Wednesday 28 October 2009

263. Dental Association is considering preventing access to the profession if they continue to miss career opportunities

The Dental Association is considering preventing access to the profession, they still do not exist solutions to employment for these professionals, told Lusa the president of the class. Orlando Monteiro da Silva spoke to the Lusa at the end of the hearing that he had with the President of the Republic, they discussed the issue of employment of dentists.
For Dental Association, the situation of these professionals is reaching a limit, since every year out 600 graduates who join the 6000 dentists that exist in Portugal. Without employment for the occupation, many have chosen to emigrate, which the Dental Association regrets. This situation are already 247 dentists in the profession in England.
Against this background, he considers "very serious", the Dental Association is considering preventing access to the profession, claiming that covered the health needs of the country in terms of dentistry.
Another issue that the Dental Association discussed with Aníbal Cavaco Silva was the National Program for Promotion of Oral Health, which entered into force on the 01 March and which involves the allocation of dental checks. According to the program, each pregnant then at the health center will have three dental checks, a maximum total of 120 euros. The program will cover 65 thousand pregnant. The elderly beneficiaries of the solidarity supplement can enjoy a maximum of two dental checks for a total of 80 euros.
Where appropriate, are essential requirements of a certificate of pregnancy or evidence of the situation as a beneficiary of Completion issued by the Institute of Social Security. Users can choose any doctor or dentist office, since that is part of the list of professionals who have joined the system in its health region.
The president of the Dental Association welcomed the initiative but maintains its extension to children, diabetics to holders of special diseases.
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Comments taken from SAPO NOTÍCIAS:
- I did not realize. There are dentists out of work? So why is it that instead of the state spending millions of euros in dental checks in individual amounts not miserable places at the service of the general population in hospitals and health centers? Ah, because the lords of the order could not continue to ask for 100 per consultation, and no longer able to accumulate wealth. Health has to cease being a means of access to individual wealth. Health professionals have a right to a dignified life - as we all - but not at the expense of the disadvantaged. What is an elder who earn a minimum of survival will make 2 checks for 40 euros? What services will get access to this value? I hope they find a dentist who agreed to be sympathetic with the check and give them the value of money to buy food. But with the mentality of the class probably will only do so if only returning 70%, after all, have to pay the vacation home, luxury car and other essential expenses;
- Dental Association wants the same for the dental health of the Portuguese we have for the health of the body. Let the Portuguese choose, to inform young people of the courses where there is no way to employment, but does not prevent them from studying;
- My Portuguese friends. Now go to the dentist is necessary to obtain a bank loan! Yet with so many doctors, as the president of the Dental Association, the prices and the policy of treatment used by dentists are quite unrealistic for purchasing power, as the middle class disappeared. Only the rich, politicians, parliamentarians, judges, footballers, the ministers have a chance to consult a private doctor, with prices of consultations in force! Each physician that way, once the subconscious is the idea of getting rich in the following month;
- The question is simple: more than half of dentists preferred to have followed medicine ... but there are no vacancies! We got to the ridiculous oversubscribed dentists and lack of doctors in almost all specialties. It's a shame this country;
- Since when does the professional denying access to a profession duly recognized by the Republic? Here are ideas manifestly unconstitutional, such as in other areas, and no one protests;
- The president of the Dental Association, the fact that there is a Constitution and a right of access to the profession. The Dental Association, neither this nor the other, has the power to foreclose.

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