Sunday 30 May 2010

340. Milk teeth - how to keep them healthy?

Baby teeth are emerging at around six months and give rise to permanent teeth of approximately six years. Despite being a short episode in the history of our life, must be cared for, since its conservation status will influence the health of the permanent teeth.
If milk teeth are decayed to a child there is a real risk that they will contaminate from the outset, the permanent teeth, weakening its enamel, even fragile during the early days of activity.
See what the precautions for the child to always have healthy teeth:
1. Brushing teeth - The existence of bacteria in the oral cavity is a perfectly normal situation. However, when the number of bacteria becomes excessive, shattering the balance and decay can arise. The main cause of this imbalance is the lack of oral hygiene.
To prevent tooth decay, between six and twelve months, the mother should clean the child's teeth with a swab. After this age, usually the child is able to handle their own toothbrush (no toothpaste use). From the 24 months the child is able to use small amounts of toothpaste without swallowing, and little by little, you should be instilled into the habit of brushing teeth after meals.
Warning: Many of the medicines to children are sugared and should be administered prior to cleaning teeth.
2. Provide a supplement of fluoride - fluoride supplements are available in tablets or drops. Can be given to the child since the birth of their first tooth until about the time the child begins to have a power similar to adults (fourteen months). If the waters of the county are not (as often happens) enriched with fluoride, it is advisable to keep the add fluoride to adolescence.
3. An anti-caries diet - The sugars contained in foods are the main responsible for the first cavities. The bacteria that normally inhabit the oral cavity convert these sugars into acids. These acids create cavities in which they settle and continue their work of destruction.
To eliminate this risk should be eating a varied, low in foods rich in sugars. It is also very important to set specific times for meals, banning the consumption of foods (ie chocolates, candies, gum and other foods of this nature) between meals. Why? For these occasions the saliva, which contains enzymes that break the molecules of sugar, is less active. Hence, these molecules are much more available to be transformed into acids by bacteria. It is also important not to exaggerate the amount of food that stung the child (now with an efficient dentition) consumes.
Know bottle caries? This problem can reach all the teeth of babies, other canines and incisors. Due to excessive exposure to sugars and stems from the bottles with sugar water, fruit juices, flavored milk, and on teats dipped in honey. To not address this problem, do not give sugary drinks to children and do not let it use the bottle as a pacifier.
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Addendum (received by email)
Currently no longer recommend fluoride supplements except in cases of children identified with more than three years old and at high risk for dental caries. The effect of fluoride in the body and came to the conclusion that the preventive effect of fluoride in relation to dental caries is not only topical and systemic as previously thought.
As such only recommended in specific cases that I mentioned, the use of fluoride tablets (not droplets) as they are sucked and remain in high concentrations in the oral cavity during this administration.
The supply of fluoride is best done through the toothpaste and mouthwash fluoride topical in its activities.

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