Wednesday 17 June 2009

205. About a thousand children integrate hygiene program free

The Leandra and Matilde, for only three years old, sat up today, in Matosinhos, for the first time in the dentist chair to "kill the worms" that insisted on them toothlet go, despite the practice of oral hygiene to maintain said. "I have three bugs in the teeth, because as sweet, but very few," said the small Leandra when questioned about the reason for your visit to the dentist. Sitting next to friend Matilde, quietly watching the consultation of colleagues, while waiting his turn.
Leandra, which ensured clean their teeth in school and at home, with "the help of the mother" was one of five children who today inaugurated a program of monitoring health and oral hygiene, promoted by a private clinic in collaboration with the Board of Town of Matosinhos. The initiative involves a total of about a thousand children from kindergartens and schools of the first cycle, public and private, the town of Matosinhos.
And so was also the first time, Andrew, five years, went to the dentist to try to solve a problem we already knew existed. According to the mother, the doctor advised the family had gone to the dentist, having detected cavities in the teeth of the child - and it was confirmed today - but "the query by the box took a year." "In my heart there is no health dentist, had to go to Leça," said Soares Sónia. Given this difficulty, and decided to take the opportunity to join this initiative, which it considers "a miracle" to whom, as she has no economic means.
This program offers free knowledge of oral health and prevention of consultations up to 12 years of age. From Monday to Wednesday five children will be assisted by medical dental clinic in the City Park, located in Matosinhos. Among other methods of evaluation will be assessed the risk of caries, index and control of bacterial plaque, teachings of brushing and feeding, oral hygiene and fluoride application.
In statements to Lusa, the clinical director of that unit of health, José Maria Corte-Real, who explained that this initiative aims to act as a complement to the program that the Government will develop. The Ministry of Health provides a bet on the enlargement of the oral health program for children between six and 12 years, moving from the current 66 thousand to 80 thousand covered.
According to the Ministry of Health, about 50 percent of Portuguese children suffer from tooth decay. Is data that José Maria Corte-Real knows and feels concern, why decided to move forward the initiative that has no cost, in addition to transport, to the families. "If children are not lacking when summoned and if they meet the program assure that in the nine years, 95 percent of this group is free of cavities," he said.
Children will be divided into levels, depending on the seriousness of the situation. There the group Middle, High and Low risk and frequency of consultations depends on the group to which they belong. José Maria Corte-Real pointed out, however, it is the prevention consultations. "All cases that require treatment are referred to their health centers to be included in the program determined that the State", he stressed.
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An example that should get all the municipalities in the country.

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