Sunday, 27 July 2008

106) For students EGB: continued implementation of dental health program in the city of Columbus

This is "A healthy mouth", which is implemented since 2000. It is intended solely for students of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 eighth grade of the EGB. Students attending the dentist of their choice and, if you do not have drawbacks, is given a certificate of good oral; otherwise, must receive dental treatment until discharge.
The Directorate of Health of the City of Columbus, in Argentina, through the Service Centre of Preventive Dentistry Mother and Child, and in conjunction with the Circle Dental of that city of Buenos Aires, reported on continuing the program certificates oral "A healthy mouth" , Implemented since 2000 in all schools in the match. This programme will apply only to students of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 eighth grade of the EGB.
Like the previous year, the student contribute to the dentist of their choice-private or hospital-who find the mouth in terms of good oral health will award a record of good oral, to be changed in the Preventive Mother and Child Center ( CPMI) by an official certificate, entitled to seal hospital.
Otherwise, the student must receive dental treatment until discharge, given by the professional acting. All formalities and consultations will be attended in the CPMI located in street-51 between 12 and 13 of that city, hours of service are Monday through Friday from 7 to 12, and the date of commencement of the programme is 12 February 2007.
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Um example of oral health policy for children and juveniles who are already face na Argentina. But one time or warning or Ministry of Education and of Health to extreme and urgent need to implement such measures in Portugal, so to abranger entire school population in the country, without discrimination children or adolescents access to oral health care.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

105) The floss: vital factor in overall health

The routine visits to the dentist finish usually in the same thing: the advice of or hygienist regarding who should use more effectively the floss. In most cases is still recovering from one hour in which we have reviewed, and thoroughly cleaned their teeth, so you may not have courage to ask what the proper technique in this regard.
Proper use of dental floss remains a mystery to many. Whatever you think is doing well, there's always opportunity to perfection. According to much of dentists, no matter the strength or the frequency of washing your teeth, because this is not equivalent to oral health.
The use of dental floss is the factor completion of the task. According to website if replacing the brush by a proper use of dental floss, achieve better oral health brushing only three, four or ten times a day. Of course, this is not an invitation to renounce the brushing.
The floss contributes to the cleanup in areas where the brush does not arrive, or between the teeth and under the gums. This process helps remove the plaque, a sticky substance that accumulates on teeth and hardens with time. If no treatment is given, the accumulation of plaque can lead to gum disease and deterioration of the teeth.
Varieties of dental floss - There are now more varieties than ever before. There are tarpaulins, without wax, tape and even wire with a handle and support. There are certain threads made of materials of the space age to perfect your teeth slip by. Experiment with various types to determine what is most convenient.
Also threads with flavors abound. From mint to cinnamon, may also have access to a sensory experience during the process. If you have questions about techniques appropriate use floss, puts on his next visit dental cleaning. Some dentists charge an additional fee for a special demonstration, but most do so for free.
Using dental floss:
1. Choose your favorite variety of thread (more details below) and cut a piece of about 18 inches long. Wrap each end around the media fingers of both hands to form a rope.
2. Grasp firmly with your fingers taut thread indexes.
3. Forming a C, carefully slide the thread up and down in each tooth, and under the gumline.
4. Repeat the process on the other side of the tooth. Continue past the wire in a tooth-tooth on both sides-up to the last. You must use a portion of unused piece of thread selected for each tooth.
5. Probably need a new stretch of wire to clean teeth back, repeating the process from the start.
6. Rinse with antiseptic to remove any residue that the floss has loosened, and to treat your gums and breath.

104) Faro holds 1 st Symposium on Education and Health

Academicians of pedagogy held this Wednesday, the 1 st Symposium on education and health, whose theme was addressed "The role of Vocational School of Health." The event, which happened in the noble hall of FARO, was returned to the teachers and students of pedagogy. According to the coordinator of the course, teacher Suzy Mara Aidar, the greater goal of the event is to highlight the importance and necessity of the performance of health care professionals in school.
The first lecture was "The performance of the professional area of dental school" given by the surgeon-dentist Lourielson Cavalcante Silva. Then the nutritionists and Edineia Cleuza Firmino da Silva Pereira spoke on "The role of nutrition in the area vocational school." The closure of the symposium was made by Ernani Fores Junior psychologist who spoke on "The role of professional psychological area of the school."

