Sunday 4 January 2009

165) Watch the teeth

The teeth are crucial to many vital tasks, such as nutrition (through chewing), speech, the smile and appearance, contributing, unequivocally, to the well-being and self-esteem of our children. Let us therefore learn to take care of our small smile!
Promote good oral health in the parents - the first preventive measure should include the care of his own mouth. The first bacteria to invade the mouths of our babies are often from the mouths of those closest!
Start the care of teeth as soon as possible - Wash the gums with a compress soaked in hot water should be part of the hygiene rules soon after birth. The use of tooth brushes to be postponed for the moment when the first teeth start to appear.
In older children and to reinforce the importance of washing the teeth. Do not make it an obligation, because you may be making the simple act of brushing teeth a real martyrdom for your child. Choose to enter 'the wave', giving the example and accompanying him when it comes time to pick up the brush.
Show that washing your teeth is a task of 'great' can be very useful to encourage them. It is a pedagogical strategy that has proven quite effective, at least until around 6 years, when the good habits should already be well rooted. At this time, this small task now should be a healthy routine as basic as the pee before bed.
The selection of the brush - the first 'brush' will not be more than a compress soaked in hot water with which to massage the gums of your baby after each feeding. When the first tooth appears, you should buy is a small, soft brush, so colorful and attractive as possible.
The brushes should be replaced when the filaments start to open (approximately 3 in 3 months). The electric brushes are more effective than manual used in an appropriate manner. However, they are easier to use. In addition, they are sometimes more attractive by that are not miraculous, can be an excellent incentive.
The selection of toothpaste - it should be a child, with pleasant taste. The toothpaste with fluoride are shown only from 3 years, when the kids are beginning to achieve its avoid swallowing. After 6 years now will be allowed folders adult and mouthwash with elixir.
Should be used when a small amount of pulp, because a small portion is sufficient to ensure an effective wash. Ideally it should always wash your teeth after meals or ingestion of sugary foods. In day-to-day is more practical stipulate a minimum of two washes (one in the morning and another at night).
Thus strengthen the quality of washing, not quantity. Better make two washes cared more than two times!
Recognizing the importance of fluoride in oral hygiene - Fluorine is fundamental in the prevention of dental caries, acting by inhibiting demineralization of enamel, or increasing the resistance of teeth to decay. Should be administered in the form of oral supplement from 6 months through toothpaste after 3 years and in the form of elixir in children over 6 years. In appropriate amount, fluoride has no side effects.
Using dental wire - The spaces between teeth are especially prone to the accumulation of food debris and hence plaque. In addition are the least affordable places in the regular brushing, so the use of dental wire acts as a complement to brushing, not as an alternative.
See the dentist regularly - The first visit should occur around 12-24 months. At this point, the goal is more educational than medical, trying to establish early and empathy with the local people. Often the first contact is made during a consultation with parents, during which little is familiar with new smells and sounds, inspiring them with confidence for a next meeting.
After an annual visit will be at the outset, sufficient. Never, under any circumstances, should scare your child with stories or threats related to dentists. It will only help to nurture their fears!
Enjoy the dentist to inquire about your child's sealant for cracks. It is a product that applies for small indentation of healthy teeth, usually from 6 years, acting as a physical barrier against dental caries. An excellent weapon in the prevention of this disease!
Establish a healthy and balanced diet - A healthy diet is particularly beneficial to the health of your child's mouth. Reducing the intake of sugary foods is the key to a healthy mouth!
We will not ask the impossible and try to transform our small children to adults, asking them to renounce their sweets. It was the same as for starting a race already established with the defeat. Choose to explain the evil that soft drinks, sweets and chocolate can do to your teeth, trying to 'negotiate' to establish two or three per week excesses. They should preferably occur after meals, when our teeth are more protected against the aggression of sugars.
Ariana Afonso (Internal Complementar of Pediatrics) Department of Pediatrics, Hospital of São Marcos de Braga

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