Thursday, 25 November 2010

403. Judgments of the Supreme Court

The Portal vLex allows consulting the various judgments of the Supreme Court Portuguese. Thus, if the player expresses strict necessity, can perform the activation of an account in vLex without any commitment for 3 days and consult various documents, including judgments within the dental profession.

Friday, 19 November 2010

402. Half of the Portuguese can not afford dentist

We estimate that about 50 percent of its population is unable to pay even a dental consultation in private. While there are no dentists in health centers or systems of licensing, people will be excluded from oral health, told a news agency Lusa the president of the College of Dentists, Orlando Monteiro da Silva.
The Dental Association has fought so that there are dentists in health centers and hospitals or portuguese in order to create systems with the private agreement. Orlando Monteiro da Silva cited a study by University of Liverpool, where Portugal is with 'the blackest scenario in Europe in oral health care. And it is largely the absence of tender by the National Health Service (Serviço Nacional de Saúde in Portuguese language) at the level of dentistry is also creating a surplus of these professionals in the country and the Order regrets the lack of manpower planning.
If the Portuguese population to have passed all access to oral health care, the dentists likely did not arrive, estimated Orlando Monteiro da Silva. But as this is not true, the Portuguese dentists are seeking other countries: We are exporting human resources for deficit countries such as England and the Netherlands, the Nordic countries because the profession is no longer attractive. Portugal and Poland are the countries that most contribute to oral health services NHS English, for example.
Estimates of the Order indicate that within three years, in 2010, a dentist for every 1,180 people in Portugal. By comparison, Spain has a professional for every 2,667 persons, one each for the Netherlands and the UK 2,118 people a per 2105 people. Projections of the number of dentists for the next years show a lack of control over-training of graduates. The result will inevitably increase unemployment and underemployment in the class, referred to the Dental Association.
In Portugal, only the autonomous regions have oral health systems to serve users of the SNS. In the Azores there are 19 dentists in the public health regional and Order provides that, in some years, the Azores are the best indicators of oral health. In the Autonomous Region of Madeira, there is an agreement between the regional health service and private, in the public system to partially reimburse the cost of users who use private dentists.
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How long will we continue to portuguese pay tens of thousands of dollars in taxes to pay for the training of every dentist and then later those same dentists can not perform dental care to people who really need?
Awaiting response to this situation at least absurd and ridiculous for a member country of the European Union, the Ministry of Health has the kindness to give proper reply to the email on this blog.

401. Presented logo application to Iberian World

The logo of the organization of the Iberian Jobs World 2018/2022 was presented this Thursday at a press conference at the headquarters of the Portuguese Football Federation. The ceremony was attended by Gilberto Madail, president of the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF), Angel Maria Villar, president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) and Eugénio Chorão, Managing Director of Euro RSCG Design & Architecture, a company that devised the image.
We tried to create a modern, contemporary and appealing to do a merger between the two countries - through their flags - through their passion for football unites them, said Eugene Whiner.
Madaíl already pointed out that this logo conveys desire to win two countries, two countries are intertwined, not only in football but also for its history, stressing that this was the symbol that more power could give this application.
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An example of the grotesque and perverse model of sustainable development that we want for the country. Since the overwhelming majority of the vital needs of access to health care, the ruling class does not look at ways to squander our resources on parties and events beyond the reach of the quiet citizen pays taxes and who will never get into a football stadium.
Seeing these megalomaniac projects we are facing an outrage and a disgrace to the suffering of those who need and can not have access to health care.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

400. Inauguration of new government

Takes office today the second constitutional government of José Sócrates. The Minister Ana Jorge returns again to be sworn in office as Minister of Health.
The Oral Health welcomes the appointment of Ana Jorge to the position of Minister for Health and hopes that the new ministerial team to recognize the oral health of its population as a drama of urgent public health dealt with urgently.
Together with several industry associations and taking into account the pressing needs of the population in terms of oral health, we expect a greater openness to the dialogue in the search for consensus among all stakeholders, based on a new philosophy that is firstly to ensure access for all the Portuguese population to oral health care, banning discrimination definitely existing, giving a guarantee of perfect equality in access to oral health care.
Much remains to be done, starting necessarily for evaluating and reformulating existing oral health programs, which were unduly targeted excessively in terms of target audience, usually very limited in the treatments carried out and are essentially directed to the private sector. Recovery teams of school health is an aspect of great relevance, because it is within the schools that we should start a real battle for primary health care in terms of oral health.
In a developed country, is vital to ensure equity between public and private sectors, the state must invest in the area of oral health in such a way as to ensure an equal competition with the private sector of oral medicine, competing only for the citizens a choice between supply of Service National Health (S.N.S. in portuguese) and private. Is urgent to provide all health centers in the country with the prevalence of oral health, as they may initially entail higher financial costs but will have immediate positive impact on the health of its population, and a subsequent huge financial return for the state of the medium term.
Priority measure is the creation of Oral Health Newsletter for the entire population, including making it compulsory element immediately to children and young people in primary education and secondary education, as incredible as it seems no one understands that the most backward countries that our are already far more advanced in the area of child and adolescent oral health.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