Sunday, 20 July 2008

103) New Health Centre in S. João do Estoril

The extension of the Health Centre of cascais in São Joao do Estoril, is ready to receive furniture and staff to start the service to the population.
This unit has five floors, parking for cars and ambulances have vai and child health services, maternal health, family planning, oral health, nursing, vaccination, procurement of tests, X-rays and activities for physical rehabilitation and motor.
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I hope into operation quickly and not lose years waiting to be equipped, as was the case with other Health Centres.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

102) Oral Health Promotion in the Quinta da Bonjóia

The Foundation for Social Development of Porto (FDSP) and the Order of Dentists have signed a cooperation protocol which provides for joint operations to promote oral health. The first starts earlier this month in the Quinta da Bonjóia. In order to reach all the needy population of Porto, this partnership begins with a first phase cover children.
Orlando Monteiro da Silva, president of the Chamber of Dentists, who are moved to finalise the details of the campaign "John Dentex" which will cover 1.3 million children across the country. In Porto, the site chosen is the Quinta da Bonjóia, which will be distributed kits of oral hygiene. It will also mounted a dental practice with the equipment necessary for the conduct of surveys and, for the neediest children, provides two free consultations. To the Board of Porto lie ensure the movement of schools until this impromptu clinic at the headquarters of the FDSP.
Orlando Monteiro da Silva believes that the Quinta da Bonjóia can transform itself as soon as possible on the campus of professional dentistry with the conduct of scientific congresses, the promotion of professional training and the definition of a cultural programme of the responsibility of the Order. The officer also said that there are already several scientific societies interested in participating in this project including colleges with degree in Dental Medicine.
For the chairman of the Board of FDSP the biggest advantage of this partnership is to allow the issue of oral health reaches the municipal tenants, 20 percent of the population of the city. Matilde Alves believes that this important issue, neglected in many cases, reaching the quarters of the chamber to increase the degree of citizenship and to improve self-esteem of the residents. The idea is to transport them to the Quinta da Bonjóia and take advantage of the dental clinic here improvised.
The chairman of the Chamber of Dentists is confident that with this partnership can reach other needy public inserted into social programs of the Board of Porto competition and users of the program happy Oporto.
Ana Magalhães
O Primeiro de Janeiro

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

101) Dentists: candidates to maintain oral health contractually Order in the National Health Service (NHS)

Doctors dentists employed by public services is a challenge common to the two candidates for president of the Chamber of Dentists, although both reaffirm differences with regard to their programmes.
Orlando Monteiro da Silva, current chairman and candidate for a third term in elections of tomorrow for the three year period 2007/2009, said the agency Lusa that were initiated contacts with the structure that leads to reform of health centres for the Family Health Units (new structures of primary care) will follow this model.
"Upon the payment of a moderating rate of 15 euros, users of Family Health Units are likely to have access to oral health care within their geographical area," detailed the preseidente. For the rival candidate, Americo Afonso, former president of the Society of Dental Medicine and Dentistry, the provision of oral health care for users of the National Health Service (NHS) is also by the services of doctors dentists. "
The integration in the NHS is a model exhausted, "said Americo Afonso, who argued that dentistry should be seen" in an integrated manner "in all the medical specialties. Americo Afonso, who also was chairman of the board of the Hospital of S . Marcos in Braga, between 2002 and 2005, took his application for president is "a break" with the current direction, for which it has generated "some discontent."
Among the proposals of the candidate for president there are also strengthening the process of licensing and certification of clinics of doctors and dentists crediting training throughout life. These projects are also part of the programme of Orlando Monteiro da Silva, who rebate the criticism arguing that the current direction "almost entirely fulfilled its objectives" and that "few of which failed to comply was due to bureaucratic obstacles."

