Friday 1 August 2008

108) Project "School As Promotion of Health and Quality of Life"

Piracicaba (Brazil) - Until the 12 years of age the rate of teeth in Piracicaba is 1.6 and is below the recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for 2010, which is 3 to 32 teeth. Concerned with the smile of kids after that age group, the surgeons-dentists Junior Michael Morano, teacher in Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba (FOP / UNICAMP), and Fabio Luiz Mialhe started activities to the prevention of caries with 96 students from 6 th series of education School's key State Dr. George Coury.
On this Friday (1), there were awards for outstanding students, with delivery by bicycle, walkman, ball, honors and medals. "At 18 years, the adolescent can have from five to seven teeth. With the prevention, we can lower the index," says Morano Junior.
The project "How School Promotion of Health and Quality of Life" began two months ago in "George Coury." The setting was chosen because of school full time. Students study, are complementary activities and meals. From 2007, according to the surgeon Mialhe, the project will be extended to schools Jaçanã Altair Pereira Moraes Guerrini and Mello, who also work full-time.
One of the focuses of the project is to show students the importance of bringing to school, brush, cream and dental wire, to use them after meals. "In two months that operate at School George Coury, noticed the positive change in the behaviour of students, who are more aware of the oral health care," reports. Marily Fortunato Silva, coordinator of the School, says the project has addressed problems of health in general and encouraged the relationship of students, promoting integration.
By taking the matter to be investigated at home, highlights the coordinator, students eventually involving the family. "The participation of students is voluntary. We started the project with three students and soon all were participating," he says. Next year, the school vai enable the dental office and will have weekly attendance of the FOP team, in addition of 30 professionals from different fields - psychologist, educator, social worker - that the project aiming to integrate the work of broad awareness of the quality of life of students.
They were awarded the students who submit the best written work. Anderson Luiz Marciano, 12, won the 1 st place by dedication to research the prevention of caries. For the boy, the theory is only understood when put into practice. "I knew of the oral health care and the project I am more careful," he says.
But the oral health is not the only concern of students. At the time of crush, highlighted the Lays colleagues Caroline Danelon, Ana Carolina Lima, both of 12 years, and Jéssica Godoy, 13, won the item points. They say they do not "give to kiss" a boy who has no oral hygiene. The girls received honors and tributes paid to the coordinators of the project. "They taught us the importance of working together, showed that it is legal if the people care," observed.

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