Sunday 11 September 2011

469. Newspaper interview i Orlando Monteiro da Silva (Part 2: Analysis of the interview /conclusion)

We all know that the formation of every dentist is a charge of tens of thousands of euros, supported by our taxes. It is extremely disheartening to see the doctors emigrate trained in Portugal, it's limited resources we have in a small number compared to the real needs of the country.

Can the Order of Dentists to do something to reverse this situation by increasing the supply of dentistry for the general population, reducing the costs of such consultations and treatments to cover a larger population of people with lower incomes? The decline in the price of a consultation and dental treatment may correspond to a dramatic increase of population to dental consultations, which will have a positive effect on the exponential increase in total revenues for clinics and dental offices, which would be extremely advantageous in times of crisis like we are experiencing today, providing more jobs and fixing of dentists in our country.

If emigration is not a solution, perhaps the very height Dental Association encourage young dentists to work in Portugal, instead of being lured by jobs abroad.

Alerted to the fact that there is much illegal practice of dentistry in Portugal, with clandestine networks of recruitment, we hope that the Order of Dentists to make urgent termination of each of these situations with the relevant authorities and put an immediate end to that situation.

A good solution to end the controversy definitively illegal practice of dentistry in Portugal, namely with recruitments made ​​in Brazil, would be working together among the professional classes of the two countries for some reason the professional pride of many dental surgeons in Brazil, working in Portugal, are praised by the Portuguese dental colleges.

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