Friday 4 March 2011

428. How can an order to stop humiliating the Government itself?

Government pays dentists checks without a bank guarantee
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There are thousands of dentists, especially in northern and central Portugal, to whom the State has tens of thousands of euros since last year, for services rendered in connection with dental checks. The aggrieved and indignant, saying that the government checks are bald. I know colleagues beginning their careers, which are going very badly, because, having not yet customers, had the dental checks to pay fixed costs arising from the conduct of business. Only, as the state is the first to give a bad example, bad pay, not those colleagues now have to pay up, the materials used with patients sent by the Ministry of Health, assured, to JN, a physician Porto, whom the Regional Health Administration of the North owes about six thousand euro since October 2009.
The JN contacted the Ministry of Health, regional health administrations (ARS) North, Centre, Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Alentejo and Algarve and the Order of Dentists to determine the total amounts outstanding, from the creation of dental check, in June 2008. However, only the ARS Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, unless challenged, said: 178,960 euros. The ARS that are the worst paid in the North and Centre. The best are those who pay the Algarve, Alentejo and Lisbon and Tagus Valley.
There are doctors in the North, thus far, has not received any service within the dental checks. Most, however, not received since October 2009. The João Pedro Oliveira of Clinical Cértoma in Anadia, ARS Center should, since half a year ago, about ten thousand. Ana Lampreia, Supermed Clinic, ARS Alentejo is about 800 euros. But the examples are more than many. The JN heard more than fifty dentists and all complain of late payments incomprehensibly.
Ana Filipa, Braga, says he attends a clinic where, since July 2009, patients with dental check, ARS North never came to pay him any service. Maria José Cameira, Faro, criticizes the bureaucracy leading to payments and says it takes less time to meet some patients than to fill their forms. André Neto, Alfacinha Smile Clinic in Lisbon, says that what you usually have outstanding enough to pay to an employee and who had to live with the money of dental checks had already died. Rita Barroso of Coimbra, complains of not receiving since October 2009.
At JN, Filomena Lages, ARS Center, acknowledged that unpaid invoices with about four months, but attributed some blame to doctors who meet the forms incorrectly. Antonino Leite, the ARS North blames the workload.

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