399. Post devotes the younger about the importance of oral health

Good oral health of our teeth and is a major essential conditions to have good health throughout our lives. Unfortunately, many opportunistic diseases are emerging without us realizing it and then later will bring very serious health problems.
Having all your teeth healthy and clean is always a mouth so that not arise after other diseases. Therefore, it is often very important to note the status of all your teeth, if you notice any stains or any other problem with a tooth, immediately inform your parents and your family doctor.
Whatever problem you have with any tooth must be treated immediately, because the teeth are part of our body and also need to be careful because they will live with us throughout our life.
Have you ever felt any pain? Well, if one day you lose a tooth, you can start having a pain that will be permanent and will last for the rest of your life. There will be a physical pain as normal, but a psychological pain, very difficult to cure or even without any treatment; lose a tooth for the rest of life can have disastrous consequences for us and that will never be repaired.
Who has lost a tooth is constantly asking yourself what the reason was because of losing a tooth; in addition, the lack of a tooth in our mouth can soon bring other very serious health problems, many of them not visible such as spending.
In Portugal also, to give the necessary importance to oral health care. The Ministry of Health have almost no interest in the subject because it invents the false excuse that it is very expensive to put dentists in health centers to treat people. The Ministry of Education is sloppy and does screenings in schools to all children and young people to identify those in need of treatment of teeth. The dentists need someone to pay the costs that have to do with the treatments they need to do to all people. And not just view your friends with the right to all who need treatment and you being barred from the same treatments you have.
So, as in many other things of our everyday life, we must ourselves to fighting for what we need. You gotta be yourself to be brave and demand from all (parents, school, family doctor) that address any problem you find in your teeth, you alone you got the problem and only you is that you suffer with the problem. So do not be complicit with never any problem with your teeth and looking for help that you can handle - will not be easy but never give up and do not stop fighting for what is your right: access to oral health care. When you're an adult you will be rewarded by better health and you'll be much happier.
And never miss the daily wash your teeth and use dental floss daily too, will be rewarded by better health and live many more years.
Article No. 3 - 2. States Parties undertake to ensure the child such protection and care necessary for their well-being.
Article No. 24 - 1. States Parties shall recognize for every child to enjoy the best possible health status and receive medical services and rehabilitation, 2. b) ensure that medical care and necessary health care to all children, emphasizing the development of primary health care; States Parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of the right of access to such health services.
(Signed by Portugal on 26 January 1990 and approved for ratification by the Parliament Resolution No. 20/90 of 12 September.)
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Pass along this message to the young; since it's so unfortunate disdain expressed by official institutions, including the ministries of Education and Health to assume its responsibilities for overall oral health of children and youth in the country, we will inform them of this situation to which they gain awareness of the enormous atrocities currently in Portugal on equal access to health care, including access to care and treatment of oral health in childhood and adolescence.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

398. Oral Health in Portugal and the world

In Portugal there are economic resources, human and material to provide a comprehensive response to the needs of oral health care of the entire population, lack only the political will to make the Ministry of Health to assume its responsibilities and incorporate oral health in all centers health and public hospitals in the country, in perfect equality with the private sector, giving the same opportunities for access to oral health care to all persons without discrimination of age, social or economic opportunities.
Over the past few years, the Oral Health has done an analysis of oral health policy followed in Portugal. Most readers of Oral Health are from Portugal and Brazil, but we also have many readers of Spanish-speaking countries and French.
To exchange experiences, ask the readers of Oral Health resident outside Portugal to write and tell how it handles oral health care in your countries. The Oral Health has every interest in disclosing the reality of oral health policies in the various countries of the world and compare with what is done in Portugal.
Join in and write, using the email ; can monitor the activity of oral health in social networks, reading and subscribing to Friendfeed, Twitter and Facebook or activate the Feedburner RSS on your computer to keep track of updates to Oral Health.
Participation by all is essential so that we can alert and aware public opinion and political leaders for the Portuguese need to envisage the oral health care as fundamental to the overall health of the entire population.

