Monday 10 December 2012

538. Toothpastes multiple protection

The most effective are among the cheapest: show great success against bacteria and do not involve the risk of abrasion. Help prevent tooth decay, attack bacteria, lend a hand in fighting the diseases of the gums, teeth away the specter of tartar and eliminate the toughest stains: modern toothpastes try to incorporate increasingly active ingredients to claim possession of superpowers. But none has curative properties. If you suffer from oral disease, it is best to visit your doctor to find the solution.
Plan defense against cavities - Color, flavor and consistency reveal nothing about the power of a toothpaste. Fluorine is the most ingredient which is involved in preventing tooth decay. According to the Directorate-General for Health, a product for adults should be between 1000 and 1500 ppm fluoride. A smaller quantity compromises the efficacy. If it is higher, the risk of attack or cause enamel demineralization and stains, especially in young children. The amount of fluoride that we measured in the lab is very different from never announced by the manufacturers.
Regarding the type of substance, nearly all use sodium fluoride, cheap and efficient. The toothpastes are to be successful in removing stains and food debris without attacking the enamel. No product achieves high levels of abrasion.
But the real proof in the prevention of diseases of the teeth and gums is the ability to remove plaque. Depends on the combined effect of cleaning agents and substances which form a protective film. Many folders include antibacterial ingredients. The product with better performance removes 90% of the harmful microorganisms.
Simple tricks for healthy teeth and gums - When we eat or drink, certain bacteria produce acids to metabolize sugars and form a film on teeth called plaque. To eliminate it, brush your teeth at least 2 times per day.
If plaque is not removed regularly, acids attack the enamel and tooth decay can arise. The risk differs depending on individuals and supply type. A toothpaste rich in fluorine enhances enamel and avoids the problem.
In more severe cases, plaque calcification deposits on and between the teeth and gums and emerges tartar, which can ignite the gums and cause other diseases. Tartar is very difficult to remove with a brush, paste and floss. The work requires the hand of a dentist.
Preventing dental disease is simple and inexpensive. Oral hygiene, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are the secret. Avoid sweets, sugary drinks and tobacco.
Deco Proteste    

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