Tuesday 15 September 2009

244. Patients with bulimia and anorexia nervosa suffer from tooth wear

Bulimia and anorexia nervosa are psychiatric disorders related to food that cause several health problems to their patients. But beyond the well-known nutritional impairment, patients who vomit frequently cause your teeth exposed to stomach acid, suffering dental erosion, as shown by a study at the Faculty of Dentistry of Bauru (FOB) at USP.
The surgeon dentist Juliana Julianelli evaluated 30 patients of Group Relief and Eating Disorders (grate) Hospital of the Medical School of Ribeirão Preto (HC / FMRP), USP and reached an alarming result: they all showed some degree of wear , a problem at higher levels can lead to loss of teeth affected. Within the index used, ranging from 0 to 4, almost 70% of patients had level 2, which corresponds to a moderate wear, when erosion affects the enamel and dentin.
And 13% were in even more serious erosion of level 4, with severe dentin and also pulp (inner tooth). "There are cases where the person had to do root canal treatment in almost all teeth, because the nerves were already exposed," says Juliana.
There was statistically compared the prevalence of tooth wear in patients with eating disorders and in the general population, but the experience of the researcher, it became clear that the first group suffer much with the problem.
Misinformation - The new findings may contribute to a better preparation of oral health professionals to deal with these patients. "Some dentists also offer guidance wrong, saying, for example, for the patient to brush teeth after vomiting. The toothpastes contain abrasives that can enhance the wear and would be better to wait a while before use, "explains the researcher.
Are ongoing in FOB own research in search of a therapeutic agent to minimize the problem to be applied in the teeth of these patients. "Once the results are complete, we intend to take this treatment for patients GRATA we evaluated," says the dentist.
Eating disorders - Anorexia nervosa is characterized by an insatiable desire for thinness, leading the patient to a severe self-induced weight loss, using resources such extreme long periods of fasting, excessive exercise, voluntary vomiting, laxatives, diuretics or appetite suppressants. There is distortion of body image and menstrual cycles are interrupted by at least three months.
Since bulimia nervosa is presented as a feeling of complete loss of control of food the patient eats compulsively and indiscriminately large amounts of food in a very short period of time. This intake is followed by a feeling of guilt, shame and fear of weight, causing him to induce vomiting, usually several times a day, and the use of laxatives, diuretics or appetite suppressants and the practice of physical exercises too much.

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