100) Reaching the age of first definitive teeth

It is already in the field of school health program developed by the Municipal Council of Maia. The first step was taken with the screening of oral hygiene and was to target the group Vertical Gonçalo Mendes da Maia. The initiative covered students from kindergarten to the fourth year of schooling, with special relevance to 2 years.
A team composed of finalists at the School of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences at the University Fernando Pessoa was in the field for three days to do the screening, a truck properly equipped (gender mobile clinic) and spend several details of awareness and education for theme. The children were being evaluated and explained, desmistificando is an area that still creates some fear the newest: the dentist.
Jose Frias Bulhosa, doctor of the university in question and coordinator of the operation, stressed the importance of intervention among students from 2 years: "In those ages come to be the first permanent molar. It is a very important tooth. At this stage already appear cavities in the teeth temporary and permanent. The interest is to make this assessment as early as possible, to facilitate treatment. Along responsible for the education account of the cases we found, children can be forwarded to the national programme for the promotion of oral health. "
With other groups emphasis was on teaching. 'Please how to brush their teeth and tools for oral hygiene. In many cases, young people take for the first time contact with the wire dental and the elixires. Shown, too, a number of films that encourage oral hygiene ", said Jose Frias Bulhosa.
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By its very important and because the authorities must assume their responsibilities and extend these initiatives throughout the national territory.

Sunday, 13 July 2008

99) Nearly 4 000 people are attending a house

Fortaleza (Brazil) - Dentists of the Family Health Program (PSF) are doing an epidemiological survey of oral health of the residents of Fortaleza. Almost four thousand people, between 18 and 74 years, will be examined at home. The research aims to improve the dental care in clinics, and reduce the distance between the patient and the practice of dentistry.
Paulo Vinicius, in two years, cried during the examination. Already Maury not stopped laughing when asked if the use of dental affecting the relationships it. From home to home attendants of the dentists and make FHP a survey on oral health of the residents of Fortaleza. They will be examined nearly four thousand people, more than 600 per region.
It makes much time as the owner of home Elizana Diógenes not vai the office of a dentist. After each visit, the delivery of a basic kit: with brush, cream and dental floss. In the coming year the work continues in schools and kindergartens. The research will be completed in March 2007.
And the lack of care with the teeth leads to serious infections, which can reach other organs like lungs, heart and even the brain. And the statistics are worrying: three years ago, a search of the IBGE and Ministry of Health showed that almost two million cearenses had never ido the dentist.
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The idea is great: meet the patients, making an initial diagnosis of oral health needs of the population.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

98) Congress of the Order of Dentists

The chairman of Dentists welcomed the success of the 15 th edition of the congress of the Order, which was held in the Vila da Feira. Orlando Monteiro da Silva highlighted the commitment of the guardianship, but warned that "lack democratize access to oral health."
The 5 500 doctors dentists who currently work in Portugal are, according to the head, "more than sufficient" to ensure the quality of the service: "It's one doctor for every two thousand Portuguese," stressed Orlando Monteiro da Silva in PRIMEIRO DE JANEIRO.
In a review of the congress that led to Europarque over 2300 professionals and students, the president has said it is pleased with the visit of the Minister of Health and with the announcement of an increase of 20 percent in the appropriation to the national budget for the oral health, the support of the umbrella campaign to promote oral hygiene among children and the possibility of the valence of dentistry be brought into units of family health. However, stressed that "not enough" and that "the lack of doctors contracting dentists in hospitals" and speed up the implementation of USF, to "democratize access the host in urgent situations," because "there is much to do to Portugal draw the tail of Europe "and dentists can" help ".
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This is Portugal? It is the question because wherever you address the problem of oral health in Portugal, only show ideas for the future and almost always without any link. Most of it not required; what is needed is to make different policy, not cooperative and that is indeed focused on the real needs of the population. And, for that matter, why only 5 500 dental practitioners in Portugal, when we are in the tail of Europe?

