Friday 10 May 2013

566. Oral Health in Portugal: marching inverse unlike the rest of the world

Portugal, in the XXI century and 26 years after being a member country of the European Union, remain without any concrete policy for oral health, leaving the overwhelming majority of its population without public coverage in the area of ​​oral health care. Simultaneously, the private economic groups interested in oral medicine accumulate Big Money business associates to speculation in the prices of queries, where a professional intended to implement minimum prices on the prices to be applied in dental consultations.
The oral health policy in Portugal is completely discredited, since it does not guarantee any rights of public medical assistance to people unable to financially rely on the private sector.
All proposals already submitted to the present government to begin to fundamentally change the oral health sector in Portugal (please read here and here) have not yet obtained no response.
On the other hand continues to drain public funds supposedly intended for oral health, going directly to other institutions (please read here, here and here) without there being some benefit of the neediest population and in need of medical assistance. For example, hundreds of thousands of euros or maybe a few million served to sanitize the accounts of the television stations in time to make possible the treatment of oral health to many thousands of children and youth.
Proliferate by country plots that allow different institutions to make use of public resources, without which see an effective and real contribution to the improvement of oral health in Portugal. After all, many of these institutions may survive at the expense of the state budget, composed of the taxes of those who work.
Anyway, it takes too little public resources that systematically brings efficiency for society in general.
Abroad are made tremendous efforts and resources are channeled to wage real battles in the fight against oral diseases, developing programs to eliminate tooth decay. In Portugal, by contrast, the central government, the political institutions that should be at the service of society, public health institutions and even much of the sector's own oral health are the main obstacles for the promotion and renewal of the current bleak outlook of declining oral health of most of its population.
President of the Republic Cavaco Silva, Prime - Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, Director - General of Health Francisco George, Lord Dean of the Dental Association Orlando Monteiro da Silva: what is the criterion according to which a child or young person can receive all treatments of oral health that needs to come to enjoy a healthy and without any sequelae associated with oral health and another child or young person has ever right to treatment rid of the might suffer permanent and irreversible consequences, both physical and psychological, for the rest of your life?
What kind of political system exists in Portugal? Does anyone who is not able to live up to the performance of public functions and puts resigns his post at the disposal of those who know more and do better in the public cause? 

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