Monday, 9 May 2016

647. Dentist will treat the elderly at home

The initiative was the idea that anyone who is bedridden with little physical mobility or dependent on others, you need a good oral hygiene to achieve better health. It was precisely this thought of Sonia Santos, medical dentist working in the areas of Peso da Régua and Vila Real, Tras-os-Montes. The project is unique in the country and, for now, the dentist makes consultations at home only in these areas and that type of users.For years, consultations were free. About three years ago, Sonia began to charge the same as a query in clinics where she works: 80 euros. But journeys at home are still not charged. A small case that fits in a kind of air bag is brought home to the users. These people who are bedridden, it is easier to have someone to care for them for basic care than oral hygiene because it is always a more personal area. These people start to have plaque, tartar, cavities. They are suffering. Stop eating. To be a full physical health, we must address the oral health, explains Sonia Santos.
Consultation at home is almost equal to what is done at the clinic. Three years ago we do all kinds of home service: facelifts, cleanings, extractions. Only place implants and advanced surgery is that it is impossible to do at home, said.There were two cases that marked this medical dentist. The first patient who attended was morbidly obese and was bedridden. I could not do anything when I got there. It was treated and only past eight days is to gather all that was possible and went to her house. Shocked me because there are people who die with the wrong infection and she was in that situation, recalls Sonia Santos. The other case was a boy of nine, paraplegic, who made a tooth extraction. It went well, he says.According to the doctor, are the users themselves and the families of those who call for it to be done the treatment at home. They do not see it as a luxury, but as a help, since many can not afford to take them to the office nearest dentistry.
Ana Sofia Coelho

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