Monday 17 December 2007

29) Testimony young in the first person

I know that I was told by a family doctor, then (end of the seventies) to the query of "dentist" - the Health Center of Alandroal I remember that moved a "dentist" of Elvas. Generally there were twelve to fifteen people to be served in a morning, when the dentist came just go to form an orderly queue and play to take an injection (anesthesia) - I think the same syringe used to inject everyone. Shortly after starting the extractions…
I do not remember any other types of consultation there charged; only if there were - extractions (no cleaning or other treatments). At the end of two hours they were all "treaties" and although there would be the "dentist".
I would have my twelve to thirteen years, the treatments that made me such a dentist were solely to extract teeth-never done a radius X or any other type of oral treatment. If after ten minutes could not draw me a root or a tooth, the dentist "marked me a new query for eight or fifteen days later, so a root harder to extract took sometimes three or four "sessions", ie more than a month to be extracted. I do not know exactly why I tired of both go there and never have finished the treatment (consisting solely to do extractions); also never seen such that the "dentist" make or had any written record of the treatments that was - was all along, or they were children, adults or elderly.
Full text here

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