Friday 11 January 2008

37) Vaccine against caries: Research unprecedented studies of bacteria causing the reduction of caries in babies

Is that the immune system of the baby is premature brazilian compared to those of other countries? That inquiry was motivated to one of the researchers of the Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba (FOP) of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) develop new research on Streptococcus mutans, the main bacterium cause of caries in babies up to one year of age.
The studies relate to the question of the proliferation of bacteria that causes cavities and include research on vaccine against dental caries. In the United States, highlights Ruchele Dias Nogueira, graduated in Microbiology and Immunology of FOP / Unicamp, which defends thesis on the subject in October, the greater propensity of such bacteria in the oral cavity appears only from the 19 months of age. To learn the factor of the propensity appear before that age in Brazil, the researchers followed for 18 months, 160 babies in the age group of five to 13 months, of 28 public kindergartens, Piracicaba. "The reason is that our babies consume more sugar in this age group and many mothers do the importance of oral hygiene in infants, which is a cultural problem," explains the cylinder.
The survey of the FOP / Unicamp showed that children with only one year of age, coming into contact with Streptococcus mutans, have antibodies to interfere in the colonization by the bacteria. The presence of specific antibodies in saliva, against GbpB - protein important for the colonization by Streptococcus - can reduce the chances of infection by the bacteria of the oral cavity.
The monitoring of babies made up every six months over a year and a half. "On the first visit, the 160, 20% had the bacteria in the mouth," notes Ruchele. The monitored 160 babies were divided into two groups for comparison, of children with and without the bacterium Streptococcus. Most who presented no detectable levels of bacteria was bearer of large quantities of antibodies specific for GpbB in saliva, while children infected by the bacterium early not had these specific antibodies.
"Although the percentage of babies with the bacteria has been low is worrying to know that they can have caries prematurely, which accelerates the loss of teeth," examines the cylinder. The study indicates good prospects for the development of vaccine against dental caries. With support of the Foundation de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (Fapesp), the Prefecture of Piracicaba and participation of graduated Alessandra Castro Alves, who studies the genetic characteristics of microorganisms isolated these children and their mechanisms of transmission, the search proved the action of the vaccine on animals.
With the induction animals in the production of antibodies against the protein GbpB, there was a reduction of colonization by the bacteria and control the development of caries. The thesis is guided by the teacher Renata Mattos de Oliveira and Graner was part of the results published in Infection and Immunity, international journal of microbiology and immunology. To be applied in humans, the vaccine depends on greater period of study.
According to the graduated Ruchele Dias Nogueira, the problem cultural unnecessary to consider the oral hygiene of the baby is visible in the behavior of mothers who do not clean the saliva of children after, for example, a bottle night. For the simple fact blow the food of the children, continues Ruchele, mothers can transmit the bacteria through droplets of saliva. "Children institutionalized (going children in nurseries or schools) have lowest level of presence of the bacteria because they are encouraged to make oral hygiene," emphasizes.
The cleaning of the gums of the baby, details the cylinder, it must be done with gauze soaked in water, moving delicate, always after the breastfeeding, bottles and food. In children with teeth, parents should make cleaning of the teeth and use the thong. "The first trip to the dentist can be from six months of life, for guidance. Afterwards, the children should go every six months," recommends the dentist.

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