Smile is pretty fundamental. And this is the indisputable necessity of taking care of their teeth in all directions. You already know that for sure and was warned many times by parents or guardians of the obligation to brush their teeth or the importance of consuming sweets in moderation. In the case of those who use devices for correction of the teeth is nothing different. In contrast, requires extra care and restricts the consumption of certain foods. Nevertheless, using orthodontic appliances is something that has become more common every day, and all they need this resource should be smarter to achieve satisfactory results.
Amanda Cunha, Bruna Laízza, Jacqueline Costa, Sergio Pacheco and Natalia Sabino, 13 years old, are students of the Municipal School teacher Leôncio do Carmo Keys, in the Plateau district, and comprise the vast list of users of orthodontic appliances.
They described the use as a sacrifice that is worth. In the case of this class, everyone apparatus by real issues of need. They state that are aware of the importance of following the treatment properly to benefit their health in general. However, ensure that only make it for aesthetics. If it were only for health, they will not face any restrictions. Who uses these fixed appliances can not eat apple biting, can not use chewing gum should not eat popcorn and can only face soup and vitamins when it is tight. This not to mention the pain, explained the class.
Sergio, is already in treatment for 4 years. In that period has come to use two different types of devices and states that have suffered enough, although it is well used to. Face the moments of pain with painkillers and with the expectation of a beautiful smile and healthy here for some time. The swollen face, the funny way of speaking, the food they avoid and even the pain will be offset in the future, when the teeth with the way they always imagined, guaranteed.
All young people forget the negative points in the use of equipment, when the subject is the crush. Not uncomfortable kiss. That's invention of those who do not have to do, said Natalia. And furthermore, to ensure that class, that the teeth are all in the right place and beautiful smile, is worth any sacrifice.
Caio Rodrigues, 12 years, uses equipment from the 7. He said that she has used 4 different types: a sky in the mouth that prevented from continuing the bad habit of sucking their fingers. The mobile, it's time withdrawing meals. The AEB (anchoring extra-oral), which is with most exposed around the face and is that children and adolescents more hate. And finally, the fixed, which is the most used. The boy ensures that never gave the ball to bad comments made by colleagues at school and always followed the treatment to the letter. Caio, who is already drawn around the unit, said that he feels very satisfied with the results already achieved. He is sure that the future will take pride of the teeth healthy and beautiful. The hint that he has left to all readers is that any prejudice to be won when what is at stake is health.
Sergio Sabino, Jacqueline Costa, Bruna Laízza, Natalia Pacheco and Amanda Cunha face all the restrictions related to the use of appliances in the name of aesthetics.
The dentist Mary Camin Menezes has 31 years of occupation and 26 of them were dedicated to orthodontics. He left recently to work, while he was active, she always sought to treat patients more fully integrating the monitoring of otolaryngologists and speech therapists for a perfect result. According to her, the indications of use of equipment involving a number of factors that must be examined individually. Most important, however, is the notion of damage that can be prevented or corrected through treatment. "The correct use of equipment or prevent problems in the development, column in the respiratory and digestive tract," summarized.
She points to a very common phenomenon today: there are many children and adolescents who wish to use the equipment for reasons of fashion. Camin explained that the advances in techniques and materials, the colors of rubber and other items are considered elements of the visual composition for many. On the one hand this is positive because it reduces the number of children or adolescents who need to use and do not want. However the most important thing is that everyone knows that health is essential. Treatment can start from 6 years and, as before the problem is diagnosed, the greater the chances of 100% of correction. "Early diagnosis can ensure treatments shorter, less painful and cheaper," he explained. Currently, all professionals in the area mouth, from different specialties, are prepared to understand the problem and direct the patient to an orthodontist. So visit the dentist regularly is a habit necessary for the health of all.