Thursday 6 December 2007

25) ORAL HEALTH: More some practical examples developed in Brazil

Project will prevent treatment of the teeth in students (Crossroads South, Brazil) - The Secretary of Education crossroads of South launched the project smiling for the future, with the partnership of local schools for teaching basic and early childhood education, with the dentist Denis Ferraz da Silva and with the teacher José Ronaldo Kapczynski. They received training for the deployment of activity in the municipality. The Secretary of Education, Culture and Sport, Solismar Ribeiro Figueiró, explains that the work is a partnership of local government, through the portfolios of Education, Health and Social Service Trade (Sesc).
The project's goal is to develop, with students of the municipality, various actions of the character preventive oral health. They will be met children enrolled in the level B of early childhood education and 1 st to 4 th years of fundamental education.
The intent of the work is to prevent damaged teeth and gingival diseases through education and awareness of the child for self with health and, by consequence, to stimulate self-esteem, teaching a technique for cleaning and use of the thong. The activity will also challenge the skills manual for health through daily practice, providing topical application of fluoride and adopting appropriate diet.
In this line of work, the other novelty of the project smiling for the future is the use of a special technique that aims to answer the larger number of students, using minimal resources and does not need the use of dental office, but only some of the training and equipment . The mayor Artigas Teixeira da Silveira stressed that the work is one of several tools of public health outlined by the current administration.
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Pilot Project of Preven-so is deployed in units of primary education in Cubatão, Brazil-Reduce the incidence of teeth damaged and reach the indexes set by the World Health Organization (WHO) as ideal for 2010. This is the objective of the Program on Education and Prevention in Health, Oral-Preven-so, established several years ago by the Municipal Bureau of Health in kindergartens and schools of early childhood education in the city. Now, the program will also meet other age group, is extending to the students of basic education.
The pilot project was initially implemented in Emef Father Antonio Olivieri, in the Garden Casqueiro, benefiting more than 600 students. In the afternoon of last Monday (28/08), plus a school-Emef Usina Henry Borden has been benefited. There, about 390 students won oral hygiene kit and went to have supervised cleaning of teeth. According to those responsible for the program, the soon-as Preven also will be deployed in Emef Luiz Gustavo de Lima, in Vila Christmas, thus covering more than 1,400 students.
The implementation of the project is made by the Technical Group, Oral Health in partnership with the Municipal Bureau of Education. The Preven-so allows the resumption of the habit of cleaning the teeth that many students lose to join the primary school. Survey done by technicians proved that, by not having the intimate relationship between teachers and students as it is in kindergartens and in teaching children, the routine dde clean the teeth is lost. Another factor that contributes to this is the continuing awakening of the sense of shame in children, as their age developments.
The program also counts with the participation of voluntary associations of parents and teachers (APMs) and monitors the class. Students receive an oral hygiene kit containing a dental school child of soft bristles, a tube of cream and a roll of dental thong. The kit is kept in the school itself for the exclusive use of the student and must be used every day after lunch. The evaluation of the program is done every three months, when the technical team going in the units to investigate the results obtained using the technique of highlighting of bacterial plaque.
Depending on the results, as Preven-will be extended to all schools of basic education of the municipality, which will allow even greater reduction of the indices for the epidemiological diseases bucais more common.
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Anyone who has followed this blog will already have been realized as local authorities and central Portugal and Brazil assume postures differentiated on the oral health of the population, in this case it seems that we, Portuguese, we still have much to understand with the work currently in Brazil.
I hope that these posts serve as a warning so that we create also in Portugal policies that allow that any Portuguese citizen can enjoy time of oral health services, regardless of their social condition.

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