Monday 30 June 2008

91) Theater of puppets addresses oral hygiene in daycare Sister Martistela

Tangará da Serra - Through the theatre of puppets, students of nursery school Sister Maristela learned from the staff of Municipal Health Council the importance of oral hygiene. The team holds CMS, weekly, shares in the nursery, which also encourage students to clean their teeth.
"It is important, since early, incorporate this habit of taking care of teeth," says the director of the daycare center, Rosineire da Silva. It argues that values the prevention work, not by the actions or curative treatment. "The puppet theatre in a nice way to the public and targeted children, the professionals take the children involved, important messages of prevention to problems in oral health," says Rosineire.
She explains that throughout the year were carried out activities of guidelines on the proper way to brush their teeth, dental floss pass, and the care that children should have both in school and at home to prevent cavities. "In addition to making the fear that the child has the dentist, this project improves prevention of the condition of oral health and reduces the incidence of caries."

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