Tuesday 15 September 2020

724. 10 medical tips to prevent tooth decay

If caries is not treated in a timely manner, it may evolve to the point where endodontic treatment (devitalization) is necessary, or even the extraction of the tooth in question. Contrary to what one might think, to care for teeth and prevent tooth decay it is not enough to brush your teeth, some food care is also necessary, and with instruments for oral hygiene.
However, none of the following tips is valid without periodic visits to the dentist. The following tips can help you prevent cavities:
1. Reduce your sugar consumption
Sugars are the main source of acid production by bacteria responsible for tooth decay. Its reduction helps to prevent tooth decay. Avoid treats whenever possible, and whenever you eat sugars, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth.
2. Use dental floss
The use of wire reduces the formation of interdental plaque, promoting dental and gingival health.
3. Brush your teeth after every meal
Brushing reduces oral biofilm that contains the bacteria responsible for tooth decay. Brushing with fluoride pastes also helps to remineralize teeth.
4. Change brushes at most every 3 months
Brushes normally have a longevity of 3 months or less. If you notice that your brush's bristles are opening before that time, it means it's time to change your brush.
5. Always brush your teeth before bed
Salivation decreases dramatically when we are sleeping, which reduces the remineralizing action of the saliva itself on the teeth, which, caries is the most common oral disease and is triggered essentially by lack of oral hygiene or inadequate oral hygiene. It is also enhanced by factors such as eating habits, lack of fluoride and smoking, together with the presence of food debris increases the action of bacteria responsible for caries.
6. Avoid smoking
Tobacco reduces the immunity of oral flora, which in turn increases the incidence of diseases, including tooth decay
7. Drink lots of water
Fluoridation of community water is an effective and low-cost way to achieve the fluoride exposure necessary to help prevent tooth decay. Studies show that water fluoridation is still effective in reducing tooth decay by 20 to 40%. Fluorine is a mineral that can occur naturally in sources of drinking water - oceans, lakes, rivers and groundwater. Comprehensive research has shown that optimal fluoride levels not only reduce tooth decay in children and adults, but also help to repair cavities in the early stages.
On the other hand, water intake contributes to increase salivation, balancing the PH in the mouth, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria.
8. Attention to bruxism
Bruxism (clenching or gnashing of the teeth) can cause small cracks or wear on the teeth, conducive to the accumulation of bacteria responsible for the development of caries. Try to diagnose and resolve bruxism problems.
9. Clean your tongue
The tongue is an area of ​​bacterial accumulation that is often overlooked in hygiene. Use language-specific cleaners
10. Visit your dentist regularly
Only a dentist will know how to diagnose caries lesions early and act accordingly. Only this healthcare professional will be able to do professional cleanings that guarantee the removal of all accumulated dental plaque.
The advice is from the dentist José Afonso Teixeira.

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