97) About the transfer of powers to local authorities

Cuiaba (Brazil) - The dental care of the municipal public health network of Cuiaba was recently visited by a team of the city of Campo Grande (MS) that operates in that sector and said if satisfied with the work done in the Capital, according to the advice of press. "We like much of what we have seen," said the coordinator of Oral Health of the municipality of Campo Grande, Gilmar Trevizan.
From January to October this year were 236,963 procedures performed in the 10 dental clinics maintained by the city of Cuiaba. Besides the simplest procedures, treatments are made of channel, gums, dental prostheses and treatment of children, with all resources of the municipality. The federal government sends a monthly budget of only $ 1 per head of population for dental treatment. With this feature can be made only to prevention (cleaning and fluoride application) and extraction.
But the city is far beyond the basic treatment. Since January this year, already made more than two thousand of treatments channel, six thousand treatment of gums and 1.6 thousand prostheses were implanted. In the same period, 15,160 people completed the dental treatment, with all procedures (channel, prostheses and surgeries) included. The simplest treatments, which in private enterprise do not leave for less than 350 real, lasting from five to ten sessions. The treatments with channel and prosthesis can reach 3 thousand reais in private clinics, with the same material used by the municipal clinics. And the end result has great influence in social life of the patient.
"When the person arrives at the clinic, she is timid, often puts his hand in the mouth to smile. She is intelligent, friendly, but that with damaged teeth have difficulty in getting jobs, finding girlfriend or boyfriend, so it a very low self-esteem, "reports the coordinator of Oral Health of the Municipal Secretary of Health and Master of Public Health, Sílvia Lídia Siqueira.
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Example of application of public money in safeguarding the health of the population. This is what is urgently put in place also in our country.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

96) Smile metal: Teens talk about what they consider good and bad in relation to the use of orthodontic appliances

Smile is pretty fundamental. And this is the indisputable necessity of taking care of their teeth in all directions. You already know that for sure and was warned many times by parents or guardians of the obligation to brush their teeth or the importance of consuming sweets in moderation. In the case of those who use devices for correction of the teeth is nothing different. In contrast, requires extra care and restricts the consumption of certain foods. Nevertheless, using orthodontic appliances is something that has become more common every day, and all they need this resource should be smarter to achieve satisfactory results.
Amanda Cunha, Bruna Laízza, Jacqueline Costa, Sergio Pacheco and Natalia Sabino, 13 years old, are students of the Municipal School teacher Leôncio do Carmo Keys, in the Plateau district, and comprise the vast list of users of orthodontic appliances.
They described the use as a sacrifice that is worth. In the case of this class, everyone apparatus by real issues of need. They state that are aware of the importance of following the treatment properly to benefit their health in general. However, ensure that only make it for aesthetics. If it were only for health, they will not face any restrictions. Who uses these fixed appliances can not eat apple biting, can not use chewing gum should not eat popcorn and can only face soup and vitamins when it is tight. This not to mention the pain, explained the class.
Sergio, is already in treatment for 4 years. In that period has come to use two different types of devices and states that have suffered enough, although it is well used to. Face the moments of pain with painkillers and with the expectation of a beautiful smile and healthy here for some time. The swollen face, the funny way of speaking, the food they avoid and even the pain will be offset in the future, when the teeth with the way they always imagined, guaranteed.
All young people forget the negative points in the use of equipment, when the subject is the crush. Not uncomfortable kiss. That's invention of those who do not have to do, said Natalia. And furthermore, to ensure that class, that the teeth are all in the right place and beautiful smile, is worth any sacrifice.
Caio Rodrigues, 12 years, uses equipment from the 7. He said that she has used 4 different types: a sky in the mouth that prevented from continuing the bad habit of sucking their fingers. The mobile, it's time withdrawing meals. The AEB (anchoring extra-oral), which is with most exposed around the face and is that children and adolescents more hate. And finally, the fixed, which is the most used. The boy ensures that never gave the ball to bad comments made by colleagues at school and always followed the treatment to the letter. Caio, who is already drawn around the unit, said that he feels very satisfied with the results already achieved. He is sure that the future will take pride of the teeth healthy and beautiful. The hint that he has left to all readers is that any prejudice to be won when what is at stake is health.
Sergio Sabino, Jacqueline Costa, Bruna Laízza, Natalia Pacheco and Amanda Cunha face all the restrictions related to the use of appliances in the name of aesthetics.
The dentist Mary Camin Menezes has 31 years of occupation and 26 of them were dedicated to orthodontics. He left recently to work, while he was active, she always sought to treat patients more fully integrating the monitoring of otolaryngologists and speech therapists for a perfect result. According to her, the indications of use of equipment involving a number of factors that must be examined individually. Most important, however, is the notion of damage that can be prevented or corrected through treatment. "The correct use of equipment or prevent problems in the development, column in the respiratory and digestive tract," summarized.
She points to a very common phenomenon today: there are many children and adolescents who wish to use the equipment for reasons of fashion. Camin explained that the advances in techniques and materials, the colors of rubber and other items are considered elements of the visual composition for many. On the one hand this is positive because it reduces the number of children or adolescents who need to use and do not want. However the most important thing is that everyone knows that health is essential. Treatment can start from 6 years and, as before the problem is diagnosed, the greater the chances of 100% of correction. "Early diagnosis can ensure treatments shorter, less painful and cheaper," he explained. Currently, all professionals in the area mouth, from different specialties, are prepared to understand the problem and direct the patient to an orthodontist. So visit the dentist regularly is a habit necessary for the health of all.

