of part of the price of consultations or through tax benefits for the user and clinical, at least for a basic package of treatment ", went to PRIMEIRO DE JANEIRO president of the Order of Dentists.
Moreover, treatment and rehabilitation of teeth - that is: regular consultation and placement of prostheses - are the areas most concern. "We must tell people that dentistry can not be seen as a luxury," he said, though, Orlando Monteiro da Silva, adding that "there is no reason not to evolve in terms of oral health in Portugal because we have technicians, dental practitioners and will [the average age of class is 35 years], but there is a problem of political will to resolve. "
In any case, the contacts established by the Order of Dentists with the Ministry of Health show that the office of the Minister Correia de Campos is aware of the situation and, furthermore, will have to act. "Especially in terms of prevention, taking some ideas on these matters," added Monteiro da Silva. Á way of guidelines, at least, each person should perform a dentist in a year. In 365 days a year, each person should brush their teeth at least three times a day, after meals, for two minutes, with a brush adapted to their tooth sensitivity. In addition to this concern, the use of dental floss is recommended.
The Order of Dentists presented at the formal session of the opening of XV Congress of speciality, a campaign to raise awareness of smaller for oral health. With the suggestive name of "John Dentex ', the initiative aims to achieve over the next year, the universe of nearly a million and half of children, alerting parents and teachers of the importance of oral hygiene. This is a mobile campaign, which vai go through various schools and health centres of the country, created in partnership with the Ministry of Education and with the collaboration of several medical dentists.
Later this year, in December, the city of Famalicão vai host the first pilot action. "The campaign is important because it will educate for oral hygiene," confirmed in statements to the PRIMEIRO DE JANEIRO, Orlando da Silva Monteiro, president of the Order of Dentists.

86) Humanization, from the cradle!

The University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhao (UFMA), President Dutra units and Maternal and Child, yesterday promoted various activities such as lectures, on the day of humanization. The program will be extended until next Friday.
Violence against women and against the elderly, treatment with herbal and healthy food were some of the issues that arrested the attention of patients in the waiting rooms of medical clinics of the Maternal and Child Hospital and the President Dutra.
Students of Dentistry were also in the beds of mothers who have just give birth to guide them on oral care of newborns.

Saturday 21 June 2008

85) Use of equipment by children

What is the best age to take a child to the orthodontist? I hope my son share the teeth of milk by standing to bring apparatus? These are just two of many questions that parents have to find that the teeth of children are not in proper position, is what the specialist says in Orthodontics and Orthopedics Facial David Cassiano Ueda Simensato.
Nowadays with the technological advances of materials used in dentistry and improved techniques, it is possible to orthodontic treatment in the age of 4 years until the age senile.
Some people say that putting devices in children too young increases the total time of use and cost of treatment. This concept is not entirely true, because each case must be evaluated and individualized.
Clearly, the maturity of each child is different, and sometimes the motivation to put apparatus is directly proportional to the discomfort aesthetic and functional dental sense it.
These factors must be well assessed by parents and the orthodontist to make the decision to place or not apparatus before the permanent teeth. Even some flaws because, as the space between the central incisors, are sometimes corrected by the birth and growth of new teeth (the dogs help push the incisor teeth to the environment).
In addition, many professionals argue that can not stand idly by while the teeth of milk saiem of the place, because these are the "guides" to the birth of permanent teeth. In younger patients, the movement of teeth (and even the bones) is easier, and collaboration need is greater when using apparatus extrabucais (known as "brake-donkey").
A great advantage with an early treatment is that it can simplify or even eliminate a future corrective orthodontic treatment, reducing the chance of extracting teeth need for lack of space.
Sometimes, a little wear on a tooth sure, in time, can prevent all the bite is cross (when the lower teeth fit the bite out of higher).
When the child has all permanent teeth, it will be in the final stage of growth and we can not take bone growth in favor of treatment. This is the case, for example, when the sky's mouth is close and we fund and expand it.
Some oral bad habits are more easily abandoned in childhood, especially if there is a joint effort of orthodontist, otolaryngologist, speech therapist, physiotherapist and psychologist. This is the case of incorrect positioning of the tongue between the teeth, easily seen in children who use pacifiers.
After the stability of growth (adulthood) the correction will be limited to orthodontic tooth movement, while the fixes severe bone can be resolved only with orthognathic surgery (surgery on facial bones).
If you are still in doubt as to the time of their child or not use an appliance, a frank conversation with a professional who has good knowledge of the development of the skull and face vai help decide the types of techniques and equipment to be used for correction.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

