Sunday 18 January 2009

169) Talk: Children taking

Children given the lecture on oral health in Cuiabá.

Oral health was the theme of the speech given today (08) morning by community health agents to students of the School Milk Municipal Silvino de Arruda in the Planalto district. This is a preventive action and took the initiative whose own officials, under the coordination of nurse Luciana Regina de Silva Aguiar, responsible for the Program of Community Health Agents (PACS).
"We are working with the prevention of diseases through the promotion of health," said the nurse to students to open the activities. On occasion, staff members sang a song whose theme was also health, animating the attentive audience. Dr. Irani Gnoatto Ribeiro, responsible for the management team of the school, praised the work of the Community. "Prevention is the best way to promote health," acknowledged, regretting that many parents do not worry about preventive care, promoting the development of caries and premature loss of teeth.
The municipal secretary of health, Guilherme Maluf, it welcomed the action of the Community and announced: "we are organizing to resume the program of decentralization of collective dental procedure from the second half." This is a preventive work articulated by the Coordination of Oral Health of SMS and target audience are students in public schools.
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This story illustrates the importance that the issues of health are among the newest. This is why you must also begin to act and practice of systematic way, with the educational community, providing it with the weapons they need to prevent the disease entirely preventable.
Just the mere intentions coming from people placed in offices, often unaware of the reality of everyday life.

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