Tuesday 30 July 2013

573. Gingivitis and their causes

Common disease in the gums can become worse without proper treatment, affecting teeth, jaw and gums maxilar.Sua is red, swollen or hurt? So, it is best to seek a dentist fast. These symptoms may be the start of an inflammation of the gums, gingivitis.
Another symptom of the disease is bleeding gums. In cases of severe gingivitis, bleeding is spontaneous, happening spots in traveseiro episodes of waking. According to the dentist Paulo Lago Kit Personal Cirillo, after the acute inflammation of the gums, occur in many cases, gum recession, leaving them with a elongated appearance. Can also lead to the formation of pockets between the teeth and gums, where they accumulate food debris and plaque says. 
One of the main factors for the onset of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene. However, its direct cause is bacterial plaque, sticky film, very sticky and colorless. Not being removed, plaque produces toxins that cause doença.No early stage of gum disease, when the bone and connective tissue that hold the teeth in place are not yet affected, the damage can be reversed.
Prevention comes with the habit of daily brushing (3 times a day), always passing floss, using mouthwash and toothpaste. However, if left untreated, gingivitis can become periodontitis and cause permanent damage to teeth and jaw / jaw. In this case, the losses are not only the gums, bone lining the dental root, are also affected, leading to bone resorption and box mobility of the teeth.
Thus, processing is possible with a dentist for professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar.

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