Wednesday 30 June 2010

352. Opening speech of the Minister of Health in the hearing of the Parliamentary Health

Opening speech of the Minister of Health
the hearing of the Parliamentary Health
(April 21, 2009)
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President of the Parliamentary Committee on Health, ladies and gentlemen, Social Communication: It is with great pleasure that I am here to answer questions from the gentlemen. I expressed my readiness for some time, but for the sake of this House, only now been realized.
This year the National Health Service (SNS in Portuguese language) is 30 years. In those decades there were many demographic, social, economic and cultural rights to which the SNS has had to adapt. We have given continuity to the reforms that are part of this government program, implementing the measures deemed relevant. The policies are certain to lead to the end. Our responsibility is to the citizen. Thirty years later, we call for a National Health Service refreshed and able to respond to new needs, but based on the same principles: universal, free general and tend, as one of the foundations of the Portuguese Health System.
The extension of the Oral Health Programme to the younger: The allocation of vouchers to pregnant women and elderly dentist beneficiaries of the solidarity supplement for the elderly, which to date amount to a total of more than 50,000 checks, was a success. It was decided to extend this program to younger students.
Later this month, children and youth with 7, 10 and 13 years who attend public schools will have access to oral health consultations and, if necessary, be entitled to two or three checks for dental treatment. This measure is the necessary complement to the Prevention of existing dental caries. In total, 190 000 children will be covered.
Are also being made available over 20,000 vouchers for dental treatment of children with needs identified in surveys of global health, the 4-5 years before entry to compulsory education.

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