84) Funds for improving the dental hygiene increased by 20 percent in 2007

The government is preparing to introduce new rules in the law on smoking in enclosed places. The announcement was made by the Minister of Health yesterday in Europarque of Santa Maria da Feira, after the opening session of the XV Congress of the Order of Dentists, linking them to measures of education for oral health.
The governor also revealed the intention of the government to increase in 2007, the funds for the promotion of dental hygiene by 20 percent under the national programme with the same name. "We must continue to invest in this area to reach 80 percent of children free of caries in 2020 as the target suggested by the World Health Organisation," said Correia de Campos.
For accounts of his Ministry, half of children aged under six years suffer from dental caries. The National Programme for the Promotion of Oral Health provides that here in four years all children from three to 16 years have access to dentist.
Until now, this project has already led 140 thousand children to the dentist chair. From there, Correia de Campos and extend it to pregnant women and people at risk. In the field of social support, the Minister of Health reminded the creation by the government, two thousand seats for continuous care of the elderly health and stressed the establishment of 22 units of Family Health (USF), which will be 50 by the end of the year. According to the governor, the USF (related to health centres) will allow for a universe of 125 thousand portuguese who is without a family doctor. And, moreover, represent "a window of opportunity" to improve the oral health of consultations since the dental practitioners can associate itself with them. Correia de Campos assured, however, that the social concern of the executive vai remain in 2007, as it did this year. "The government managed to meet budgetary targets without the loss of social meaning," said Correia de Campos, said that the promotion of oral health as a "concern of the Government", but pointed out that parents and teachers "should teach children to brush their teeth and using dental wire. "
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Here recorded the concerns of the Minister of Health on oral health in our country; penalty is a speech that focused mainly for the future, showing few results in this. Indeed, it appears that 2020 is expect to time for too many children and young today (adults in 2020). Also, the Minister does not mention the number and geographical scope in here are already affected the USF consultations with the oral health - too little, too little for the needs of the present.

83) Sports school encourages increase of dental accidents

The dental injuries are increasing as the number of children to sports, said the professor of Dental Medicine Jose Frias Bulhosa. "The children practise sport ever earlier, which has caused an increase in the number of dental injuries, facial and cranial", stressed the faculty of the University Fernando Pessoa (UFP), in Porto.
Jose Bulhosa stressed that the care of their teeth has been associated only with the use of brushes and toothpaste and reducing the consumption of sugars, but "is much more than that." "An accident can have consequences in oral health for the rest of life", warned the expert, noting that the UFP is take actions to preventive dental schools to train teachers of Physical Education, recommending that avoid exercises that put at risk the teeth.
The UFP concluded this week a protocol with the Board of Maia for the conduct of surveys and actions for prevention of dental disease in eight schools of the county. Jose Bulhosa said that these actions will be developed in two mobile units by about 80 students of the third and sixth years of the course of Dental Medicine of UFP, under the guidance of their teachers.
The units consist of two mobile vans equipped as dental clinics, which Joseph Bulhosa, have no parallel in Portugal, given its "exceptional conditions" for the practice of dentistry. In addition to Jones, the two vans have been involved in actions of preventive dentistry in Porto, Vila do Conde, Ponte de Lima and Braga, and also scheduled for the coming months to travel Baião and Amarante.
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To start is fine, let's see if the competent authorities to extend these initiatives throughout the country, including the Azores and Madeira. They are here to say you are Ministers of Health and Education - are waiting to see.

