Saturday 5 September 2009

239. Wisdom tooth, synonym problems

Wisdom teeth, as they are known, are the last molars on each side of the jaws, appearing around 18 years ago, when it is assumed that the individual acquires the majority and the court. But mostly, the teeth of the court are a number of problems to be born.
The most common problems occur when the tooth is totally or partially surrounded by bone and gum and can not be born normally. Tooth completely retained can cause root resorption of neighboring teeth, the appearance of odontogenic cysts and even tumors. When partially erupted may cause infection of the mucous membrane on the tooth where there was infiltration of bacteria. In these cases there is the possibility of removal of teeth or dental follow. "In cases where the patient shows no symptoms, the removal is not necessary, it just made a clinical and radiographic follow-up," said Prisco Bortholi professor of dentistry Umesp (Methodist University of São Paulo).
The regular visits to the dentist is the best way to avoid complications of poor positioning of wisdom teeth, since there is no possibility of prevention. Currently, the removal of impacted teeth has become a routine surgical procedure. In most cases removal is a fast and comfortable for patients. Generally, younger patients tolerate the procedure better.
Many of the cases of impacted teeth are due to the fact slow to rise and when the normal period to come not find enough space. This lack of space can be for a hereditary factor or because the evolution of species. It is common for members of one family presented impacted teeth in a similar fashion and the evolution of man, the jaw bones and jaw dropped, because the modern diet consisting of bland foods and cooked, it requires larger structures.

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