Monday, 7 July 2008

95) If parents do not worry about the dental health of children ...

Feira de Santana (BRAZIL) - Parents are responsible for much of the problems of oral health of children. This is what say experts in the area, which organized throughout the day today the Program for Prevention of Oral Health, the square of Kalilândia in Feira de Santana. For dentists, parents who do not value the brushing children also tend to create without concern for the problem. "It has to start early with children," says Joelma Santa Barbara, the secretary of Health Muncipal.
By the end of the year, the secretary of Health of the municipality is organizing a search with children of 12 to 15 years of municipal public schools. So far, 833 were surveyed. The goal is to know the prevalence of caries among students. The World Health Organization recommends that the ideal is that children from 0 to 6 years have a maximum of 3 cavities. The data in inciais Fair show that these numbers come from four or five teeth with caries.
In the event today, one of the goals is to improve the quality of teeth of boys and girls. The Program aims to achieve over a thousand free care, especially to children of public and private schools, with application of fluoride, tips on brushing, talks with students from phonoaudiology and dentists. "We show how easy it is to play and take care of oral health," says Suzana Fernandes, coordinator of the program.
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When we say that parents and teachers should teach the children to brush their teeth, to understand that it is a pressing need and should even be put into practice. We hope to see what is the contribution of public officials to actually get that message, not merely getting by mere suggestions.

Sunday, 6 July 2008

94) be sympathetic

The sympathetic character that marks the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) in the field of public health is demonstrated incidentally, with the existence of countless points of mobile dental in poor areas of Venezuela, which is part of the programme Neighborhood Adentro, with the participation of Cuban specialists.
At the same time, 31 thousand young people in this country studying medicine in 8 thousand of primary care centres which operate in those areas, where thousands of cuban doctors, along with other venezuelans, treat the population.
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Regardless of political factors, it is always good to know that there is solidarity among men of goodwill.

93) extermine up the list shameful and discriminatory for the marking of consultation in the service of the Dental Hospital of Angra

Azores: plan and budget of the region for 2007
Artur Lima, the CDS / PP, addressed especially the planned investments to health Azores. "We are not opposed to the millions being spent on health, provided they are well implemented, which do not accept is that patients without knowing hand."
Suggestions of investment in the sector, too, were presented by popular: "ends with the archaic, slow and painful reference system for the consultations of expertise for hospitals, from health centres; end up with between tricas health centres, for complementary tests for diagnosis; end to the suffering and humiliation of patients who go there are one two in the morning take time to have consultations in support of Health Centre of Angra; extermine is shameful list and discriminatory for the marking of consultation in the service of the Dental Hospital of Angra. "

Thursday, 3 July 2008

92) I call?

I call "The decline in the number of places" - The chairman of the Order of Dentists called for "reduction in the number of places for dentistry." Orlando Monteiro da Silva defended the "definition [urgent] clear rules, fair and feasible" for the licensing of opening clinics for dentistry.
Anything to prevent the increase of specialists in unemployment and prevent the false clinical exercise. And before you defend the improvement of conditions of the population excluded from access to dental argued that the class has to "continue to take up as a lobby, without fear of the word, a group of influence in favour of health."
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