Sunday 15 June 2008

82) Authority of MAIA presents programme of 'School Health'

The council of Maia announced at the meeting of the Executive last Thursday, that students from gardens-of-childhood and primary schools in the county will do a screening and take lessons from nutritional education, oral hygiene and prevention of sun. To that end, the council established partnerships with teams from various institutions that these will go on educational institutions of the county, the project School Health.
Quoted by the News Journal, the chairman of the Municipal Council of Maia, Braganza Fernandes, revealed that the programme will cover 7,200 children. "We want to teach all students to take a good breakfast, to wash their teeth and know about the care of the sun", said the mayor, noting that "with this project, once again, we are replacing us the State '.
During the meeting was also approved the proposal for recruitment of teachers of Physical Education, which will be placed in private institutions of social solidarity. The municipality will support a total of 16 entities.
Fábrica de Conteúdos
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An example for the Ministry of Education; instead be source of many conflicts, to present projects; thank everyone, especially those who need them most.

Monday 9 June 2008

81) Prevention

Natal (Brazil) - Students at public network of education from Rio del Fuego, municipality located in North Coast, are the target of a campaign of oral health developed by the prefecture. The goal is to prevent dental diseases in childhood and building the new generation about the importance of oral hygiene and the need to consult with a dentist regularly. The work includes the proposal to put into practice preventive health by the municipal administration.
River of Fire is 90km from Natal. The council is administered by mayor Francisco Chagas of the Cross, the Tico. Professionals Program of Oral Health, which operates through a partnership between the city and federal government, are responsible for the care of children and teenagers who study in the local network of public education. In addition to regular dental care, students have access to the application of fluoride and cleaning, plus lectures and material awareness.
Service - The network of municipal education meets today to 2.8 thousand students from kindergarten, elementary education and education of young people and adults. The work of oral health benefits young people studying at the headquarters of Rio del Fuego and also in communities. With 10 thousand inhabitants, Rio do Fogo has distributed its population not only in the main area of concentration but also in urban districts as Canto Grande, Zombie, Pititinga and Punaú.
The policy of oral health is part of the proposed prevention defined as priority by the current administration goal from Rio del Fuego. The council seeks, through preventive health, improving quality of life and reduce the need for admitting patients and moving them out of the council.
Prevention - The preventive medicine is practised by the Family Health Program (PSF), which responds to all areas of Rio del Fuego. Each team is composed of PSF by doctors, nurses, technical staff in nursing and community health, ensuring greater range of care provided by the team at various locations where it operates.
The program serves the communities through home visits and the network of health posts. The FHP develops campaigns, reproductive health, family planning, hypertension and diabetes and is also able to guide relative to other needs that arise.
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Another matter of interest to the oral health; here are in working methods that benefit the very people in need.
For now, Portugal, it was the lack of disclosure of such initiatives - in fact, combining the lack of information of the population in need of care oral addition to the silence on the part of anyone of law is required to ensure the oral health of the population, especially the most disadvantaged and needy. It will not be for lack of jurisdiction, lack of resources or lack of means; simply need is political will.
It is therefore extremely important for their cooperation to build up public opinion in Portugal informed: read and disclose how far can this Blog - the results can only arise when end the ignorance in our country and the public Tuesday to vote on issues of fact public health.

Tuesday 3 June 2008

80) Statistics

Lages (Brazil) - More than 13 thousand people are attending From January to September this year, the Department of Health has provided medical and dental care for thousands of people residing within Lages.
On Monday (30) Step into the Fernandes and Tuesday (31) in Padlock, the teams of the Secretariat of Health of Lages have a roadmap for medical and dental care of the month of October, within the city of Lages.
For the month of November, the roadmap provides care for the visit of teams of health in 17 localities in the interior. According to the coordinator of the roadmap of the interior, Glaucia Ruth White, from January to September this year (missing compute the numbers of October) have already been carried out 13,331 consultations (or queries) inside. The health teams are formed by the following professionals: doctors, dentists, nurses, technical staff and health workers.
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Someone in Portugal gives me statistics on oral health conducted by public entities? I was very grateful, particularly getting to know what percentage of population served.

