Most dentists with contracts with ADSE (the social security system for civil servants) resort to illegal stratagems to offset the obscene amounts paid to them for their services. The complaint is Jorge Crespo, dentist in Vila Real, which has its case in court and ensures that 90% of them resort to what the class is called compensation.
The president of the College of Dental Association (OMD), Orlando Monteiro da Silva, confirmed to JN, aware of some cases and can only, however, refer to the competent bodies of those they receive through official channels. And it ensures that the direction of ADSE know what happens, but only works in situations visible, as it has acknowledged in meetings with the OMD.
Regretting that there is lawlessness, Orlando Monteiro blames herself ADSE. Present us with moral payout tables, which are not updated since 1991, says, pointing to the example of the value agreed that dentists receive for a query: 4.99 euros paid by ADSE and 2.49 euros paid by the consumer, that when , according to a study by Catholic University, the average cost of a consultation without treatment is 34.50 euros. It's ridiculous, do not even pay for the materials, classifies the president of the OMD, stressing the fact that he questioned the quality, both in terms of materials used, whether the time spent. This enhances the illegalities.
The OMD have tried to renegotiate the values of the tables and offered up his disposal, in exchange for a free system of reimbursement in which the patient would pay all the doctor and dentist would then be reimbursed by ADSE. Besides enabling the choice of doctor would allow a control treatment that is done, the patient would pay only what it is actually done. We have received no response, even says the president of OMD.
The JN also failed, despite 15 days of trial, any comment from the Director General of ADSE. It would be unpopular with the conventions end before the civil service, because it would force people to advance the cash, it threatens to analyze the president of the OMD, ensuring that the situation extends to other branches of medicine.
Asked why dentists are conventions that maintain them are harmful, Orlando Monteiro points the finger to the saturation of the labor market. We have almost five thousand dentists in Portugal and seven colleges. It is an excessive number for the country. Equivalent to a dentist to less than 2500 people in a country that dentistry is entirely private and which, as such, 40% of the population has no access. The vast majority of staff are under 35 years, have been formed since 1995 and working in shared offices, 41% of salaried workers.
Already there are many situations that unemployment and underemployment, said the president of the OMD, is preferable to work to lose money. Without career in the National Health Service (SNS), who has agreed to work for conventions, that the price trough, complete Jorge Crespo.
And if no open positions ADSE conventions for over ten years (which means that many dentists working for the ADSE chips with other professionals, illegally), another source of employment is found in insurance contracts with oral health. Then advance the OMD, there is one of the acts that are done for free. It is accepted because they are always having customers who will and can bring other ...
The OMD also shows the effect on competition result to the scales of ADSE, an issue that has, besides putting in the European courts.
Orlando Monteiro summarizes the features as marshy. And he believes that the streamlining would be resolved with training and with the opening of the National Health Service dentistry. Whether in 143 fixed or mobile clinics that exist in the SNS or by conventions.
Concerns that hopes to give his account once again to the Ministry of Health during its annual conference that starts today in Europarque. Where to enjoy the presence of President of Regulatory Authority of Health.
Jorge Crespo's dentist in Vila Real and had a contract with ADSE to be target of a lawsuit, which claims to be innocent. He accuses former colleagues to use chips from the convention on his behalf. Disgusted, decided to tell how he compensates for the low value of the payment agreements (which represent an average of 50% of patients each dentist). Invoice to tooth extractions for children who have lost them, treatments that never existed or have been charged by another colleague, for example. A system facilitated by the bureaucracy, forcing filling out a form in triplicate, sends the patient away without giving him his part, avoiding the scrutiny of who was treated. Then he continues, the user, will be charged an amount for the rental of space, past the part on a statement on behalf of the clinic and not the practitioner. Jorge Crespo ensures that 90% of dentists rely on these payments. And that does not inspect ADSE.
November 18, 2004