Thursday 11 March 2010

308. Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Porto

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The School of Dental Medicine, University of Porto is a public school education university that promotes science, research and service to the community in the field of dentistry and enjoys scientific, pedagogic, administrative and financial, assumes the responsibilities of management and internal organization and promotes the creation and development of protocols with public and private national and foreign.
It had its beginnings as a School of Dental Medicine, established by Decree-Law No. 368 of August 15, 1976 and came into operation in November of that year and formed, in Portugal, the first institution of higher medical and dental university level.
The School of Dental Medicine worked in temporary offices since 1976, a prefabricated annex to the Hospital of S. João, to the construction of a building which is located at Rua Dr. Manuel Pereira da Silva - Paranhos.
Incorporated at the University of Oporto on January 6, 1989, through Law No. 10 of 6 January 1989, establishing the School of Dental Medicine, University of Porto. Changing facilities for the current building took place on 15 July 1997. The Faculty of Dentistry, University of Porto is now an institution of prestige nationally and internationally.
The Faculty currently includes 37 PhDs, and 8 Professors, 10 Associate Professor, 6 Associate Professors, 10 Associate Professors, 2 Assistant Professor, 2 Associate Professors Invited to 40%, 5 assistants, 2 Teaching Assistants, Teaching Assistants 7 60%, 6 Teaching Assistants 40%, 2 Teaching Assistants to 30%, 4 Teaching Assistants 20%, 6 Monitor and 3 teachers hired.
School of Dental Medicine, University of Porto continues among other things, the following:
a) give the course and give a degree in Dentistry, as well as other that by law may be granted;
b) organizing and Masters courses, postgraduate, specialization and updating its fields of expertise, and promote academic training leading to the granting of the doctoral degree;
c) Organize and deliver training courses on continuing education in various areas of the disciplines of dentistry and allied subjects and also organize free courses long, recycling, and other deepening it deems necessary or useful;
d) To maintain, promote and develop scientific research;
e) Collaborate with other departments, institutions or entities that require their technical, scientific and educational collaboration or receive them, according to protocol established;
f) to assume leadership and technical-scientific-medical courses for technicians and oral hygienists, dental assistants, dental technicians and dental technicians;
g) To organize and keep an outpatient dental, subject to scientific and educational interests of the Faculty;
h) Establish forms of exchange, cultural, scientific, technical, educational, collaborative activities of common interest with public or private, domestic and foreign;
i) within the scope of activity for international cooperation, particularly with regard to Portuguese-speaking countries and European countries.

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