Friday 7 August 2009

231. Laboratory of Health visited by 400 children

The idea was born during the Child Support, and to the trainer José Cabral, decided to challenge teachers and students of the course of sociocultural animator. Thus, 40 young people the first year of these courses built "laboratories" for over two days and with the support of health professionals such as nutritionists Mafalda Oliveira, show how to wash your teeth and disseminate care with food.
In all, and up to 15 hours, covered by this initiative were 400 children from schools in the 1st cycle of the Matriz and Conceição in Ribeira Grande, who also danced and played. Angela Pereira, aged 16, shares her satisfaction with the course, because from the outset is "having contact with children." The front has two more years and equivalent to 12 years, then warms the hope of working in a nursery. Until then, teacher José Cabral proposes to further actions of this kind, therefore, beyond the objective of benefiting the community "awareness and demystify the visits to the doctor," it considers "essential to the future who will work with children and professional of health. "
Therefore, ensures Marco Sousa, the company's Municipal Ribeira Grande Mais, the municipality has to give space and equipment. Moreover, for the success of the action Eprosec had, besides the City Council, with support from the Health Center of Ribeira Grande and Atlas Optical Center. The occasion was used to see reports of vaccine, measure body mass, making the vision screening and, in the middle of the morning, because of the technical center were detected during the screening, children need to carry out optical and / or screening of ophthalmic . The technician took Nuno Santos to warn about the effects caused by excessive time in poor posture in front of television and computer monitors.
Viveiros Ricardo Cabral, dentist, has been dedicated since 1994 to promote oral health. Yesterday, while distribution of tooth paste and brushes, moved that the Health Center of Ribeira Grande will extend operations to the homes of older information. The doctor notes that the Azores are the only region of the country with dental public. "Currently, all health centers, except in Horta, campaigns promoting the community and providing consultations and treatments," he says. Tables of health centers are 17 doctors and five more are in service. Ie "quintupled the number of physicians," concludes.

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