Tuesday 17 March 2009

185. S. Domingos de Benfica supports health care: dentistry at 20 euros (part 2)

The opinions of readers
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Here are some opinions of the readers of the Correio da Manhã for the title of the news. It will be good for the guardianship of their services (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Directorate General of Health, Members of the Assembly of the Republic, President of the Republic, the National Association of Municipalities, Association of Medical Dental, ...) also listen to public. I hope to contribute to public awareness of the urgent need to implement a policy of oral health in the country with absolute guarantees of equality for all people.
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- It is a shame, Portugal at its best! The President of the Board should be honored and decorated by providing a public service that it is the duty of the state!
- An event to praise all levels! It is the evidence proved "that where there is a will, things happen and also that the regionalization with rules and supervision is the best that can happen to the country! Only the people and elected people who are close to people, can cause the problems are resolved. When people want to make things happen!
- My amazement has no limits! It is the first President of a joint parish of the country since April 25, 1974, many years hence, it deserves my applause and sincere congratulations! At last, a politician worried about proximity to their constituents!
- I am Doctor Dentist 8 years ago and is currently working in England and consider the situation of Dental Medicine in Portugal disastrous, whether the disorder in training, either in the population's access to dental treatment. I know that is a specialty expensive but we have the political courage to move forward and reform the SNS ... Good luck to Mr President and the Board ...
- The purpose of oral health policy is also here the record of oral health blog: http://saudeoral.blogspot.com/ It is time that we rebel against the party-political apparatus that are the sole and exclusive responsibility for current oral health of Portuguese, many of these you should be called to justice for their criminal liability in terms of oral health in Portugal.
- For many years, "someone" controlling the lack of dentists in hospitals or health centers, because it? It is a disease with major ramifications in the human body, stomach, etc.. That reminds me when you go to a health center and then send us to a private analysis and ultrasound, because it?
- But that example, limiting the costs of professional services to 20 per hour, this gives EUR 3500 months or 700 stories. Minister grapes more time to market of health does not work as with the pharmacies. That liberalize the market with the entry of dentists or doctors or clinics in Cuba.
- It is incredible, how can something like this, and the Minister of Health knows? Care, but everything closes and ready ... pity those who have less age were not right because we have no money. Maria
- Now see a "simple" Chairman of the Town Board to make a snap without hands to the government and SNS! Shame no dental health centers in this country are children, are elderly, are condemned to walk careados edentulous and have not money to private. Excellent example, this, to be followed by other. PJF
- Congratulations are in the authors of this project. In my case only now that I am living in Brazil I can get the teeth, because here there is already consulting popular long ago. Implants until I do the price of bananas. Portugal should generalize these popular practices.
- I can eg gain the average salary of the North, my wife even less, and more than 10 years that we have no money for the dentist, I my wife, my son (18), my daughter (10), we are not wasteful, it took us all (state ...). I call it social terrorist.
- The state should pay compensation to the people of Lisbon have a rotten mouth, as if drinking water that helps the taps, and much, to the decay of teeth. It is true that the criminal is in Portugal: only those who have money and have the right to smile. Injustice can not be smiling if you have damaged teeth, which is my case: 5 years to count on the fingers of the hand as much as smiles.
- There is competition! Here for years spent thousand and that account only to put a bridge with 6 teeth (it's a prosthesis, has a metal fitting is cemented on teeth that were destroyed to serve as pillars) and out into the teeth is simple ceramics. Thousand and such stories, about 6,000 euros, as is possible? I am overcome, spent almost all the savings! There is competition c / dental service and the new government. - How was the treatments are so expensive that I inexplicably and family were deprived of essential treatments, as a commentator, c / serious consequences. Even now I have a tooth from a year ago not care because I know that I will be "attacked" with crowns and bridges to 600-2000 euros! It is public health that we have in Portugal.
- Only in Portugal, said European country, is a luxury address the oral health! We must ask the bank loan to go to speculators for dentists! Do not understand why the cost of treatments and fortunes of the government does not regulate the jungle! Furthermore, I understand, the dentists have paid Mr jeep, boat, house, etc.. Maybe in Spain is cheaper. Only 34 years is that I treat teeth, some have not. It is a shame.
- In fact, the price in both general practitioners and dentists in, must be the most expensive of the European Union. In Paris, a teeth cleaning to the table for Social Security is 23.35 euros, the general practitioner is 22 euros, so be it in private and in public offices. There are some doctors that exceed these tables, but we have the right to choose, and if not urgent, the maximum waiting, never exceeds 3 days.
- Not make much "advertising" does not go to the case of (un) Minister of Health have quit Center .....
- Congratulations to those responsible for the Town Board that had such a good idea. An example to be followed by all other the country because not all the bag reaches the exorbitant prices that doctors charge.
- If affordable consultations with the doctors still have good profits, there is no reason why this and other specialties most choose to charge exorbitant prices. Assuming that today on all bills pass, they pay less tax and benefit users, pricing is more affordable!
- Good news is never too much! This rather, is public service. Joints of the Town can do things, because that money comes from taxpayers, only that this time is well used. Congratulations Mr President of the Board and stomatology. Here the physician also has merit because, in general, they only want to charge prohibitive prices ...
