Friday 11 April 2008

56) Dental implant, solution for those who have problems with the teeth

The dental implants are a solution for many people who have had problems with their natural teeth. The bone implants integrated began to be used in the decade of 60 and turned a success because in addition to being better from the point of view that the aesthetic dentures or bridges furniture, exercise the functions of natural teeth much more efficiently.
Dr. Mauritius Morato Corrêa below explains how this process works, its risks and efficiency.
- What are integrated bone implants?
- Entered from the decade of 60, are "bolts" of titanium placed in areas without teeth, which have the ability to exercise the functions of mastication and functional manner similar to natural teeth. By comparison, are much higher than the total prostheses (dentures) or removable (mobile bridges).
Usually the treatment is carried out in three steps: one for placing the cylinder of titanium (a more extensive surgery); another, a few months after, for the placing of devices that bear the prosthesis and finally the third stage of the construction of the piece prosthesis.
- What there is magic in titanium? There are risks of rejection?
- No. Simply the titanium does not suffer corrosion when inserted in the human body and does not present phenomenon of immune rejection. The success of the technique is because of a good set of factors: the planning of the surgical technique, a good period of healing and adequate rehabilitation. This protocol (the recipe is complete, as an implant) has minutiae that can not be neglected, and a thorough professional and well trained in the technique can achieve excellent results.
- There guarantee of success?
A principle can be said that the rate of success is a good guarantee, but in the biological processes where there is a certain amount of weightlessness.
- What are the indications against?
- The commitment of the general health which prevent the completion of surgery and the lack of sufficient to accommodate the bone implants. A detailed study of examinations by image avoid surprises, particularly in surgical stage.
- What are the risks surgical?
- Minimum. The surgery is usually done in two hours, with local anesthesia and is much simpler than other surgical procedures, dental, as the extraction of a tooth withheld, for example. The implants are placed on a non traumatic and bone is manipulated with softness, with a similar microsurgery. The only effect is associated with the subsequent detachment of the gingiva, and local swelling occur in an intensity that varies from patient to patient.
- What are the biggest problems after the placement of the implants?
- Some studies show that the greatest problems after the placement of prostheses are the diction and bites on the cheeks, depending on the placement of teeth in the areas that were without teeth for a long time and are normally resolved in a short time. Remember, the implant is much higher than other procedures, prosthesis and in the absence of the teeth, is what the best can be done.
- Can I eat everything after the placement of the prosthesis?
- No, but the restrictions are not very severe. You must take into account that the implants, for better and more reliable they may be, still do not represent the full functional recovery and aesthetics, and can not, because they are artificial, completely restore all functions that the natural teeth exercising. Thus, you should avoid foods too hard.

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