Saturday 21 June 2008

85) Use of equipment by children

What is the best age to take a child to the orthodontist? I hope my son share the teeth of milk by standing to bring apparatus? These are just two of many questions that parents have to find that the teeth of children are not in proper position, is what the specialist says in Orthodontics and Orthopedics Facial David Cassiano Ueda Simensato.
Nowadays with the technological advances of materials used in dentistry and improved techniques, it is possible to orthodontic treatment in the age of 4 years until the age senile.
Some people say that putting devices in children too young increases the total time of use and cost of treatment. This concept is not entirely true, because each case must be evaluated and individualized.
Clearly, the maturity of each child is different, and sometimes the motivation to put apparatus is directly proportional to the discomfort aesthetic and functional dental sense it.
These factors must be well assessed by parents and the orthodontist to make the decision to place or not apparatus before the permanent teeth. Even some flaws because, as the space between the central incisors, are sometimes corrected by the birth and growth of new teeth (the dogs help push the incisor teeth to the environment).
In addition, many professionals argue that can not stand idly by while the teeth of milk saiem of the place, because these are the "guides" to the birth of permanent teeth. In younger patients, the movement of teeth (and even the bones) is easier, and collaboration need is greater when using apparatus extrabucais (known as "brake-donkey").
A great advantage with an early treatment is that it can simplify or even eliminate a future corrective orthodontic treatment, reducing the chance of extracting teeth need for lack of space.
Sometimes, a little wear on a tooth sure, in time, can prevent all the bite is cross (when the lower teeth fit the bite out of higher).
When the child has all permanent teeth, it will be in the final stage of growth and we can not take bone growth in favor of treatment. This is the case, for example, when the sky's mouth is close and we fund and expand it.
Some oral bad habits are more easily abandoned in childhood, especially if there is a joint effort of orthodontist, otolaryngologist, speech therapist, physiotherapist and psychologist. This is the case of incorrect positioning of the tongue between the teeth, easily seen in children who use pacifiers.
After the stability of growth (adulthood) the correction will be limited to orthodontic tooth movement, while the fixes severe bone can be resolved only with orthognathic surgery (surgery on facial bones).
If you are still in doubt as to the time of their child or not use an appliance, a frank conversation with a professional who has good knowledge of the development of the skull and face vai help decide the types of techniques and equipment to be used for correction.

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