Saturday 22 August 2009

232. With oral health care should begin during pregnancy

According to experts, the oral health depends on good health from childhood and many have dental problems can be avoided even during pregnancy.
Teeth perfect and healthy in adulthood begin to be cultivated even in the womb. Therefore, care must start with the teeth even before the birth of the baby. A good diet during pregnancy, attention to oral care of the newborn, and much of the breast milk are the ingredients of a baby with teeth and gums healthy.
The future mom who worries about the baby's teeth should be concerned with its own power since the period of pregnancy. Balanced food and particularly the dose of calcium intake that contributes significantly to the formation of the baby tooth. After birth, the care do not stop.
According to the specialist in Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Caroline Jorge Zarvos, many dental problems has its roots early in the process of breastfeeding. "Many people do not know, but the correct way to breastfeed a baby is put it up, recumbent chest. When the child lying breast, the chances of a strain on the dental arch is higher," she explains. The sooner the mother begin to perform the cleaning of the mouth of the baby better.
Cleaning baby's mouth can be made with cotton or a cotton swab dipped in water. "It is important to clean because, first of all, age is not for hygiene and also because when the toothlet on average at 6 months, and we need to use toothbrush, a child is already used to something" different "in the mouth and will not complain or feel bad for brushing. Once the first toothlet birth, the mother must already using brushes and soft not to hurt the baby's gums. And paste without fluoride use, "said Dr. Caroline.
Apart from hygiene, it is important that mothers are aware of some events of the eruption of teeth. Since the birth of toothlet usually cause itching in the gums, it is common that children take their hands in their mouths too, to rub the area. "It is this stage that the baby is susceptible to contracting certain bacteria and may have symptoms such as diarrhea," explains Dr. Caroline.
Dummies at the birth of the teeth should also be avoided. According to the dentist, they are related to problems of occlusion, deformation of the dental arch, among other problems. "Pacifiers are always contra-indicated. Furthermore, the milk teeth are the basis for the adult teeth. Thus, the care is better, better future results will be achieved," said Dr.
Source: Dr. Caroline Jorge Zarvos

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