Sunday 23 November 2008

154) On the other side of the border

In 2006, PADIEx included 30,000 children aged 6, 7 and 8 years of age, of whom about 55% attended the dentist, a percentage that other communities, pioneers in this type of plan, it took five years to achieve.
In this regard, the Government has extremeño nuanced that this year, during the month of January, all children covered by the plan, born between 1998 and 2001, they were sent to his home for the heel of dental care and directory of dentists covered by the plan. In this way, parents of the child to be seen and can receive the appropriate assessment and treatment required by one of the 173 points located in the assistive region.
Specifically, each year join the plan that meet the children 6 years and remain there until Dec. 31 of that year met 15 years. Since the health centers and referral services for the monitoring of pregnancy, preventive activities are also conducted on pregnant women, and this activity, in recent introduction, has allowed that during the past year, were treated in these consultations around 3000 pregnant women. Also, activities of health education and prevention that benefit the oral health of the pregnant and are in the their unborn son.
In addition, the Plan of Dental Care of the Disabled has handled to date more than 10,000 consultations and has conducted more than 21,000 therapeutic procedures. According to the Board, have been intercepted under general anesthesia about 500 people who have not been met so conventional units Oral Health.
* * *
Here is an example of the work done in the field of oral health in the Community of Extremadura (Spain). Clearly it is expected that the Portuguese authorities are also aware of the extreme urgency in the need of making the same kind of programs for oral health to the entire population, after all, like Spain, also are part of the European Union (or, saying in other words, it is not for lack of resources that do not deploy in Portugal these programs, oral health).

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