Sunday 31 August 2008

116) Class of dental care for babies of Santos receives high

Santos (Brazil) - The theatrical presentation of the grandparents of the Community Center (Cecom) northwest of Zone enchanted the children who participated in the afternoon yesterday (Friday - 15), the festival of the pediatrics department of dentistry, the Basic Health Unit (UBS ) Of Aparecida. "It was a tooth that once lived in the mouth of a boy who liked to eat many sweets ...". Thus began staging of the character Mrs. Brush, Mr wire Dental, Dona pulp of the tooth and vilã of history, the Dona Caries. After you have fun with the educational theater, the approximately 50 children received kits with brush and toothpaste and gas balloons. Mothers gained buttons of pink and then were served cake and juice.
The programme of care for babies began in 1994 and is aimed at children from zero to 3 years, with monthly consultations, during which the mothers learn to clean the gums and the teeth and the correct way to do the brushing. They also receive guidance on nutrition.
Prevention - "In this class that is forming nobody has caries. It is important that mothers continue to follow the guidelines at home, "stressed the dental Venturini pediatrician Patricia de Almeida, on children who completed three years and were discharged the programme. "The health begins with the mouth and prevention is essential. The Basic Unit has to do just that, moving closer to the community, "said Secretary of Health, Odílio Rodrigues Filho.
The mother of small Larissa of 2 years and 4 months, the owner-to-house Andréia Menezes, 31 years, highlights the importance of the project Prefecture. "Taking care she already gave us a fright. He had a white spot in the tooth and had to cut the sweet, "he said, adding that the sacrifice worth it. The care with prevention is also emphasized by the student Patricia sweet, 24 years, press the girl Bruna, two years. "It's important to start early, because they leave beyond the caries increases," alert.

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