Wednesday 27 May 2009

195. Spain: Dentists free for children between 7 and 8 years in 2008; free vaccine against cervical cancer

Children aged between 7 and 8 years living in Spain they will have free dental consultation from 2008, under a program negotiated by the central government and autonomous communities. The plan was already approved by the Inter-territorial Health which also approved the inclusion of the vaccine against human papillomavirus to prevent cervical cancer in the schedule of vaccines for free.
Bernat Soria, Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, explained to journalists in 2012 that free access to the dentist will be progressively extended to all children up to 15 years. The health plan includes dental dentists in periodic reviews, instructions on diet and health of the mouth, topical fluoride application, evaluation of caries and plasters, among other things.
Regarding vaccine for cancer of the uterus, it is up to each region independently determine the age at which will be given to decide when and starts the program, which will be universal by 2010.
The costs of the initiatives will be divided in equal parts by the general budgets of state and each of the autonomous communities.
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It is also expected to Portugal initiative also has a foal January 2008, we await the presentation of the State General Budget. This time the expectations are great and it is expected that the government finally takes the initiative, after all, Portugal and Spain are EU countries.

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