Sunday 4 March 2012

498. Portugal, a country with no future

The televising of football friendly match between teams from Portugal and Spain in promoting the implementation of the application Iberian World Cup football in 2018, is a further injection ideological inflicted on society by a Portuguese bourgeoisie affects the political system , which obtained the blessings to support yourself and live off the exploitation of the middle classes and poor who constitute the overwhelming majority of its population.
It is incomprehensible that a country heading for bankruptcy and economic bankruptcy, insist on promoting deplorable performances of 22 people chasing a ball, involving sums in the order of several billion euros, when hundreds of thousands of children and teens will never have any chance of proper accompaniments primary health, and particularly the possibility of having access to proper oral health.
It is extremely regrettable that political power (government, Parliament and President of the Republic) forget the systematic violation of children's rights and do nothing to change the status of oral health in Portugal, preferring to spend tens of billions of euros in useless and not caring about the suffering of innocent people and needy.
It is extremely unfortunate that, at those times, organizations engaged in the oral medicine in our country do nothing to denounce the situation, both in Portugal and abroad, including the FIFA itself, preferring to keep everything the same and showing a mentality of a backward country without any interest in contributing to give a solution to the problem of oral medicine in Portugal.
It is extremely regrettable that there is almost no promotion in Portugal as part of scientific research in the fight against oral diseases.
It is extremely unfortunate that economic interests outweigh the interests of the health of children and adolescents.
Portugal is truly a country with no future for coming generations; 700,000 Portuguese emigrated in the last 10 years.

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