397. Half of the Portuguese can not afford dentist

About half of its population is unable to pay a visit to the dentist, which is detrimental to oral health and is leading dentists to seek other countries to practice. We estimate that about 50 percent of its population is unable to pay even a dental consultation in private. While there are no dentists in health centers or systems of licensing, people will be excluded from oral health, he told a news agency Lusa the president of the College of Dentists, Orlando Monteiro da Silva. The Order has fought so that there are dentists in health centers and hospitals or Portuguese in order to create systems with the private agreement.
Orlando Monteiro da Silva cited a study by University of Liverpool, where Portugal is the darkest scene in Europe in the oral health care. And it is largely the absence of tender by the National Health Service (SNS) at the level of dentistry is also creating a surplus of these professionals in the country and the Order regrets the lack of manpower planning.
If the Portuguese population to have passed all access to oral health care, the dentists likely did not arrive, estimated Orlando Monteiro da Silva. But as this is not true, the Portuguese dentists are seeking other countries: We are exporting human resources for deficit countries such as England and the Netherlands, the Nordic countries because the profession is no longer attractive. Portugal and Poland are the countries that most contribute to oral health services NHS English, for example.
Estimates of the Order indicate that within three years, in 2010, a dentist for every 1,180 residents in Portugal. By comparison, Spain has a professional for every 2,667 residents, the Netherlands will have a professional per 2,118 residents and the United Kingdom have a professional per 2,105 residents.
Projections of the number of dentists for the next years show a lack of control over-training of graduates. The result will inevitably increase unemployment and underemployment in the class, refer to the Order.
In Portugal, only the autonomous regions have oral health systems to serve users of the SNS. In the Azores there are 19 dentists in the public health regional and Order provides that, in some years, the Azores are the best indicators of oral health. In the autonomous region of Madeira is an agreement between the regional health service and private, in the public system to partially reimburse the cost of users who use private dentists.
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It is good that the future Minister of Health start by cleaning the house. Over the past four years have witnessed the birth and death of oral health programs, continuing always the same problem: all pay taxes to train dentists who are not placed after the service of those in need.
This aberrant situation can not continue to persist in a civilized country and must be condemned at all levels; oral health can no longer be treated by governments and industry organizations as a business.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

396. Dentists use overpriced schemes for Social Security

Most dentists with contracts with ADSE (the social security system for civil servants) resort to illegal stratagems to offset the obscene amounts paid to them for their services. The complaint is Jorge Crespo, dentist in Vila Real, which has its case in court and ensures that 90% of them resort to what the class is called compensation.
The president of the College of Dental Association (OMD), Orlando Monteiro da Silva, confirmed to JN, aware of some cases and can only, however, refer to the competent bodies of those they receive through official channels. And it ensures that the direction of ADSE know what happens, but only works in situations visible, as it has acknowledged in meetings with the OMD.
Regretting that there is lawlessness, Orlando Monteiro blames herself ADSE. Present us with moral payout tables, which are not updated since 1991, says, pointing to the example of the value agreed that dentists receive for a query: 4.99 euros paid by ADSE and 2.49 euros paid by the consumer, that when , according to a study by Catholic University, the average cost of a consultation without treatment is 34.50 euros. It's ridiculous, do not even pay for the materials, classifies the president of the OMD, stressing the fact that he questioned the quality, both in terms of materials used, whether the time spent. This enhances the illegalities.
The OMD have tried to renegotiate the values of the tables and offered up his disposal, in exchange for a free system of reimbursement in which the patient would pay all the doctor and dentist would then be reimbursed by ADSE. Besides enabling the choice of doctor would allow a control treatment that is done, the patient would pay only what it is actually done. We have received no response, even says the president of OMD.
The JN also failed, despite 15 days of trial, any comment from the Director General of ADSE. It would be unpopular with the conventions end before the civil service, because it would force people to advance the cash, it threatens to analyze the president of the OMD, ensuring that the situation extends to other branches of medicine.
Asked why dentists are conventions that maintain them are harmful, Orlando Monteiro points the finger to the saturation of the labor market. We have almost five thousand dentists in Portugal and seven colleges. It is an excessive number for the country. Equivalent to a dentist to less than 2500 people in a country that dentistry is entirely private and which, as such, 40% of the population has no access. The vast majority of staff are under 35 years, have been formed since 1995 and working in shared offices, 41% of salaried workers.
Already there are many situations that unemployment and underemployment, said the president of the OMD, is preferable to work to lose money. Without career in the National Health Service (SNS), who has agreed to work for conventions, that the price trough, complete Jorge Crespo.
And if no open positions ADSE conventions for over ten years (which means that many dentists working for the ADSE chips with other professionals, illegally), another source of employment is found in insurance contracts with oral health. Then advance the OMD, there is one of the acts that are done for free. It is accepted because they are always having customers who will and can bring other ...
The OMD also shows the effect on competition result to the scales of ADSE, an issue that has, besides putting in the European courts.
Orlando Monteiro summarizes the features as marshy. And he believes that the streamlining would be resolved with training and with the opening of the National Health Service dentistry. Whether in 143 fixed or mobile clinics that exist in the SNS or by conventions.
Concerns that hopes to give his account once again to the Ministry of Health during its annual conference that starts today in Europarque. Where to enjoy the presence of President of Regulatory Authority of Health.
Jorge Crespo's dentist in Vila Real and had a contract with ADSE to be target of a lawsuit, which claims to be innocent. He accuses former colleagues to use chips from the convention on his behalf. Disgusted, decided to tell how he compensates for the low value of the payment agreements (which represent an average of 50% of patients each dentist). Invoice to tooth extractions for children who have lost them, treatments that never existed or have been charged by another colleague, for example. A system facilitated by the bureaucracy, forcing filling out a form in triplicate, sends the patient away without giving him his part, avoiding the scrutiny of who was treated. Then he continues, the user, will be charged an amount for the rental of space, past the part on a statement on behalf of the clinic and not the practitioner. Jorge Crespo ensures that 90% of dentists rely on these payments. And that does not inspect ADSE.
November 18, 2004