Tuesday 27 April 2010

325. Matosinhos: Children do not pay the dentist

In partnership with the municipality of Matosinhos, the City Park Clinic has launched a project that allows for preventive care of 1,000 children. "This is just a program of prevention, if we detect anomalies, children will be directed to their dentists. We evaluated the risk of tooth plaque and placing the children in groups. It is an opportunity for all children, begin to create oral habits, 'says José Maria Corte-Real, Clinical Director.
This project involves a whole team of doctors, but particularly the involvement of parents and teachers "because it is with them that we must work to make this whole program is continued."
The consultations are aimed to all children of Matosinhos, either public schools or private schools. "We will not exclude any child. This is a worthwhile project for children who never had the opportunity to go to the dentist, surely will never forget this clinic", says Anthony Parada, chairman of the municipality of Matosinhos.
The President makes a thank you to the clinic for the courage to check out the deficiencies of the system and try to correct with this project.
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Example of courage and determination that other municipalities should follow, instead of walking made lackeys squandering million of our taxes on travel tour to Cuba, Canada, Brazil, Mozambique, Poland or elsewhere, or organize festivities to no avail improving the living standards of local populations.
Unfortunate that this passive bribery of local politicians is not investigated by Procudaria General's Office; that money was to be investigated and applied directly to health care of children in each county.
Well there are people of Matosinhos.

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