79) Proposal for discussion

Comment on the following statement:

"In Portugal, initiatives and financial costs of large and wide million euros in oral health, by public authorities, the vast majority served for the preparation of" studies ", pamphlets and related that after completion, they almost always in the drawers of secretaries of ministries and its extensions, without which there exists any real public benefit to citizens, paying taxes, which will ultimately be treated the same or worse shape than before the drafting of those studies. "

Sunday 1 June 2008

78) Proposal interesting for investment in health, the municipal level

BREJINHO (Brazil) - Users of the network of municipal public health Brejinho have been benefited by the municipal investments in infrastructure for care and surgery, as part of staff on the projects of health preventive, monitoring of residents carrying diseases chronic and distribution of medicines.
The city has five teams of the Family Health Program (PSF), which cover 100% of the territory of the municipality.
In addition to the teams of FHP, the city has four teams of the Program of Oral Health. The professional conduct free dental restorations, extractions, cleaning and fluoride applications, among other services. The program also works in schools, in campaigns of oral health geared to students. This work is of fundamental importance because it creates an awareness of prevention in the municipal network that students end up becoming important multiplier of this habit of prevention.


This Tuesday (24) until Thursday (26) will be held in Sao Paulo the Seminar II School Health Promotion The event, sponsored by the Municipal Secretary of Education, will present a representative of each of the 1,200 schools in the township. The municipal network serves approximately 1.1 million students. The seminar will be in the amphitheater "A" of the State Public Hospital of the server, which is on Lake Street Borges, 1,855, 15, in Vila Clementino.
During programming, from 8 am to 17h, specialists in health, universities and public institutions will speak on topics related to the welfare of children and adolescents as nutrition, oral health, including education, domestic violence and sexual, cardiovascular health in children and adolescents and pregnancy.
Each day of the meeting will be devoted to one of three methods of municipal education: the Centers for Children's Education (Ceis), the Municipal School of Education Child (EMEIs) and the Municipal School of Education Foundation (Emefs), Municipal Schools, Primary / Average (EMEFMs) and Municipal School of Special Education (Emees).
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Affairs interesting to address with teachers. It is the importance, among others, the valence of oral health. Finally, issues that directly concern the student population. More than a theory, these practices need to be real in Portugal.

76) Because the oral problems interfere directly in the pattern of life

Recife, Brazil - According to a survey conducted by the Coordination of Oral Health of the Prefecture of Recife, the dental care has improved in the last five years. From 2000 to 2005, the number of procedures performed by the city increased from 880,170 to 1,152,664. The analysis is published this week in which they celebrate the National Day of Dental Health and Surgeon-Dentist Day, this Wednesday (25). "The current model of attention to oral health in Recife values the new logic of prevention and health promotion to the detriment of those procedures only curative in nature and / or mutilantes as it was until a few years ago," evaluates the coordinator of the Oral Health Prefecture , Nilcema Figueiredo. According to her, there was a decline in the number of dental extractions of permanent teeth. The percentage dropped from 4.7% in 2000 to 2.6% in 2005. We have specialized procedures, such as the achievement of channels, surgeries and treatment of diseases of the gums, increased from 5.1% to 7.8%.
Currently, the network of dental services in Recife account with 75 units of Family Health (USF), totaling 90 teams of oral health. "Our goal is to expand, gradually, coverage of the teams of oral health, the number of Centers of Dental Specialties, and emergency rooms in order to further improve care for the people recifense," says the director of the Mayor for Health Care of Recife, Tereza Campos.
The model of attention to oral health of the council also has 25 units traditional (the old, health posts), 4 centres of dental specialties (CEO), 3 emergency dental services, 5 clinics and services conveniados the SUS. "The oral health is a significant component of general health, mainly because of the problems oral interfere directly in the pattern of life," examines Nilcema Figueiredo.
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And for us here in Portugal? Who gives statistics? Who by law have evolved as referred by number, the care of oral health in Portugal? Is it that there are numbers?