- There is good news, finally. But not yet taken this initiative to other parishes, particularly in the area of Barreiro, where I live. It may be in time ...
- What pleasant news. Congratulations to all the promoters of this initiative and the dentist Pedro Melo e Castro. There are still different people in this world.
- Will the Prime Minister does not read the Correio da Manhã? Why not follow this example in the SNS? Why is it that only public officials have consultations with 7.50 euros? While some have all the poor of Portugal who are not 50 or 60 euros are marginalized. The Socrates is concerned only with the rich (government officials).
- Finally some good news makes me very happy. It is unfortunate that there is more and especially in my local area and beyond. Portugal should be at the top of the list of people with their teeth and health most neglected. Still worth it ... We make rebates so that teeth are a disgrace ... Do not get to deal with them and the health system is what you see!
- The news could not be better for all the Portuguese, I had no luck that my father died due to dental problems (various infections) that I just can not take the 27 years that can fix my teeth, when my little family was not possible and still could not stay as it would have a unit for 9 years. Wish best wishes to Mr. President.
- Well, there is President of the Board of Town, Rodrigo Gonçalves, elected by the PSD. I am Socialist and militant, but I come by this means to congratulate, but because it is solidarity and love of neighbor, and the lord is to lead by example, and is followed by many municipalities, no matter the party, because I Socialist, support its action, either the PSD or another political party. Well-there.
- I live near Sintra, the only way that I have to get my teeth is through a bank loan. 2 years ago my wife spent 1,100 euros. However, better hide the smile. Well, there is this dentist, do not want to come to this area or the lobby it?
- This only comes to prove that the authorities if they want, can do more than they do! Some do nothing ... just talk!
- I agree that prices are high for dentists! But the majority of Portuguese have bad dental hygiene (do not know what a toothbrush and toothpaste) and only remember the teeth when you have pain. And prefer to invest the money on things less essential to life and health. How many times do not see people with clothes, shoes, mobile phones, etc ... of expensive brands, but to shout to the heavens teeth.
- Do not generalize, please. I dentist, working in two clinics in the metropolitan region of Porto, whose consulting costs 30 euros and 40 with the doctor to receive a maximum of 50%, which still must do their rebates, with the remaining costs to get to the clinic and to the pocket of the employer (which need not necessarily be dentist). Young people are dentists in most precarious jobs.
- It is amazing how just a few treatments to get the tooth cost 300 euros! The dentists are too explorers and the government agree with this! Dentists should be in every hospital and with low prices!
- Well there is, yesterday I went to the dentist treat a tooth left there in ancient coin 12 stories, teeth, eyes and ears are the things that should have care more affordable and the prices paid to the price of gold someone fills the pockets with that.
- The majority of the population is not going to the dentist because wages are a third world and the prices of the consultations are to Europe, here in this country are made miracles every day to get survive with dignity!
- Good news. Something to be followed by all. The joints of the parish and even municipalities. The dental care are among the few in Portugal that does not exist in the health centers. Individuals are paid by weight of gold, so the Portuguese have the teeth and mouth in the state have. A misery. The plates are devices and dearest. The private dentists are not monitored and price they want.
- What this example serves to all mayors in the country, but mainly along the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health to reflect on the needs that people have access to medical care.
- What do our leaders seem to forget it or are made from forgotten, are the exorbitant prices of dentists, one of the highest in the European Union. Still complain that the Portuguese do not treat the mouth as well ..! Initiatives like this are very welcome! Only thanks to generous people who have these ideas.
- It would be wonderful if all the mayors of this country do the same that is doing the President of Board. It is that you not only look for him but also for those who elected him. Continue and good luck in his life Mr. President, and all the other put in their own eyes ... Thank you.
- Even though the time as good news to appear here in a little cheer. Congratulations to the Board of the Parish of St. Domingues Benfica for this laudable initiative. I hope others follow its example.
- Congratulations on an excellent initiative. How have the prime minister more concerned about the new airport and hotels in Montargil, we finally have someone with courage and with purpose looking for the people that is unable to pay 2,000 euros for a device for orthodontic or 100 euros per consultation. Put your eyes on this president and the Board has so many models that are imported from abroad but look for our country.
- Not only in the area of dental care is only for rich. The greed of professionals sit down in all areas of health. Congratulations to President of the Board and the professionals who work with him. Others who follow its example.
- I usually say that the mouth is a "business card". Congratulations Mr. President! It is an example to be followed by all the joints in town, I live in the S. Domingos de Rana. Tires
- It is an example to follow and shows that it costs only help others to live better. Maybe the government can learn from this example and rethink the NHS is a national disgrace.
- An example that all joints should follow. Congratulations to the President.
- It is to be welcomed this initiative and hope that it would extend all over the country, so more people could benefit from it.
- A good initiative that should serve as an example to you doctors dentists practicing price offensive to the average population. Do you have doctors can not give up vacations in other continents or exchange the car for a standard of luxury? Is that the Portuguese are tired of tightening their belts to other fill it in! - Now there's a good positive news. Congratulations to the Board of Parish of St. Domingos de Benfica by the initiative. Now no other joints follow this commendable example.
- From time to time are still good news. The prices charged by most dentists are a genuine scandal 60 and 80 euros for a consultation and treatment is never a consultation only. People inhumane.

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