Tuesday 7 July 2009

212. Parents know that dental loss drugs can cause

Research shows that most of those responsible does not make oral hygiene in their children after the use of drugs and can not establish a clear relation of cause and effect exists in this association. Many liquid pediatric medicines have sugar in its composition in order to mask the unpleasant taste of some active ingredients. The pleasant taste, however, just hiding the damage that these drugs can cause to the oral health of children, as their frequent intake can cause cavities.
Taking into account that parents act as responsible for the administration and care related to the use of children's medicines, Beatriz Neves team and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro determined to assess the perceptions and attitudes of leaders on the cariogenic and erosive potential of liquid medications for children. Interviews were carried out on the association of drug use in children with dental caries and erosion, and the care with oral hygiene after ingestion. According to article published in the edition of September / October 2007 the journal Science & Public Health, "in general, those unaware of sugar added to many foods and drinks, including children's liquid medicines, and when recognized the existence of sugar, not identify the type used to sweeten the pediatric formulations, and even its concentration, facts that can induce behaviors that contribute to the development of caries disease."
According to the researchers, "despite the drugs responsible deem sweet and relate your use of the presence of caries and defects in tooth structure, most of these does not perform oral hygiene on their children after the use of these drugs and do not establish clearly the relationship of cause and effect exists in this association. " Thus, experts warn of the importance of health professionals advise those responsible for the presence of sugar and low pH of these formulations child, taking into account the need to manage them during meals and preferably before the child sleep, and should be followed for proper cleaning of the oral cavity.
"Whereas the disease is likely to caries prevention, the pediatricians are in ideal conditions and to alert parents and guardians to provide information and guidance on the risks of continued use of sugar products and the development of dental caries, when no adequate posterior oral hygiene, stress in the article.

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