Defend and develop the National Health Service (Appointments major):
1.-Ensure that, by the end of the legislature, the national coverage of Health UnitsFamily;
2.-Extend the Oral Health Program to all children between 4 and 16;
3.-Double the number of seats in the Continuing Care Network.
* * *
The Socialist Party's election program references in a row, extending the Oral Health Program to all children from 4 to 16 years. Just do not understand that after four and a half years in government, the Socialist Party will still take more than four years to expand the Oral Health Program only one track of the juvenile population, already assuming the commitment to leave many hundreds of thousands of children and young people outside the program automatically in the next four years (under 4 years and older than 16 years of age).
One must remember that the Socialist Party government abolished this year the National Oral Health, which I was careful to make a detailed analysis and highlight measures for its improvement, however, the government took the initiative to extinguish.
And nothing was said about the integration of oral health in the National Health Service Let us say that in the case of the Socialist Party were to win the parliamentary elections Sept. 27 and return to form government, a view to continuing the policies of disclaimer oral health status by the Portuguese, who will continue to be essentially privatized and only for the benefit of the social classes of high income, access to your disregarding the overwhelming majority of its population that pays taxes to form after that dentists are not available in hospitals and health centers to serve people who need to be addressed.
Knowing the saying that silence is consent, it would be nice if the classes linked to oral health professionals in Portugal also effecting an analysis of the electoral programs of each of the parties and issue a review on them before the elections, so that Portuguese got really clear about the direction that the politicians want to give oral health in Portugal.
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